
Society edish

Attached: corbyn society.png (798x795, 769.64K)

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uhmmm based

Attached: berniesociety.jpg (987x385, 35.64K)

>Jeremy Corbyn is STILL Labour leader

hypothetically, is it noncey to have a wank to a picture of a girl you used to fancy at school?
just out of nostalgia?

'me sub edish

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>writing a trading bot
>even trading in the first place
I'll stick with my cash ISA tyvm

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nooo not the heckin retarderino

I find it weird that during the night it's just yanks and aussies on Yas Forums.

What do they even talk about?

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How many people have been killed by the reg flu whilst the rona has been on the go then? Probs in the billions init

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75% sure i have the 'rona

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that's not fair, down syndrome people are based

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Never agreed with her but respected her but this was just awful optics.



no, I doubt “billions” of people have died of flu in 3 months

>trying to show your tiny savings acount

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scottish people have no restraint

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-30 kyra🧚🏾‍♀️ on Twitter bitch i'll guard harry and meghan my damn self if that bitch trump got a prob [...](1).png (598x524, 48.01K)


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That's EAST dunbartonshire to you Pierre

pub mostly, but now that it's shut I'm at a loss

so is it good or bad to have savings in a bank before the recession?

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Would you rather spend a year in Essex or Cumbria?

just died of flu

Can I have some moolah mate

don't have any savings spent it all on a motorbike LOL

life on the edge me

>awful optics

Cumbria by a fucking mile

don't agree with or respect her but we share a mutual dislike of Swinson
the highlight of election night for me

depends how much you have in savings innit

bad. all of my money is in a safe


that show used to terrify me when i was a kid

Jog on autismo

How much?

no thanks

Set my location of the 'der to NYC and getting loads of yank fanny.
Need to leave this god-forsaken island.

you’re losing a lot to inflation

big fan of the john major gimmick they had in this

What is there is Essex worth doing?

cumbria is closer to home

It's alright mate you won't live for long riding a motorbike to need savings

5 grand to my name

no fucks given

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Never watched an Aussie election in my life.

cumbria >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> essex

Essex is unironically one of the best counties that exists, no other counties have a culture apart from like Cornwall and Yorkshire

hypothetically, is it noncey to have a wank to a picture of a girl you used to fancy at school?
just out of nostalgia?

go then



didn't ask


don't know what that is

Only if you pay her a bitch tax

I'm on lockdown m8

completely fine

just watch Keating insulting people on youtube desu

posting your incompetence on a global platform is a ballsy move

you can buy less and less with the same amount as the days go by

Essex slags

shagging a negroid's winkle

triage has already started in the uk yet our gov is lying and saying the nhs is fully prepared

Small shops told Easter eggs are non-essential goods by police and local councils, trade body says

yeah well 0,5% isn't worth it imo

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Warzone is boring

like someone is pumping helium in there

If you're on Tinder in the US the trick is to set your university to something like "University of London" so they can all see you're not just another cringe yankoid male.

If a man is tired of Chelmsford then he is tired of life

where can i watch chicken run?

What the fu- ... do whiteboys REALLY?


cut your nails :)

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finna do a poo

Go to the university of Westminster-upon-Avon me.

normals MUST play a role that society assigns to them, character for the normal is a vital lie to avoid the confrontation with the self

did someone ask?


shot a man in reno just to watch him die lads

I really am a student at a university in London and it's peng

the pengest girls are in San Francisco btw

Yeah the guy in the other thread.

what if you’re not a literal child that should fuck off?

cut your foreskin

On the TV

Shame they are cancelling Wimbledon. They should have just moved it to Milton Keynes.

An utterly based video all things considered. We're all thinking it but he was brave enough to say it.

Then you shouldn't be using Tinder it's 18+

oh no no no hahahaha imagine trying to impress a yank bird by saying you're french ahah

Frogs are really seething about the free British accent shags aren't they.

My job is literally not allowing me to wear a mask and all I do all day is work with food and the public

They say it might frighten people

i just coughed but it was phlegm so i'm good

Redpill me on Buckinghamshire and the people from there please