/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico

Mechanical gaming keyboard edition.


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Has anyone here been to Brampton before?

You mean Bramptonistan

Why would anyone go there

was about to do a joke but then took hold of myself

More like Brapton

>spanish flag
>I'm from /cum/

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I heard that place pretty much shows that racist non-white people exist in Canada.

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>A Washington state man was arrested Sunday following a high speed chase on Interstate 5 in which the suspect's pet pit bull may have been driving the vehicle during part of the incident, authorities said.
>Authorities have not publicly identified the 51-year-old man who is from Lakewood but he is facing several charges, including DUI, reckless driving, hit-and-run and felony eluding, the Washington State Patrol said. It was not immediately clear where he was being held or if bond has been set in the case.

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People of colour cannot be racist sorry sweetie

Do you have a condition or something? I don't think I sweat that much there doing actual excercise

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im learning latin on duolingo

What are your opinions of Hamilton, Ontario?

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Never heard of it

tigercats are based

It deserves and NHL team

went downtown
everything is the same, no stores closed

it says I know 1.9k words in a course, but idk if it actually counts just one course cause I don't believe it

People living there are the friendliest people in Canada.


It's endless miles of suburban cookie cutter house and strip mall nightmare occupied by pajeets.

Stay home bro.

>smallpox is the deadliest disease ever, killing over 300 million people
this is white peopl's fault

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Malaria has killed way more

also i want bannerlord

I dislike pajeets. They have the nerve to give me dirty looks in my own country.


you dont need a gf you need nutrition bars

but Im learning italian

a white guy discovered the vaccine though

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Their academic integrity is questionable, as well.



Can you get coronavirus from mail?

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Including Rally Vincent?

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yes, send letters to your senators! urging them to *cough* stay cautious.

also it's theorized the spanish flu started in the US

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Why are you physically buying anime?

There's latin?

Thomas Jefferson's proposal for the Northwest Territory


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i'll bet you think corona started in the US too.

Just a character of Indian and British descent from Gunsmith Cats series.

I have that keyboldadfs ljoool I understood that references
uioh fug the wine is kiclkinmg in


Why are you buying anime instead of hentai?

yeah, there arent as many sections as most languages though. i took a few years back in high school so i am just refreshing my memory desu

In Kansas, to be exact.

Ugly borders but I agree with the idea

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Corona started in Antarctica.

How do Canadians store their ketchup

More like Brapton am I right?


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Mine is in the fridge

they squeeze it out of my penis

incorrect, why would think that?

I put it in the fridge

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As opposed to imaginary anime?
Punchline is hentai.

As opposed to digitally downloading, and maybe buying merchandise.

>Storing your ketchup in the fridge

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America would be better off if we could could kick the South out of the Union.

>Virginia shut down until JUNE 10
holy shit

>buying anime merchandise
Do leafs really?

What's wrong with the South?

better yet, nuke it

I don't. I just mean if you want something physical, you might as well go for something that's supposed to look cool.


fat, stupid, inbred, shart in marts, evangelicals, low HDI...

Worst HDI, crazy religious cultists, poverty, obesity, worst education, etc.

this but include every geographically southern state

It’s ok leaf, I accept you even though you’re a weeb

>80% of Covid-19 Patients in ICU are overweight