Who is most Germanic?
Who is most Germanic?
We're moors in denial and the greeks are turks in denial, so probably the italians
Italy, with ancient austrian parts where some people speak German, there is no such thing in the other countries.
The northern half of Italy is literally Germanic rape-babies
Suebi and Visigoth blood got replaced by moor and arab blood, Greeks had nothing to do with German tribes, North Italians have Lombard blood
Italy. The Polentoni call themselves Lombards to this day lmao
How come that order?
t. selfhating mestizo obsessed with med cocks
south tyrol
we are the ones with most germanic influence, but we dislike germans the most as well
stfu crypto slav
Italy by far, you will never see someone like this in those other cunts
About time someone showed common sense.
us, unfortunately
We have bilingual cities with German and Italian as official languages in the far north.
But you're literally Germanic. Not Germans, Germanic.
>but we dislike germans the most as well
How come there's more in Greece than in Iberia? And what are those spots in Southern Italy?
Nah, you can still find some germanic rapebabies heres
More than a millenia of Germanic rule. Two millennia of Germanic dna floating around. Grab a book and such
I'm gonna go with Italy>Spain>Portugal>Greece
I'm from Northern Portugal and got 38% of German&French which is gigantic. All from a small area in Northern Germany.
At least here you do, even though it's not common.
meme, he doesn't even look german
No you can literally find it anywhere in the world in 2020
He's American
Blue eyed plus blond with Med face= German to them.
When was Greece ruled by Germanics, though? And shouldn't it be more diffused in Southern Italy if it's so old
Literally don't know anything about Greece after 0 AD. Maybe ask them. Yeah most of it is more recent, like in the last 1000 years. Mind that these map are just referential, you can't possibly have the DNA of everyone
celtic != germanic
>that blue spot in sicily
spainish always post the same guy if someone ask if there's blond ppl in their country lol
it's the most famous one you can think. We aren't exactly photographing blond people on the street, no?
Northern iberians have more celtic admixture
Northern Italians have more germanic admixture
Greece has more eastern admixture than the rest .
All of this places received mass german imigration in some point. I belive northern Italy is the most germanic.
Correct, followed by Northwestern Iberia. Then I don't really know.
The visigoths converted to Islam when we got cucked by the arabs just to protect their privileges. So most of the people that were descended from them were ethnically replaced in the reconquest. Germanic admixture is only present in northern Catalonia, northern portugal and galicia and the percentages are not really that high.
Do you prefer this one?
Damn Germanics go cucked hard though. Even though we have blonde hair and blue eyes sprinkled all over you rarely see an Iberian with a Germanoid face.
Where'd that blue shit in turkey come from, varangians?
he is not blond though, maybe dirty blond.
There are a few.
Based Guzmán
Blonde=/=germanic ancestry
There are basques that do have blond hair, I am not talking about the typical mixed basque but the ones that remained pure, and they sure have no germanic blood in their veins.
That's true.
Only watched the show because the gf did.
I guess you cannot understand how cringy the dialogue is as a foreigner.
Pure basques have black hair
Yep, dark haired people is obviously more common but that doesn't mean that it's difficult to think of blond Spaniards
I cringe when I watch Italian teen dramas so there's that
It's not only the teen drama thing, la casa de papel also has horrible dialogue.
Most "serious" spanish series have it, I don't know how to describe it.
don't post the traitor eww
The Goths sacked this area during the early Middle Ages/later Ancient Times. They (unironically) stole Roman ships (stationed in Romania and Crimea) and lived as pirates in the black sea, the madlads that they were.
Tbh I'm blond and blue eyed and when I reached int I was kinda shocked how the internet says
"BuT nOt a ReAL PoRtUgUesE" and "you have German/Northern blood not Portuguese".
It's like Germanics want to claim blue eyes, pale skin and blond hair as their own online. I blame Americans for this too.
Goths were absolute retards here in Iberia. Suevi and Buri were all right, Vikings too.
Blond hair, blue eyes and tall is the original European phenotype. Germans fought a war to protect this phenotype and cultivate it throughout Europe, that is the reason, why this is being associated with us.
se fue gratis a la juve despues de como 15 años en el athletic
muy feo lo que hizo
Italy by far.
>Pure basques have black hair
Why would they
Are you the Spanish diaspora?
Were you mocked because of your traits?
I had my notebooks painted with swastikas just because they wanted to make me feel as a foreigner, been told by my own countrymen to fuck off to my country when my family has been living here far longer than theirs. Being blond is a nightmare in the south.
Normans invaded south Italy a long time ago
the ones I've met with many surnames all were pale and had very dark hair
i might be wrong though
y si
Okay memetard
For real? I thought everyone in Galicia had blonde hair.
Here in Brazil "galego"(from Galizia) is how the pardos call blondes
So you admit that Spain has a strong moor influence, good, most spaniards damage control that.
>Being blond is a nightmare in the south
>Galicia had blonde hair
I am andalusian, not galician. People are swarthier in the south and I am usually mistaken and mocked because I had the bad luck of being born with this traits.
The south does, northfags are generally snowniggers.
Not it's not. You have Slavs, Celts, Meds. KYS
desu I went to Sevilla and saw a lot of blond natives
I unironically have royal german ancestry
andalusia is the whitest region in spain, don't trust that larper