I hate Northern Germany!

>I hate Northern Germany!

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Holocaust didn't happen but it should have

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Why do Bavarian virgins resent Schleswig-Holstein chads?

Never got that one. Except for Hannover, Hamburg and Bremen there is not much to hate there, really. Maybe Berlin if you count them in. Most of Northern Germany is just sparsely settled flatlands and coastal regions. People are a bit rough, but warm and friendly once you get to know them.

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What is there to hate about any of those places?
Hamburg seems extremely comfy, both the swanky and seedy areas.


In my mind Northern Germany is an industrial grey hellholle

On the ride from Berlin to Hamburg, I actually thought it looked nice.
Flat but green.

Which state in Germany is most Chad?

You're thinking of Western Germany. And even there that's only somewhat true for the Ruhrgebiet.


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Is the Ruhrgebiet like the rust belt of Germany?


What about Saxony Anhalt and Lower Saxony?
Is that where you're from?

>Is that where you're from?
Of course!

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What's your favorite city in BaWu? Do you like Freiburg?

I just hate germany and germans

Why? Aren't you basically a German?

Why cause they're cold and heartless people and no Austrians aren't germans

Austrians are Germans who pretend not to be Germans. That's their whole gimmick

Freiburg is nice, but I can't decide, Triberg, Donaueschingen and Villingen are also really good.

Does BaWu have good local beers?

Out of curiosity, do you like the FPO?

Norf Hessian

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Fürstenberg and Rothaus are quite good.

No i don't. They're unironically filled with greater germany basement wanker nazis

I don't care

Austrians are more German than Germans.
The same spergs that seethe at the mere mention of them being somehow related to Germans will claim that South Tirol is actually a part of Austiaat every occasion. (Which isnt wrong desu)

Stop hanging about in /deutsch/ so much. There's a reason why those Austrians are there. It's like going to a Neo nazi convention in America and concluding that every single American is a neo nazi

Daily Erinnerung that people in Südtirol differentiate themselves in "Germans" and "Italians".

go eat bean toast, fag
aren't they the best party in Austria, though?

Pretty much, yes. Terrible place to live, but chill people.
You're talking to Austrian Shahar. That guy's been derailing almost every single thread about Germany for a couple of months now. IIRC he's working in tourism or something and a German once looked at him funny and now he plans to exterminate every German person on this planet. Just Austrian stuff. Ignore him.

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>aren't they the best party in Austria, though?

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What is your favorite country in the Germ sphere?

No political party is perfect of course, they just seem to have the best positions overall.
In the US, the only good political parties are the Libertarian Party and Constitution Party

If you're all for state surveillance, selling out your country and neo nazis then yeah, it's the party for you.

>state surveillance
That I would have an issue with, a party called the "Freedom Party" should not be in favor of that.

Is Saxony-Anhalt cool?

Shut up fat

>le funny fat maymay XD

It's just interpretation really. They're trying to free the country from it's ethnicity and culture by pushing a non-existent germanness

more like typical right wing populists, climate change denial, anti immigration, and anti EU, I don't see where they're pushing for a "Germanness" you autistic schizo

What's wrong with being anti EU?

it's retarded if you're living in a European country

I actually love Northern Germany. I love it so much I wish it was part of Sweden.

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Are you a Die Linke voter?

nothing, lot's of good reasons for disliking the EU

I understand that it makes travelling convenient, but couldn't you just agree on maintaining the Schengen area and Euro, while eliminating the EU (since it violates sovereignty)?


no, if you want an effective common market you need common legislation, and it makes sense to work together in other affairs besides economy as well (such as defense)

disgusting SPD bourgeoise who votes Red-Red-Green coalitions into every place of power and then they fuck off to southern Germany to do the same

Their party programme literally says:
>Wir bekennen uns zu unserem Heimatland Österreich als Teil der deutschen Sprach- und
Kulturgemeinschaft (We are committed to our home country Austria as part of the German language and culture community)

Read through this: diepresse.com/671080/fpo-bekennt-sich-wieder-zum-deutschtum
or this: derstandard.at/story/2000036342983/die-fpoe-will-oesterreich-deutscher-machen

do you like AfD?
>common legislation
Why would that be necessary for anything other than international trade deals?

it's a fact that Austria is part of the German language area, only a schizo like you would deny this
>Why would that be necessary for anything other than international trade deals?
because it's the declared goal of the EU and thereby its member states to further integration?

