Does this happen in your country?
Does this happen in your country?
Explain pls
What is yob, nhs and why are people abusing
yob me knob and slob me billie bob you sob corn cob rob me fatty lob dob
yob=A boy. (derogatory, chiefly Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A person who engages in antisocial behaviour or drunkenness.
nhs=national health service
ever since this crisis happened and the nhs staff were seen as some of the most vulnerable and talked about on the news people around the country just started trying to find ways to hurt them
Why are they doing this? What makes british bois such bad apples?
>replying to obvious bait
Probably not bait. I had to look up what a yob was.
Might be kids who just found out about Fight Club or people who fell for the Greta-meme
Brits are truly worthless. First Brexit, now this? What the actual fuck happened to the gene pool of that small, pathetic island?
She looks like a slut
which greta meme would explain this
Is is not good
I was not baiting
why would that be bait. why would anyone outside of GB know what 'yob' is
Nurses are told by their neighbors to go live somewhere else here but brits are on another level of retardation apparently
>westoid societies
you really wont survive the next war
i still don't get why they're doing this
you don't need to know precisely what it means to understand the context
wtf is wrong with britons
What makes people do shit like this?
>people trying to help you
>people trying to provide for you
>spite them by trying to hurt them
Like, why?
typical an*Loid behaviour
He doesn't know why NHS workers are being spat on....
death to anglos and death to the third world
No. Tell me.
>Does this happen in your country?
No but it does happen in china
Why are you so personally upset by Brexit? You should see a therapist if this is the emotional reaction you've had to us leaving a political project that your country also happens to be involved with. Also a bit rich for a Finnish person to shit-talk anyone else's "gene pool"
>What makes people do shit like this?
>>people trying to help you
>>people trying to provide for you
>>spite them by trying to hurt them
>Like, why?
Heyyyy wait a minute that reminds of the African and Arab migrants who come to Europe and abuse the welfare and locals as a show of gratitude for accepting them
Corona wouldn't be half as big of an issue if you didn't thorougly destroy European solidarity
>European solidarity
Mee ny vittuu
Bet this happens like twice. The Daily Mail just hate poor people and try to create hysteria so other people will as well. I bet rich cunts do things like this all day everyday and no-one ever reports it.
You hate the UK because you're blaming the coronavirus on Brexit
That's stupid and you know it
>European solidarity gearit :D
>ever since this crisis happened and the nhs staff were seen as some of the most vulnerable and talked about on the news people around the country just started trying to find ways to hurt them
Still doesn't make any sense. Must be a cultural thing.
Bussines man and socialites are feel useless and being locked, people keep praising nurses 24/7. Imagine the frustation from these narcisstic.
Brits are subhuman
I've noticed that Finns in particular on Yas Forums often seem to emotionally have something against Brits, and Brits generally don't really acknowledge that Finland even exists. It's very strange.
it's very likely poor immigrants
We hate reckless, idiotic island inbreds.
Looks like she has lots of free time to do makeup. Maybe she needs to be worked a bit harder?
No, that's just you saying that you hate Brits. You're not actually explaining *why* you feel that way.
Why are you emotionally involved in this way? Why do you care enough about the UK and Brits to have these feelings if I and I assume nearly all Brits have no corresponding feelings about Finland or Finnish people at all?
And people say Germans are assholes. Always found Brits to be shittier more deep down vicious people under their fake chipper bs.
>Not the heckin healthcare workerino. You can't spit on the brave hero nursos, they lay down their lives for this country.
>UK and USA
No, I won't save these cunts.
No, won't save you either.
Irish knackers obviously cause trouble and act like shitheads, but there's something uniquely destructive about English yobs. I couldn't see an average Irish knacker doing this, to be honest.
Nah, despite everything Merkel has done to destroy it, we're still civilized.
This bitch probably has the shittiest immune system in Sweden due to their parent's crappy diet and will die.
1854-1856 never forget never forgive
fuck medical professionals
Please be trolling.
t. West Bong
Immigrant youth steal hand sanitizer and masks from hospitals here. They also spit on the police while yelling "corona" (this is considered assault).
>totally not a fatso b/c of all the Bratwürsten and Biër
>cannot arrest assaulters
That's because you had like ten Gammledask too much.
To be fair over here the company producing chloroquine is under police surveillance after weirdos started threatening personnel
Apparently people are getting in hazmat suits and going up to houses telling families that their home is at coronavirus risk and that they need to vacate while the suits clean and sanitize the place. The retarded families leave while the suit people rob them clean.
People are also scamming uni students kicked out of their dorms in need of short term apartment leases, as well as those subleasing their newly vacant apartments as they headed back home to their families.
This is one of the guys, he was initially caught by the police but managed to escape from the court.
Cause you think you're the one to """save"""" anyone, sven cuck?
Almost certain that this never happened, or that the reasons for it happening were absolutely nothing to do with her being an NHS worker (e.g. some drunk moron being a drunk moron).
In the UK people practically worship the NHS. We had a designated time for clapping NHS workers last week, which morons up and down the country took part in. Any story about an NHS worker feeling a bit sad gets shared tens of thousands of time on social media. We've even started saying "Thank you for your service" to normal nurses and paramedics, just like Amerimutts do to soldiers. I genuinely don't think there's another country in the world that has this sort of crazy attitude towards normal hospital workers.
>doctors and nurses are warned to stop wearing uniforms outside work
They should only wear uniforms when they're working, regardless of corona-chan.
>danish cops to fat to catch an escapee
That's fruties and veggies for you, Prëäben!
>doesn't know that Greta followed the Jordan Peterson-method of doing things to feel bether