
naked andy edition

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have stomach ache


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waiting for the weed, waiting for the weed
might throw up again
2 days of drinking all day

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None because I’m not a circumcuck

u are a poop fetishist

out of dude weed oil, no sleep for me tonight. insomnia is cringe tbqh

Business idea:
Full line of /cum/personality funko pops

drug dealing should be decriminalized.
shame on bernie sanders for demonizing poor ppl

I want to lick her armpits

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think i might drink me a brew get through the day...

Watchu no bout dat probly nuffin


i actually love asda brand coke
it tastes so bad its good
what was it.. 17p for 2 litres

man, you got me thinking about weed now
i smoke a bone
then i drain a two litre of sunkist in like a second!
freaks people out!

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My anus is quivering with excitement
I love plagues.

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requesting gigachad holding a treasury check

its only a one time check which is cringe(should be forever)


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And triple the amount.
3600 a month universal basic income would be cool.

I, I live among the creatures of the night
I haven't got the will to try and fight
Against a new tomorrow, so I guess I'll just believe it
That tomorrow never comes

I'll eat your asshole alive you bitch

I am prepared to settle for a white gf.

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i like boobs

yeah i wouldn't have to work and i would be able to finally move out

Pancake breakfast buds

>acquire resources
>immediately waste them for no reason
Yeah, this is why you don't deserve UBI.

how is a place to live a waste? who would want to live with their family

1, 4, 6
But I am desperate so I can work with any of them 2bh

>how is a place to live a waste?
He already has a place to live.
>who would want to live with their family
Virtually every single human for all of human history.

as martin luther king once said
ouch ive been shot

I'd implement UBI to replace all current social programs, but it would have some restrictions.

Drug testing for starters. You test positive, you have your money revoked.

>Drug testing

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why do social programs get u so butthurt? why do you hate the idea of helping ppl?

I puked bros. I don't think i should go to work.

for me its number 4

Social programs are a huge waste of resources and don't help anyone but the capitalist class in keeping their chattel in line.

The removal of current social programs in favour of UBI would make the country a better place and improve the lives of every American.

You can’t have UBI replace social programs. Many people will squander their UBI just like they squander the rest of their money. Then you get a large group of people starving and unable to access any medical care, worse than before. What is the government to do as all the blubbering women cry out MY BABIES in unison? Let them wither on the vine? You have to give everything to everyone for free AND universal basic income

No, many people won't. A select few very likely will, and they will have to live on the good will of strangers and charity until they learn to control themselves.

This country has undergone radical changes to cause the damage we now suffer, and it will take radical changes to repair that damage.

don't see why you have to be so anti drugs. everyone has a vice and if they don't have drugs they will just find another vice.

>until they learn to control themselves
A large portion of the population is genetically predisposed to have short term time preferences, and are not capable of learning such a thing. What you’re talking about could only be achieved through an intensive eugenics program, either actively or passively by allowing them to starve over several generations as you seem to be suggesting. People will not have money for charity after CPI adjusts for UBI

A vice is not a requirement of life. Your starting position is inherently flawed.

That said, I have a vice myself, I drink coca cola. Relatively harmless vices like this will be excluded from the UBI restrictions. THAT said, a physical and basic standard of health will be required to receive UBI.
>and are not capable of learning such a thing
They got along fine before FDR, they will get along fine in the future. I am not advocating removal of any population, their continued existence in this country is part of my vision, and they will be better off.

eugenics is pseudoscience

Wait, not FDR, I meant LBJ.

>They got along fine before FDR
No they didn’t. Urban poor lived in squalid conditions for all of the pre-modern era. For the longest time, cities were death mills with negative internal population growth, mitigated only by a constant influx of people from the countryside

>living conditions were worse in the past
wow...........mind blowing...........................

>has a vice
>it doesnt count ok
ditch the sugar water fatty ya dont need it

Eugenics just means “good genes”
Do you mean to suggest that no genes are better than others? No genes are worse than others?

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Um sorry sweetie Jason is a very skinny twink femboi

Trying to compare sugar water to drugs is disingenuous. That said, heavier restrictions on food quality are also required.

Like I said, your health will need to be up to par to receive UBI. A physical every 3-6 months or something should be fine. That is more time with a doctor than most people get now, so that in itself presents another benefit.

drop the sugar water fatty

Active eugenics doesn’t have to look like Aktion T4 or aborting Downs babies anymore anyway. We’re in the dawn of the CRISPR gene editing era. They can just put a virus in your body and turn you into a superhuman :^)

drugs can have benefits

Corn syrup in soda, bread, juice and a thousand other products? Banned.

Plastic packaging for food and drinks? Banned.

Post physique and if you look better than me I'll consider taking your advice.

Being poor makes you fat, due to the cheapest food also being the worst for your health. Wouldn’t people being fat make it all the more imperative that they receive UBI? Or does your plan just cast them to the wolves

Drugs used for medicinal purposes would not disqualify you from receiving your UBI. Yeah, maybe some people will use this to consume marijuana when they don't have a genuine illness, but that is a state of affairs I'd be satisfied with.

Nobody is going to be able to justify heroine or alcoholism as a medical treatment.

I use Marijuana for sleep aid, I otherwise stay up for an average of 65 hours! The most cancerous part being I wake up 6 hours in and stay awake afterwards no matter what, so I'm fucking exhausted. I went to a therapist for various sleep aids, one made me sleep walk, another left me so drowsy that staying up the night prior was better for productivity, one straight up didn't work. The ceiling is beautiful right now at 4:21am, the ceiling fan has been creaking away for 5 hours now.

insomnia is cancer and anyone who undermines it eg normalfags who think you stay up til 6am and go to bed are insanely cringe

what else do u think should be banned

any dependencies you use to make living in this world less shit should be banned

>Being poor makes you fat, due to the cheapest food also being the worst for your health
I don't think this is true, junk food and fast food are expensive. If people are obese they must simply stop eating. Fasting is the best way to lose weight.
>Or does your plan just cast them to the wolves
The good will of their family, neighbors, and church are hardly "the wolves". Losing weight and being healthy is not hard, withholding their UBI is an incentive for them to better their lives. I want people to be healthy and happy, obese people cannot be healthy or happy. Drug addicts cannot be healthy or happy.

Common sense fart legislation

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Public displays or promotions of homophilia. If all they care about is "the right to do what they want in the privacy of their home", then the rest of society doesn't need to know about it. It is damaging to society to try and normalize deviant anti-family behaviours.

As long as I am alive, there will be MOM and DAD

fug statist jason tbqh