
Isolated /balk/ is even more retarded

Previously on /balk/

Attached: belgrade.jpg (1080x1350, 379.84K)

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Turks aren't white

Dosta lapras angele ke te najdam ke te ebam

>10 replies early from bump limit
just why

Kvo staaaa we mungosi

finish the last thread or this one will be nuked

instagram milioner bratcheeee

In an ideal world this is how borders south of the Danube should have stayed.

If you disagree you're an idiot and do not deserve to live.

Attached: ideal.png (1200x1408, 2.39M)


How does one .. become a Rasha?

suck a lotta dick and get no cummies in return

hate on russia 24/7 and be a dirty pomak

>hope you enjoy your masks whitupigu

coping gypsies with low iq kicked me because I was in 1st place


But where is proof


shitaly peaked, a bit too late, might be lame till mid may

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you get what you fucking deserve

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say thanks to quarantine

really, source? Don't they test only the ones going to the hospital anyway?

>they waited till the final round to do it
SICK, mate

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are you playing again faggots

yes with my dick

Stop lying!

*I* am playing with your dick rn

so that's why i need to adjust it every minute
are you a female at least

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lmao, why'd a female want to play with your dick again? AHAHAH

hey, im not the one playing with other people's penises, you are

It's a brojob, don't read too much into it


you're right that all of Dobrudja belongs to Bulgaria, but it's not much of a relevant region to have a dispute over it.

you niggas be memein in here, bunt can't you cunt's airforce do this?

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goverment bootlickers, literally vucic's shit printed on paper

cъpбeжитe ca и cи ocтaвaт тoтaлeн кpиндж




God how I wish I could murder Vucicevic

>volunteers are reading this thread 24/7

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toa e fudbalot

>fyromanians literally changed their country's name to join organizations that won't exist in 5 years

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why are chinese AND turkish products so shit?

That's not true anymore, at least not for everything.

Turkish products certainly aren't the kind of cheap crap they used to be.


Is...is that a ROUNDABOUT?

what else could it be?

lmao, serbia has no future

A penis.

>turkish rape baby defending turkey

Stockholm syndrome.

In the long term we are all dead, cairshqip my pure retard friend.

>banned for child porn
>never posted something even closely related

Also they make great sweets.

Some retard is messing with balk

it's not me

зaштo нaвpeдyвaш бe бyги?

So that's why it's so dead. Fucking butthurt fin gypsy is a mod.

phoneposting, da?

seemed like something he would say

>these are the westeners settling in Bulgaria

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Hикoгaш нe cъм пpoвeждaл вoлтe paзгoвop, вepнo ли e тoлкoвa мeгa хипep дoбpo кaчecтвoтo?

Gledam ambulanti kako pistat sekoj 5 minuti na Jane Sandanski

S-samo 20 slucai a

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>there are countries that happily accepted aid from china during a pandemic caused by china

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Stay jealous you have to pay millions for macedonian flags, rasha. Meanwhile some based counties get it for FREE

The harmonious behavior in this situation is to express public gratitude to brother Xi.

That feel when some retard infected like 20 and more people in a hospital close to where i live

Where do you live?

In a house between kapistec and vodno neighbourhood

>there are people who would pay for a macedonian flag

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OK, I'm gonna avoid it! Best of luck surviving the WuFlu!

Yes we did


How can one person infect 20?

>kepecot ke umre

hehe umri kepec

Sestra ti ke zali ke nema koj da ja ebe tolku dobro kako mene

Pa airborn virus e toa sto znaci i so zborenje samo i disenje




Banned for cp?

>Nojko ke prezivee
>kepecot ke umre

Ima gospod

>chinese kill dozens of their countryman
>ruin their economy
>they say thank you for 1000 worthless paper masks
Imagine the retardation

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-223551_Facebook.jpg (1080x1065, 561.2K)

jas ne umiram govno edno

Abe zirafa slusni me u testisi ke ti mavam boksovi genocid na cela familija ke vidis

They keep the good stuff for their strategic allies :)

Us, Italy, etc

Subvert commie tactics, ruin the world economy, look at me goy look at the glorious gommunism.