
bahrain blues edition

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Making dumbbells rn

bahrain more like the two seas Hahahah xDDDDD

what’s the joke?

(بحر (مفرد) + ين =بحرين (مثنى

Is this the thread where you bully in denial brown boys?

kol khara motadayyen 3azeb


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Pls post one pic of the process, I also used to make weights for fishing purposes with senpai from lead scavanged from old battery cars.

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Well i just used some tub shaped metal thing i find around the house and filled it with concrete, waiting for it harden up rn then i'll do some final touches, i don't have a camera on me currently otherwise i would've posted the final product, so i apologize for being unhelpful.
I'm sure you could find something on the internet though.

no worries and thank you, you gave me an Idea about what you made.

Hahahahahah xDDDD

Here's a shitty illustration, though i think it is quite obvious.

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looking at it rn t's only around 3 cm wide, it's quite smooth and really sharp, and i'm not too keen on catching tetanus given the current situation in hospitals, so i'll need to figure out something i guess.

Uh it is all one circumference? 3 cm all the way?
So it is just a heavy bar then. I am surely missing something.

machi ghir bara tkila, sima dirha ki maykounch 3andek drahem bach techri les disques

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the hole is around 3 cm in diameter i guess, and yeah it's just a heavy bar, but i think it'll do, i'll make another one for deadlifts with a larger metal tube i have.

God i just wish they would cancel the final exam because of corona, i can finally NEET vibe early

ah ok. tsenta7t

Home gym soon. Good luck.


was dat?

jThanks man, just need one of those treadmills from The Flintstones then my Chalcolithic (???) home gym is set (or i could just run around the house).

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ههههههههههه xDDDD

kek, just do like those indian channels that build underground temples in their back yard.

I wish I was normal

Kek, they sure have an unhealthy obsession with pools.

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Going for this look.
Yes, the sister fucking look.

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fucking > not fucking

daughter fucking look would fit you better

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ههههههههههه xDDDD

so cringy thread

Are you my daughter? Come to daddy!

I'm playing new mountain blade as kebab man
Give me ideas for last names pls

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>mods and janitors are ok with incels lusting over anime/cartoon little girls
>also ok with male furries wishing furries existed just to have sex
>but not ok with girls making a confession post, in the designated confession thread, that they fear about losing romantic attraction towards human males, but vice versa towards anthropomorphic males
why do they do this? why do they show hostility towards anyone who isn’t a fascist pedo frog/wojak-spamming incel?

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ibn al sharmouta

no i'm your daddy, i'm coming to discipline you slut
*whips belt*
take your pants off and bend over

except you ARE breaking the rules, while I didn’t, dumb and insecure incel.

How do you feel about being born in the shittle east out of all places?

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Dubs decide what I write on my penis

stop having an inferiority complex, incel.

a dotted line at the base with the text “cut here” below


الزب الاسود

why do you care about your penis and Nazi worship more than discussing things like an adult?

Lmfao okay just need to find a marker


Only problem is keeping it hard when writing


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>incels deny being gay or having gay thought
>literally touching themselves while talking to each other
why must you deny this hard?

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Mad cuz you lost, now shut up unless you wanna help me get hard

Wait I didn't get to see it.
My internet cut off

Why do they do this?

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Wtf, again?



Whew, got worried.

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اريد انيچ

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t. a bad imitation of me

bros has any one here killed an animal before?

I buried a human once

>double dubs
I believe you

I threw a shovel at a cat once, pretty fun


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Because it was being an annoying little shit
Dogs > Cats

was my deceased relative
I only helped with this

Literal retard.
I wish I was man enough to shoot every dog I see.
They bark all night
Cats don't harm no one
Ahh, I've done plenty of thosw