Why is Scandinavian architecture so depressing compared to continental Europe?

Why is Scandinavian architecture so depressing compared to continental Europe?

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Is it?

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Skandis are autistic

Who is more developed? Sweden or Norway?

It's Sweden. Always has been, always will be. Norwegians have a tradition of hill farming and fishing and then they struck oil. Swedes have a tradition of engineering, science and industry.

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looks like an irrelevant boring town in saitama

Why does Norway have a higher HDI?

I know we have lots of bleak minimalist stuff but the best parts are definitely comparable. Stockholm has one of the best preserved old towns in Europe

By what measure?

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We're more American than European culturally.
>highly individualistic
>culture focused on work
>suburbs and shopping malls over bustling city centre
>only drink when partying
>only consume American media/,music

Btw they can't even prospect for their own oil; Swedish companies are responsible for that. I love my Norwegian brethren, but at the end of the day they're lovable hicks.

HDI is dominated by GDP per capita. So it's the oil.

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>By what measure?

I think before WW2 euros continental cities were bigger and they just needed to gut and redo the interior where small scandinvians cities had to be developped from scrath with new modern buildings

stockholm is gorgeous. at least the center.

>>highly individualistic
>>culture focused on work
>>only drink when partying
These are protestant values. America is protestant thanks to Sweden preserving it in the great religious wars of Europe.
>>suburbs and shopping malls over bustling city centre
>>only consume American media/,music
It's the other way around. We produce American media and music.


lol one day you will woke up and realize whole scandinavia is collectivist hell from state, to social life

Oh, that's Sweden. Norwegian roads suck ass, their digital infrastructure sucks ass, and they barely even have trains. What they do have going for them is hydro. We have that too, but we have to use nuclear and import some as well.

>Oh, that's Sweden. Norwegian roads suck ass,
Really? What the fuck are they doing with that all that oil?

they sell it nerd

They're building ostentatious things like their fancy new opera house and things like that, mainly. The rest of it gets put into a huge fund that they have to dip into now because of Corona.


Why wont Norwegians take of this homeless Sweden man?


i think they got it right. the big windows and the open space, minimalism with classic colors functional yet not as boring. it very reminds me of japan for some reason

You posted the 18th century equivalent of commieblocks

The only thing I do like about Scandinavian architecture doesn't even have to do with their buildings and more the colors they choose to paint with, in much the same fashion as the Dutch since most of Stockholm seems to just be Utrecht 2 Swedish Boogaloo

Again, Oslo was more of an administrative centre than a capital until the late 19th century when the population suddenly exploded, drawing in every poorfag around, quickly making the city a chaotic mess.
Contrast that with Copenhagen and Stockholm which are old capitals of historically sovereign nations. Can't really fault Oslo for not living up to their standard.
That's not to say Oslo doesn't have its charming sides.
Why would you even need to ask? Norway is mountainous and has less people. Just connecting Bergen and Oslo by train was a major achievement back in the day.
It's in a fund and is basically untouchable for the time being.

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Sweden definitely is, not to shit on Norway like my countryman is doing ITT. I remember Albania had better roads in a report

>Contrast that with Copenhagen and Stockholm which are old capitals of historically sovereign nations. Can't really fault Oslo for not living up to their standard.
Parts of Oslo are definitely comfy.

I'm not shitting on Norway, I'm just telling the truth. They've always been pawns in the games that Sweden and Denmark have played. Just a fact of life.

Tapa ittes, neekeri apina.

No offense, but Oslo looks worse than a mid-tier northern Swedish city.

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I don't think a Scandinavian visiting America would be used to the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality that Americans have.

no offence but those looks like they've all been build in the last 20-30 years. I doubt they're around 100 years old.

I went to Spain last month. Their architecture was the best in Europe. Where does their passion for architecture come from ?

Yeah there isn't really anything particularly Scandinavian about OP's picture, it's just generic 70s to 2000s era architecture you'll find anywhere

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>They've always been pawns in the games that Sweden and Denmark have played
Since the Kalmar Union at the earliest. Norway had a very good thing going before that.
I thought I explained why this is.
Your country is also partly responsible for why Norway didn't urbanize earlier and buiilt towns like that, you know.

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commie block

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Alvar Aalto's body should be exhumed and desecrated just for what he did.

look terrible

Being hardcore Catholic helps I guess

Where did you go?

Alvar Aalto didn't invent commieblocks, and they exist in pretty much every country. It's always weird seeing Finns post that Hervanta picture, as if similar suburbs don't exist in countless European cities. Except maybe with less trees

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Sweden, as they have always had more people and arable land. But they are doing a very good job at removing their progress with their swedistan utopia

this doesn't look depressing to me

tell me more about those submarines
can they catch the underwater putin?

Dismantling one trash bin at a time

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Norway is on the same path unfortunately. At least 10.8% non-whites. :|

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>Polluting the view with soulless skyscrapers instead of highlighting the natural beauty

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Every single goddamn thread. Why are you so obsessed with us? We don't think about you at all.

Shame about Norrmalm

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Rate our depressing countryside

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it's the weather that's depressing not the buildings
and only fags live in architectured houses anyway
it's called state individualism, look it up

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It's the most relevant topic when it comes to Sweden, pretty hard to not mention it and i wish more of you guys would not think about us. So many Swedes are coming here and taking our jobs

for some reason around 60 years ago Sweden decided to demolish every decent-looking building and build a boring grey square on top of it. Thankfully some of the old architecture still survives


here's another depressing city

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Central Stockholm is mostly old architecture. Only parts were destroyed.

What's northern Sweden like?

Looks like Molchat Doma album art

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If it wasn't for trashy tourists and hate among locals towards all tourists awoken by them it may be the best city in the world.

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Big, cold, also dark. Very prosperous in parts. I grew up in the Arctic highlands, in the iron fields.

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Now that's actually depressing is the exception

scandi architecture is pretty souless desu, same with uk and netherlands

Beautiful. I'm so jealous.

God I fucking hate my country.

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