English Socialism edition
having a go
first for way-hee
English Socialism edition
Social Englishism edition
need to stop edging before I drown in precum
yess i stole first post right out from under clogwog
down to my last spliff lads
weedman cant deliver til the 11th of april
genuinely dont know what im gonna do with my self
what would he have done in this situation
craving a burger now
has anyone here practiced tantric sex before?
oh who am I kidding lmao
contemplating a wank
*scrolls up the length of the thread*
yeah, didn't think I'd asked
has he given up on being a personality here?
or just realised the futility of it
So why is a raven like a writing-desk?
Emmettposting is getting pretty esoteric.
used to give my mrs tantric orgasms while we were pinging on dance enhancers
don't understand tall burgers
how are you supposed to get that in your gob without making a right mess
thick burgers are a fucking meme
gimme smashed/thin patties any day of the week
I'm sorry Ireland, you're out of the Celtic Union
why don't you just drink alcohol like a white person would?
that's what she said
North Korean style shutdown, seized control of the airline industries and liquidated them and redistributed their profits to every worker in Britain
I think all the 2019 flavor of the year JF personalities went away after they realized nobody cares. Only the native ones are left
EXTREMELY pathetic how the entire west is scared shitless of china
There's a b in both and an e in neither.
taking 3 weeks off the alcohol
currently 10 hours in
Celts didn’t come along until much later
dont care we all know we (current generations) are more genetically alligned with the spanish niggers that came over as market tradesman back in the day, unironically where the term 'dark irish' comes from aka we're wogged
highly ashamed to admit that my first wank was to the scene with her on an inflatable mattress
just went to the shop and the streets are completely empty of cars
there is the occasional jogger who crosses the road as they see you approaching but that's about it
maybe he was an immigrant
they had immigrants back then rorke
mad how strictly brits obey government orders compared to the defiant yanks . suppose that goes back to historic times . bootlickers vs pirates
why do yankoids refuse to pronounce H?
Spanish thing is a myth, dark Irish are just what the natives looked like before the celts came. Same for England.
>implying we want anything to do with the Welsh
Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Mann and Nova Scotia are rightful Gaelic clay.
a've been daein a pure pile ae sleepin
wasnt there something about the spanish armada shipwreckees staying over there also
pretty sure the dark irish are the remnant of the neolithic farming population
ignore all clogwog posts
I find it hilarious that just a month ago I came here to /brit/ to warn all of you that coronavirus was spreading and would completely turn your world upside down. Most of you derided and doubted my warning. Now, you're forcibly quarantined inside your house for the next 6 months. Isn't so funny now is it.
gf just sent me this
they can't. they put erbs in their cooking and brush their teeth looking into the meer
they're literally retarded
>nova scotia
i hear tell that the new neetbux is permanent
if true then i can move out of mummy's house and into a studio flat and never talk to anyone again
>doesn't even provide a source when all posts are archived
shan't be believing anything you say I'm afraid
just back from my 2nd walk of the day
didnt care then
dont care now
wont care in future
ought to be illegal to be that peng
British People sound like shit and you know it
What are my roots?
I suppose you could say my roots are when the Anglos met the Saxons
their southerners also pronounce oil as ole
boggles the mind
>British People sound like shit and you know it
arrest this vile terrorist
Hey Cregg, would you mind taking your Hoonday and driving Meegan to Walmart to get some urbz? We need bayzil, orEGGano, and cilantro. And don't forget the aigs, Gram Crackers, zucchini, and eggplant. Oh and remember to check your meer sweety! We don't want a Neesan hitting your trunk like last time! oh and make sure there aren't any squirls in the yard when you leave, I think they're nesting in the ruff again
all the tradies are wearing their painting and decorating masks down the shop
our accents might sound weird but our pronunciation is accurate
I know Goreng from indonesian (our former colonies) restaurants
goes well with PENG
evening chef, one aile de chauve-souris soupe please
you said it would be the literal end of the world
all that's happened is we've got a few weeks off work
get a clue
it looks so weird on the closeup. not even attractive
a merlot on the rocks, my good man
blood pressure has risen about 20 mmHg
shaken, stirred?
hello homosexual
Yeah we’ve all seen Harry Potter buddy boy, so that’s a lie
Where precisely is there *any* evidence (not guesswork) that shutting down the country, wrecking the economy and throttling liberty will save a single life?
10g amber leaf if you please
Amazing how this is 100% accurate and completely unexaggerated in any way.
Showing results for: pengolin
been a while has it mate?
agreed but last bit is typical unfunny women stuff
>it looks so weird on the closeup. not even attractive
literal bender
I want to do a header through my monitor at that closeup. way-hee!
her butt is too low it looks so off
Many of the same people taking a victory lap for "calling" the COVID-19 pandemic before it began are the same people who have predicted seven of the past two recessions and the collapse of the fiat currency system all in the past decade
who is this big nosed giraffe?
>Load user's file
mad how my life hasnt changed in the slightest
'air butt eez too loh, eet luuks, 'ow you zay, uff?
would it be such a bad thing if the global economy collapsed and millions of people died?
literally who
t. manlet
mum says I look like him
can't be attracted to these retarded internet women... wouldn't want to date somebody with such a shamelessly self-absorbed 'living'
Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses
how did you lads lose your virginity?
that doesn't even make sense
that age where people are supposed to mature and develop into a respectable field that they become a professional in and progress up the ranks becoming a desirable companion, yeh? well that didnt happen to me
fucking hate computers
fucking hate programming
unintuitive fucking cunts
met up with a girl i met in world of warcraft
the quote on quote home gym
prefer not to say
all the normies are going mental
two of them have already murdered their wives having been stuck inside with them for one week
imagine if this goes on for 6 months
shut up
genuinely such an awful accent. the regional accents are mostly even worse, not that they have many. only decent sounding yank accent is a soft southern accent like bones in star trek
lightweight baby!
one for the history books this
the tone in media coverage is subtly shifting lads
by the end of this week we'll have the end of the lockdown in sight
wish i had one of computers the NSA have, having unlimited snooping powers must be incredibly comfy
i love britain and british people :)
why is Japanese stuff so nice
fuckkkking tyaaaaaHOOOOOON my boy
Welsh healthcare workers are writing letters in case they die, keeping a note of how they were told to work without adequate PPE. They wanted a record that could be used in litigation to compensate their families.