Literally no difference, why don't they just merge already?

Literally no difference, why don't they just merge already?

Attached: Spain-Portugal.jpg (400x320, 26.14K)

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The eternal *nglo allied with moortugal

Spain tried several times and got their asses beat.


Unless the other country is considerably better off economically, there's no incentive to give up your independence.

We tried that already. Didn't work.

No, Portuguese posters are cool and funny, while Spaniards are whiny faggots.

I've been told that Portuguese are even browner and more Moroccan-looking than average Spaniards.
I'm not sure if my Portuguese homies would be able to blend in.

Expected american flag, not surprised anyway.

Spaniard girls are cool, spaniard guys are shite, I'd like a union with spanish girls

Brazlians are Latinos and if you deny it you are a delusional fag my man

>I've been told that Portuguese are even browner and more Moroccan-looking than average Spaniards.

it's true, just like galicians are the spaniards with the highest amount of african dna

It would just end up with Spain babysitting the Portugese with the power of gibs

>tfw no Madrid-Lisboa AVE

Attached: lisboaamadritrem.jpg (640x443, 51.49K)

they don't speak the same language, imagine how confusing this would be

Go merge with argentina then.

but then you'd have to deal with their feminist bullshit

hablas español, juãn

Portugal is the size of some of the smallest states here, we are already essentially a large union of different countries.

I like portus but we are fine like this. They can take Galicia if they want though, for a couple towels.

That's because Portugal didn't want to build their part.

They wanted, they just were

why wont norway and sweden unite? they are literally the same?

If you look like a brown turd you'd be able to blend in in Spain and Argentina, pls accept me my non-white comrades

99% of them in real life would go to war if someone denied their latin-ness. it's only some uneducated faggot on here who seems to believe that portuguese isn't a latin derived language

Wrong, only 4% of people here identify themselves as "latino", a 10x lower rate than the lowest spic country.

If we unified I'd make it obligatory that everyone in this hypothetical new country spoke both Portuguese and Spanish. If we were educated to speak two languages from the start I bet we'd stop being so fucking bad with languages in general.

That's literally the same as speaking a dialect, nothing would change

>girls with giant asses
>shit music
>high homicide rate
>low iq

You seem Latino alright

>it's only some uneducated faggot on here who seems to believe that portuguese isn't a latin derived language
only a native portuguese speaker could believe something so dumb

Spoke with a galician girl the other day she was pretty neat, anyway it's not hard to speak portuguese or spanish when you already know one,


Let him dream, he's still young and naive

just catch a plane bro, there's plenty of flights

>only 4% of people here identify themselves as "latino"
Yes and probably 99% identifies as human

>it's not hard to speak portuguese or spanish when you already know one

can confirm thanks to studying portuguese while reading product labels

Attached: D3EowbKWkAEV02e.jpg (900x1200, 207.8K)

another example

Attached: DxsBsFcWoAAn--K.jpg (361x361, 33.7K)

this is /ibe/ now

I want to be inside Spain

they will, but under a common Evropa

I wish I was French

*coughs in your general direction*

It's not the same thing user

Come and leave your money here please. It's cheap now.

You can be French, you just need to marry me :>

*farts in your general direction*

Italian is also very easy when you already know spanish or portuguese, but if they speak too fast I can't catch anything

Portuguese are stoopid

But I'm not a faggot, I wanna marry a beurette thot


Why would spain want portugal?
Broken shit

oh yeah juan i challenge you for a match at wrestlemania, loser shaves his chest, yo wife didn't call me stoopid last nite

same happens to me with andalusian accents, some of them are unintelligible

From my experience
Galicians and castilians = white
Andalusians = brown

Attached: 9wpngkhsoa821.png (2606x1516, 436.38K)

Menuda aberración de mapa

Western Andalusian and uneducated= brown
Same but educated= pale
Northern Andalusians and central andalusians( Málaga, córdoba)= either they are brown as a sin or they look like snowniggers.

Eastern Andalusians= they look like castillians.

This is my experience, been living in this shithole all my life.

But they are, user.

Attached: EU-countries-1.png (2696x2617, 662.89K)

Andalusiya paiò

Maybe when they stop sucking british cock

Autonomous Communities
+ a FREE ZONE full of freedom and low taxes and libertarianism
+ the Spanish forest, a new national park that will work as a boundary from different legal territories (Autonomous Communities and the FREE ZONE) and will vertebrate a big forest in all the country and EAT a lot of CO2, allowing Spain to sell air rights to another countries in that market and make a lot of money

Attached: maafìal.jpg (2268x1570, 1.59M)

Ok I'm in, where do I have to sign

here is someone who is awake

but our pajeet prime minister is now sucking your government's cock

no surprise, his party is the portuguese equivalent of PSOE


>contributing to global emission rates

Attached: 5wyaf.jpg (640x470, 18.21K)

I translated:
"En la tarde del jueves 25 de marzo de 2004, González cayó asesinado en la entrada de un edificio al norte de Bogotá cuando le dispararon a quemarropa varios tiros en la cabeza. Su homicida era conocido con el alias de “El Perro” enviado por Don Diego." from Spanish to Polish with googl translate. Here is what I've got:
"Po południu w czwartek, 25 marca 2004 r. González został zamordowany przy wejściu do budynku na północ od Bogoty, gdy został postrzelony z bliskiej odległości kilkoma strzałami w głowę. Jego morderca był znany pod pseudonimem „El Perro” wysłanym przez Dona Diego."

Not a single fluke in gramma, just none. Perfectly correct and making sense. Does it mean that Polish and Spanish grammars are similar or is that just a fluke? Or mayby google translate got this good?

>Or mayby google translate got this good?

The third one.

I have studied russian, Slavic and romance languages have more in common than you might imagine but your tenses are a joke to a spaniard. Russian only has 3 tenses while spanish has 24 tenses + the indicative and subjunctive mode cases. The fucked up part of your language is the declinations.

If you want to be a part of our secret organization you can send an email to one of our associates at: [email protected]

Our aim is to make Spain a new superpower by via soft power and its centrality regarding America, Europe and Africa.

Our organization is not democratic, we operate like the Yakuza, but inside legal boundaries.

Good luck.

Attached: 2050pumpingnetwork.png (2268x1570, 668.94K)