>caste system
>slave labour
>human sacrifice
>human rights violations
>all journalists killed
>foreigners are slaves
>women must cover up
>aggressive expansion
Caste system
beta males would still suffer under authoritarian wet dreams
>>human sacrifice
nice projection
yes because you actually wield political power or have prospects in the government. face it, this site is nothing but beta males, resentful of their communities, projecting their personal failures on stacies and boomers and whatnot, saying B$R to 'radical philosophies' that might empower them or help them get revenge
wake up you snailfucker
>i'm a journalist here to talk about my countries horrific human rights violations
>i am a loser who has to sugarcoat the third-world culture my family left to survive because of my inferiority complex
or worse
>i am an aussie who can't hack it because of muh 'liberal democracy' so I act edgy online
Based post pierre got btfo.
These ideas seem nice to the anons untill it's somebody else putting them down and they realize they can't get up the ladder no matter what without wealth and power; which they can't get.
Anonymous 03/30/20(Mon)11:15:35 No.120529059>caste system
>slave labour
>human sacrifice
>human rights violations
>all journalists killed
>foreigners are slaves
>women must cover up
>aggressive expansion
based. particularly enjoy the human sacrifice addition.
Is that you mr. Sudan doctor?
much better than the disgusting state of things today where it is exactly like that but ugly, slimy and boring. also in the context of the above society, usually they're able to avoid, uh, 'international' subversion so at least i wouldnt have some american idpol forced upon me by mass media.
D-did you say caste system?
This is not correct.
Just look at ISIS, they were a bunch of incels, but with ISIS they became powerful, were feared and had female slaves.
Same with Nazis, a lot of losers got into position of power through SS.
You might deny it, but it is in the best interest of losers of the current system to support a radical alternative that would grant them status and power
>human sacrifice
Only if it's virginal women.
>all 100% of muslims under ISIS were happy, cheerful and had their dreams fulfilled
the sheer delusion of Yas Forumsoid incels
>i want a different boot on my neck because that's all I can muster
are we talking about Saudi Arabia or the western elites because there are too many similarities
>freedom of expression
>state secularism
>murder outlawed
>war crime tribunals
>social security
>animal abuse laws
>minimum age to work
>financial stability
>enforcement of laws
>breaking up of monopolies
>joining the united nations
>all 100% of muslims under ISIS were happy, cheerful and had their dreams fulfilled
I never claimed that
>yes because you actually wield political power or have prospects in the government. face it, this site is nothing but beta males, resentful of their communities, projecting their personal failures on stacies and boomers and whatnot, saying B$R to 'radical philosophies' that might empower them or help them get revenge
The UN is unironically s0y.
yeah, authoriatarian regimes aren't the panacea for overcompensating beta men online, who knew, back to square 1
typical finnish cogency of argument
>typical finnish cogency of argument
Incel virgins afraid of comunicating with people or trying to better themselves fantasies vol.99999999
Why are all fascistoids either very poor or very ugly?
You are not listening to me
Facist regimes are great for young men who are losers in current system
Facist regimes are not so great for the majority of other people
Good, fuck normalfags.
>Facist regimes are great for young men who are losers in current system
go die in a trench fighting china then or prepare for death once you're accused of anti-government propaganda, falsely
>every young male is going to live in blissful happiness, society would never structure itself heirarchially or need footsoldiers or doormats!
captacha's being a bitch as usual because of post freq auf wiedersehen
What if ur the minority that the fascists hate
U could be the bourgeoisie
>go die in a trench fighting china then or prepare for death once you're accused of anti-government propaganda, falsely
for young men who have nothing to lose in current society, it makes sense to risk their lives establishing a new system where they enjoy a much higher status
Don t burst their bubble. It is known that fascist love inactive cowardly men without an ounce of discipline that like to complain and question everything.
You would obiviously support the facist group that panders to your identity.
So muslim immigrants support ISIS, local male support nazis and so on
Only if you could get up from your pc to start a revolution.
None of them were incels, most of them were married before they took up to extremism, in fact a large majority of western jihadists both past and present have higher educations with an extreme majority having degrees in STEM fields. Studies on the subject of jihadism suggest that STEM fields predispose people towards militant islamism because Islam fits with the STEM objectivist worldview and a proposed solution is integration of art units in STEM degrees (No, I am not joking, look it up; it's bizarre but true).
>low IQ nazi incels BTFO by a based Sudanese
so this is the power of the master race lmfao
I really doubt this to be true, the cases I heard from Germany were social outcasts who went to Syria to join ISIS.
So I would be very grateful if you could provide those studies
>Illegalment of England
probably just their officers, we had some ponyfag join isis from finland.
God dam
Yas Forumscels on suicide watch
>the cases I heard from Germany
You mean sensationalist news from media outlets? They have perogative in what they say, it's to quench militancy within its population and present a humiliating perspective upon those who oppose the status quo. It is fine as an apparatus to spread falsities for the purpose of strengthening the agenda of the owner (see Murdoch's press), however if you want actual information on topics which are well researched and unbiased, you should look at peer reviewed papers which do analysis on said issues.
The study in question I reference is sourced in this image.
t. Had to write a thesis on this
>have a STEM degree
>die in the desert for nothing
Very interesting, I didn't know that.
Do you also have a source for most of them being married?
I can't really understand why a married man with great job opportunities would go into a foreign country to die for nothing
>Be US government
>Start a war to eliminate terrorism by targeting a small splinter group in Afghanistan tied to the national government
>Turn said group into a global phenomenon with multiple larger groups constantly emerging from their roots, destabilizing world security and costing governments around the world billions in national security all the while entrenching yourselves trillions in debt
Goes both ways, I guess.
Sudanese chad, first guy to actually uncover and humiliate edgefags instead of arguing to their strawmans
You are the one who is seething tho
You forgot
>fail to defeat them and then sign a peace deal with them
>welfare capitalism
>one child policy for undesirables who want to live in my superior nation
>marriage banned
>straight sex banned
>sex only for recreational purposes
>children created through artificial insemination by the goverment
>creation of national phenotype in order to have homogenous nation
I can't say I have one on me right at this moment, I could look it up for you but I can't be bothered to atm lol, feels like work. However, that point only pertains to ISIL, you've probably heard on the news of 'ISIS brides' and such, a lot of them are held in camps or prisons in Syria and Iraq at the moment, I believe, there's thousands of them and they're western born.
>I can't really understand why a married man with great job opportunities would go into a foreign country to die for nothing
For those with ties to the region, it isn't that perplexing, it has to do with numerous factors either regarding geopolitical history, family history or disgruntlement with the current governments. For western reverts however, that is indeed the purpose of some of the research on this matter, it is quite perplexing for our governments.
Nothing I posted was emotionally based.
Yes, these wars on ideologies seem not to work really, perhaps another war on drugs will fix this war on terror? lol
Yes Bulgaria, please tell us
they hated him because he told them the truth
>tribal theocracy
>human sacrifices
>death cult
>NOOOOOOOO you can't just appoint ministers by bribery or nepotism you have to do it based on qualifications and merit and SCIENCE and stuff!!!
Is this happens because we are from BULGARIA?
Why yes, how could you tell?
the black king laying it down no cap
>>yes because you actually wield political power or have prospects in the government.
Can someone explain to me what did he mean by this ? I don't get it