Why is this 99% of the time correct?
Why is this 99% of the time correct?
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I'm ashamed my fellow mutts fall so easily into this law. This leads me to ask, why the fuck do Americans always bring up black benis in arguments? I rarely think about it, yet I'm a fucking FAGGOT.
It triggers you so much because you are traumatized by the reality, that your women love black cock and always will.
How many memes have pol created to stop BLACKED and failed so far
I hate niggers but I love it when they breed white women
HOT, i heard black men like asian women the most even more than white women
Mutt's law should be extended. I've got an online friend that I game with and whenever her fiance joins she has to remind him not to make any black jokes or call anyone a nigger which is pretty sad and cringe. White people in this country are obsessed with black people.
WTF, bros....
Latinas are white
This, blacked shit really only triggers incels. They literally create threads on Yas Forums "how can we deconstruct the bbc myth" lmao like get a fucking life and have sex.
On a side note what triggers asian men more
Probably a cultural thing, does circumcision create dick envy?
shitted was pretty gud
Were these pregnancy announcement pictures or something? Shit is weird.
Both whites and negros are circumcised
why do europoors get so defensive about who women are and aren't allowed to have sex with? is it from the islamic influence on their culture?
We fap to both
bmaf triggers me to death
It’s from a porno shot and filmed by a Japanese male cuck haha
Only arabs get triggered, europeans enjoy getting their women getting blacked
Because once it was made, Americans decided to start following it. Same with pic related, it became way more noticeable once it was posted because people on here wanted to make it into reality
Americans are obsessed with race and race porn. Americans involve race in literally everything.
this but with a yerrow mask for Yas Forums
I'm probably an autist. first time I felt envy was seeing my Gramp's cabinnawoods
why? is this because you are asian?
True. We are.
So do you, but you do it even more autistically. Here everyone is just white. With you it's celtic, med, uralic, slav, nordic, atlantid, dinaric, baltid autism.
Arab women getting blacked is my favourite!
Those a Yas Forumstards who have infested every board.
I don't give a fuck about race lmao.
imagine thinking these two are the same race tho
>These Asian men have no self-awareness...
he looks jewish
>tfw blacked was created by turks who were butthurt about being called roaches
that looks incredibly gay
why do you have that on your pc
We're literally the least to care about race you amerimutt
No it wasn't newfag, it's been a thing for almost a decade because of Yas Forums and Yas Forums
here's your asian gf bro
Maybe comparatively as it managed to stay alive for a full weak
You are an afrikang not an arab
Arab girls love BBC :)
i can go gayer if you want
No one is butthurt about this except some diaspora fags (obviously Western affect),
Dating from the same religion is more important to arabs than race
Not the point, do men who are circumcised develop feelings of inadequacy more frequently?
Arab boys are small dick hairy losers lol
>grows by 1
American education lol
petition for every european looking white american to move back to europe and settle among their species
I would not know
I hope blacked can have more Arab girls in the future
They already got some more Asians on there
When did you realise that Hispanic women preferred BBC over
tiny brown cock lol
your mother is the white mans whore
Dilate tranny
He is white himself, whites are the ones who love blacked the most
He is black/turd.
Im probably the only chicano who is awake right now, nobody will get triggered
The majority of Blacked followers on IG are Indians, Hispanics and Arabs
Brown men LOVE BBC!
kys cuck
thats cool, next I go to Africa and impregnte 1300 women tukatiane.co.ke
Kind of makes sense though I feel like with those groups it's harder to find time or privacy to watch porn on your pc so they use their phones. I'd image that most of Blacked's paying customers are still overwhelmingly white men.
Its mena and south asians who are high on the list idk why you mentioned "hispanics"
South asians are just addicted to porn and watch anything
>all these whites and their Latino shit lickers seething
Ahahahahaha keep it going you faggots hahaha
Only the brazilian is seething, idc about the latinas in porn. They are predominatly med europeans
I feel like the law should be expanded to all agnlos.
Its an anglo thing.