It's A match!

It's A match!
What is your first message?

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fuck you dumb short cunt I'll kill your whole fucking family if you don't let me jackhammer that cunt in the next 20 minutes- no offense!

ching chong ping pong wakawaka ding dong

You look like my charwoman, same name even. Wanna replace her?

what time do you want to schedule your dick appointment miss?

can i park my helicopter on your forehead?

I'm 22cm, I will be the biggest of yours.

"Go back to Ylilauta"

>U WANT BIGG SEX 8======D????????????????????

Ok listen here João, you can't go around making claims like that, you HAVE to post it.

>Looks 35
So this is the power of the West

Ask the human specimen if it's a trans, and tell that I only date trans people.

Why is it so all the (foreign) women i see online look 30 when being 20, and women i see irl look their age

You consider Finns foreign? How fucking rude
I don't consider Estonian immigrants foreigners


No, I don't own a dog.


Hello there m'lady *tips my new fedora*
Is there anything I can do for you today?

>3 cms shorter than me
>her rule still applies because I dated a woman my hehight

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bby pls let me kiss you im so lonely

Macdonalds' burgers are at it again

What's it like being that short?

15 cm is just the forehead, right?

If one women is not smiling on tinder, 99% she has bad teeth

ask her why is she on tinder? is she a womcel?

call her a womanlet snownigger

This bitch looks thirty.

I’d ask her to tell me if she has a penis. You never know nowadays

Plz send bob and vegene

I think she's gorgeous desu

She is very pretty

yeah. dunno whats with all the incels ragging on her forehead. its literally 'her elbows are too sharp' tier.

>t. small brain

I don't think about it at all. People don't choose their height, race or phenotypical traits so I don't judge anyone based on it.
I do powerlifting so you could say I "cope" by knowing I can lift over my shoulders anyone under 80kg.

>What a coincidence. I'm also only 165cm.

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>Ursäkta, pratar du svenska?

mediocre in finland

She’s fine. I never implied that she was ugly in my comment

Anyone with over 6 months of training can reach the 1.5 plates OHP, dyel.

??? no fucking way. OHP is literally magic wheter it increases or not. i hardly ever see anyone pressing over 60kgs at my gym. 1.5pl8 within 6 months is nonsense not even on SS+GOMAD

she's cute (if she wasn't so short)

Lanket land perks, eat more

I've got dodgy weak shoulders and I'm shit at OHPs, I can only manage the 20kg on it's own and it still burns like fuck

>despite being only 15% of the population...

Woman I'm troubled, I be all worried in mind
Well you know I just can't be satisfied
And I just can't keep from cryin'

helo cud u rub tumy?

>Hiiohoi halojatapäivää! Mulle tuli mieleen, että pitää kysästä, onko teikäläisellä mahdollisesti aikaa ja mielekiintoa vaivautua joku kerta höpöttelemään niitä ja näitä kahvikupin tai jonkun muun vastaavan sivuseikan äärelle? :)

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Show bobs

Post bw & stats.

thats gold the pic I meant

180 cms
82 kgs
130 kgs bench press
165 kgs squat
190 kgs deadlift
95 kgs ohp
3 years of ROIDING and lifting

I'm 165 cm

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>I'm only 165 cm tall

m.... me too...

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Kek, have you ever been lifting? Or are Spanish plates just smaller?
Good form OHP (i.e. not some stupid push press or what ever) is literally the hardest exersice you can do.
Lifted for years and was pretty much bulking all the time and at my peak OHPed 2x36 DBs for 5 reps as absolut max. I have only seen very few people in all these years that did more.

>roiding for that
Also, by the way you wrote your stats I can tell you're a mentally ill bootybuilder.
Ask forgiveness and get back when you reach 90kg bw, babygirl.

120kg bench
180kg squat
240kg deadlift
80kg OHP
5 years of barely giving a shit, 0 steroids, and norf genes

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lol I remember when I lived in tampere. fucking 15 year old made a profile to tinder. she wanted to have sex with men of my age (Im 32). like she literally even lived in the same neighborhood. had rape fantasies and shit.

lol women actually think they have rape fantasies.. it's a bout taking the woman not raping her. like literally just go there and pull her pants down and take her. so she came and I did that.

shit hahahahahah

>I can't be the biggest mistake of your life
But my cock will be the biggest of YOURS

How many times have you gotten laid? (unironically asking)

Yeah. A good strict OHP depends a lot on BW. Low BW will shift your center of gravity and literally push you against the floor while attempting a heavy OHP.
If I was not 90kg bw I would have never reached a big press.

>Anyone with over 6 months of training can reach the 1.5 plates OHP, dyel.

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>It's A match!

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holy shit imagine roiding until your dick shrinks into a raisin only to get mogged by an ang*o

how embarrassing

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