>further integration
Proving my point exactly. That violates sovereignty, and is a step closer to 1 world government.

We speak german but we're culturally not one people with you. That's the problem here. We're not part of your german culture sphere. The FPÖ is trying to force something non-existent


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>do you like AfD?
No, they’re retarded opportunists who can only handle a single issue and are overwhelmed with anything else. Their main supporters are conspiracy boomers and xenophobic first generation immigrants from Russia and it suzerainties

Are people there mixed with Danes?

There are good reasons to give sovereignty to the EU, and the EU is democratically legitimized as well. Americans like yourself usually are anti EU because they see it as threat to their global dominance, and for some reason seethe when there's an economic bloc capable of standing up to how American corporations fuck consumers in the ass.

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Schleswig Holstein
Lower Saxony
Baden Wurttemberg
>Semi Chad
Mecklenberg Vorpommern
Saxony Anhalt

Economic growth has always been how the EU has justified itself, and a big part of that is the common market. It is completely impractical for businesses to be have to work with large variations of legislation between 27 countries, so the EU standardizes a lot.

Why is Bavaria so low?

>giving sovereignty to the EU
Why the fuck would that be a good idea?
I have nothing against a strong EU economic force, I just oppose the idea of countries being bound by laws decided by other countries.
I'm not even favor of the US having a strong federal government, I support federalism for the US.

Because I think they're the ones who criticize Berlin and Hamburg on here
Their beer is based, though

You know how I know that you never been to Germany?

Yes, this is inevitable when Northern Schleswig is under D*nish control

Why are you calling it Saarbrooklyn? Is it like Brooklyn?

oh and it’s Saarland and not Saarbrücken. Saarbrücken is just the Capital of Saarland

>Why the fuck would that be a good idea?
because the interest of European countries largely align and by uniting we have a stronger voice

Berlin and Hamburg are literally the most soy states though.

Are you a globalist?

what does that even mean?

true, but be fair here. Could you name every state in the US off the top of your head?
Have you never heard of Soy Chads?

No, I've never seen an authentic one either.

Saarbrücken is not pretty to look at
>heavy drug abuse (especially meth)
>decrepit high rise buildings that were build in the 70’s and never renovated
>no real economy except for prostitution for the French

"Stronger voice" concerning what?
Soy Chads are Chads that are also Soyboys.
AOC's boyfriend is a good example.
There are quite a few of them here in Brooklyn.

Soy and Chad are antagonistic, you can't be both

well there’s a difference between 18 and 50 but I’d probably get most of them, but don’t force me to point to them on a map

To be fair, I like underdog places a lot.
My favorite states in the US are Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Florida.
Chad is the opposite of Virgin, not Soy.
It is very possible to be a Soy Chad.

But Brooklyn is in nowadays.
I wish I had a flat in DUMBO 2bh

>hating the tallest, most blue-eyed germans
that's called "jealousy"

especially from bav*rians and aust*ans

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Living in New York, I can tell you about Soy Chads
>left wing
>into hard rock and heavy metal
>supportive of feminism and open borders
>gets tons of hipster pussy
>goes to dive bars and drinks cheap beer
>smokes American Spirits
>long hair

>"Stronger voice" concerning what?
everything related to foreign policy
if you're one small country the US or China can pretty much dictate terms of trade deals
if you're a massive bloc like the EU you can tell your abusive corporations to suck a fat one if they don't adhere to our consumer protection regulations

Bushwick is my favorite neighborhood in Brooklyn.
The Yuros who are more "in the know" seem to go there a lot.
It is not "pretty" in the typical sense, however it is a fun neighborhood and pretty cozy.

>do you like AfD?
AfD is controlled opposition

no they're not you schizo, they're just retarded

I'm not against it for those reasons. However I would strongly oppose the EU regulating the internal affairs of any country.
Wait, did that boomer use "Brooklyn" as an insult?
Brooklyn is more important than Manhattan in many ways, nowadays