
shh megumin is sleeping edition

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she's a drawing and drawings can't sleep

all in here

On this day in British History

>1296 – Edward I sacks Berwick-upon-Tweed, during armed conflict between Scotland and England. A chronicler recorded " Edward spared no one, whatever the age or sex, and for two days streams of blood flowed from the bodies of the slain, for in his tyrannous rage he ordered 7,500 souls of both sexes to be massacred"
>1603 –The Treaty of Mellifont is signed ending the Nine Years War in Ireland. Tyrone submitted to the English Crown making English the official languange and Brehon Laws replaced with English Law.
>1856 – The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Crimean War.
>1861 – Sir William Crookes announces his discovery of thallium.
>1885 – The Battle for Kushka triggers the Panjdeh Incident which nearly gives rise to war between the Russia and the British Empire.
>1944 – World War II: British and Allied bombers conduct their most severe bombing run on Sofia, Bulgaria.
>1944 – Out of 795 Lancasters, Halifaxes and Mosquitos sent to attack Nuremberg, 95 bombers do not return, making it the largest RAF Bomber Command loss of the war.
>1979 – Airey Neave, a British Member of Parliament, is killed by a car bomb as he exits the Palace of Westminster. The Irish National Liberation Army claims responsibility.

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then explain the image???

she sleeps in my heart


they got me chained to this bed

You WILL post in this thread

mad how having this picture saved could get me sent to jail in china

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tenacious D was pure kino

getting proper interested in the quran lads

thought anime was banned in australia


He also had a restraining order

should be banned everywhere I reckon

or this

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Religion of peace and that

mad how people who are literal presidents and supreme in some countries would get bullied and turn into spastic autistic adults if they grew up in a british state comprehensive

Little does mr toilberg know I've been getting high every day for 2 weeks and playing binding of isaac and cod warzone, not working from home as I have led him to believe

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yeah anime n that


might have a cheeky cry

mental that he has a job, who the fuck hires a sex offender tranny?

whats black and slides down nelsons column

hehe shrek


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she's 12

my poo

He made his account private like a fucking grovelling runt, can't even see Chinese sperging in comments.

What do you do? I'm playing xbox all day but don't drink during work for when someone phones.

reading about Secretariat (horse)

ooo ur ard

whats nelsons column

lots of activity on the oil rigs

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very esoteric book
full of mysterious things

as I had predicted toilbergs up and down the country still making wageys come to work regardless of whether its 'essential' or not
what a fucking joke

out of weed me

always bet on pete

Osama bin laden could have walked into a call centre and got a job in any english city

Bernice Hibbert

how dis lil nibba get blue eyes

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hey my cousin lives in Aberdeen and works on an oilrig
wonder if its that one


hey my cousin lives in Aberdeen and works on an oilrig
wonder if its that one

wish i had a rosa salazar animeme gf

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me on the 14th of july

Cutting down to a skeleton staff
Same thing's happened in Western Australia


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25% chance if its recessive in both parents IIRC

if i recall high school biology correctly, parents can have the genes even if they don't show

wasn't worth posting last thread either

wasn't worth posting last thread either

Spent 2 consecutive days indoors, first time in years

whoa there poindexter, slow down a little

Remember when he had a big cry about leaving his job, and then his new job did a background check before he actually joined and they withdrew the job offer after finding out his shenanigans?
Oh my days that was something

>The average salary for Offshore jobs is £62,500.

Head of the European Ops wants all UK staff (about 300 of us) for a conference call at lunch

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fuck off normoid

This confinement is really doing a number on the ol mental health

>Thought it was wise to move back to parents for the outbreak
>Can't have a pint with the mates
>Done the same walk near my house several times already
>No holidays to look forward to
>Gf I need to dump quarantined across the country so can't do that
>Job is fine so still getting paid but got fucked over on my new job thanks to this virus bullshit
>Feeling like a bored frustrated teenager again where you're about 14/15 and not got a job for your own money yet so mill around the house bored, except I do have money I just can't fucking spend it.

This confinement is really doing a number on the ol mental health

>Thought it was wise to move back to parents for the outbreak
>Can't have a pint with the mates
>Done the same walk near my house several times already
>No holidays to look forward to
>Gf I need to dump quarantined across the country so can't do that
>Job is fine so still getting paid but got fucked over on my new job thanks to this virus bullshit
>Feeling like a bored frustrated teenager again where you're about 14/15 and not got a job for your own money yet so mill around the house bored, except I do have money I just can't fucking spend it.

Fuckkkk good luck lad

My condolensces on becoming unemployed.

Salmon fillet for lunch

My condolensces on becoming unemployed.

Love a massive conference call.

yep thats a redditspace alright!

Normoids cannot live in their owns minds, they MUST be externally focused. They need external distractions so they never have to face the catastrophe of themselves.

Is drake a chinlet? that why he always has a beard? going off the woman you'd think the kid would have a massive one

heard you the first time m8