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Love Aussies but they get weirdly defensive about facts when it comes to their country. They complain about whinging poms but at elast we can laugh at ourselves, they just get on the backfoot and sulk.





That very article proves your 50 degree assertion wrong mate
I think the reason you got pushback is because your post kind of made it sound like, if those things bother you, we've always had hot days and bushfires for example, then you never really were going to come here in the first place were you? Makes the whole thing come across as smug and moot

The real question is


That very article proves your 50 degree assertion wrong mate
I think the reason you got pushback is because your post kind of made it sound like, if those things bother you, we've always had hot days and bushfires for example, then you never really were going to come here in the first place were you? Makes the whole thing come across as smug and moot

Also saying we can't take the piss out of ourselves is just an annoying absolute that is obviously and demonstrably wrong, would rather you didn't act all coy like you don't know your post invites contest

Pensioner buys toilet paper in bulk

>On Wednesday the lowest maximum was 19C at Low Head, Tasmania. On Thursday, Nullarbor in South Australia set the record for the hottest December day on record, recording 49.9C
literally proving yourself wrong haha x

Lads..... I am about to do something unruly.

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One hour into toil and I've spent it all snoozing in bed

Love Australians and quite like the British, they're my mates
simple as

haha working hard or hardly working ;)

mate what am i looking at.

Lover of all peoples and cultures

Drumpf said Corona will peak in 2 weeks
So cancelling Eurovision was utterly pointless then.

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YTB! (Yeah the boys)
YTL! (Yeah the lads)

I'm not, but it's a fact, it's reported everywhere. I'd rather live in Aus than pretty much anywhere else on this planet even with those downsides, it's miles better than here, but it doesn't mean we have to ignore the fact it makes it a little less attractive.

Read the article. It's just something I've noticed with Aus' on here, they don't like criticism of Australia as a place at all for some reason.

>Dr Lewis said the record hot Australian summer in 2012 and 2013 was made more likely due to human-caused greenhouse warming, and such an event was expected to occur more frequently under future warming.

>“One of the hottest years on record globally in 2015 could be an average year by 2025,” she said.

is that a tub of corned beef?

this but instead of snoozing its browsing r/pawg and r/homemadexxx

grub on the sitter

this except I'm biased a towards the anglosphere hence my presence here

Have you at least went onto teams

for me, it's a quick 5 minute wank to the first half decent thing I find

working from home and gaming has me sitting in the home office 16 hours a day
this can't be good for the soul

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Someone please recommend me an audiobook to listen to during the looming toil. I like horror and psychological books (big Lovecraft fan despite it making me a fedora tipper) but am open to other genres.

I hate everyone who doesn't share my narrow political views

Yeah mate we know it's getting hotter and climate change is leading to longer and warmer summers, I don't NEED a Guardian article to tell me that
What I'm telling YOU is that you said our governments saying we're getting lots of 50 degree days and that's FALSE as proven in the article you linked

nowt better than a beach run and quick swim as the sun sets before a night of watching movies and getting chatty on tinder am i right de lads

House of Leaves


thought you were getting fired pooca

10 Things I hate about Lovecraft

based rational and thoughtful aussie
based brit cause brits are based

morning phimo

It's not a Guardian article it's from one of your universities?

Why are you so upset that you're dragging it down to 'who said what'?

on warning
will be off in 1 week

based and blessed post

Find it hard to believe you sort can’t recognize honest grub.

Don't think anyone would claim that any of this is "good for the soul".

can i get a based my lad

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7PM down here in Sydney.
Sky darkening.


ahaha how'd you get a warning my son

dunno think solitary confinement can be good for a bit

based saab aussie cause aussies are based

why are you on warning mate

thought you had a gf

Yes, we have a daily meeting at 9 so had that up the entire time so I at least appeared online

yessssssssssss!!!! woooooooooooooooo!!!!! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Tfw my boss is lazy as fuck and doesn't even log on until 9.30 even at home so the team meeting starts at 10.30

made mistakes twice in a row on a monthly client deliverable
imagine I will end up getting fired because I spend all my work from home time gaming and lying in bed with the proto gf

aye that it is mate


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just a proto (taller than me) but looks quite likely she will be my gf soon

the based footless and reckless trust fund hedonist

far too many aussies in here piss off

what’s her weight

does she have nice chebs

*scampers off into the night yelping and barking*

sorry /brit/ is functionally (spiritually) /aus/ as well


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what did zhang mean by this

not sure
she's quite thin
they're huge lad, E cups on a skinny frame
unironically way out of my league not sure how I did it

>(taller than me)
can she rest her chebs on your head

It's genuinely bonkers to me there's balt ausnz or whatever it is and not BRIT AUS.

We are brothers, brit should be BRIT AUS.

this is in fact true
it is literally /brit/ + /aus/ but nobody will make the move
cant believe the brits here would refuse to save us from fucking /balt/

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Moved home in with the parents whilst this coronavirus larkk happens from London and it's driving me crazy

>On meetings quite clearly people talking
>Mum comes in anyway 'do you want anything'

>Shit cooking and shit ingredients makes me realise I wasn't a fussy eater as a child they just made dire food

>Boredom and feeling like a trapped teenager again.


yeah mental, I've never posted in /balt/ or anything so I don't know what goes on there but frankly if it's not /brit/ i'm not interested

yes and she does

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bloody hell how tall is this woman

I hope you're not serious. People like you make me mad. You call that work? Lying in bed "snoozing"? Fuck that and fuck your attitude. I have to get up at 5 every single day just to get to my line worker job which is physically exhausting by the way - I'm not sitting on my arse all day in a heated office

5'8 I think (I'm 5'6 - the perfect height)

cool it with the cringeworthy remarks

the tide is well and truly against you, in real life and online

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he's a fucking larper mate stop falling for it ffs

corrr you got any pics lad?

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kek this is just me replying to myself


very german post

migrate to the us for the sole purpose of geting back with the ex?

There’s a cricket outside that won’t stfu

Should have studied harder in school. Capitalism doesn't reward hard work, it rewards people who can bullshit their way into high-paying roles where you do fuck all.

well you can't right now

Hello you called

boss prattling on and on and on, loves the sound of his own voice

oh fair enough mate yeah bloody annoying when that happens


>it rewards people who can bullshit their way into high-paying roles where you do fuck all.
based. need to do this.

While this lockdown is on we are breeding into a black warrior-king ethnostate, there will be no gf’s in the aftermath.

I'm a hard worker look how hard I work, you should be working harder

might get a cat to see out this lockdown with

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yeah after this blows over

English painter Laura Knight, The Dark Pool, 1908–1918

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Mental how it costs my employer nearly a grand a month just for my pension alone before they even pay me and pay my expenses etc.

if I lose my job I'll have to move back in with mum and dad and rent my apartment out
I am still committed to gaming during work hours

Zoomers must be destroyed

dogs are better

fascinating how whenever someone calls out the ""turt"" LARPer he mysteriously vanishes from the thread

Impressionist art ended far too early.

okay literal zillionaire

that's a PHAT pension
my super is only 9% on top of my salary

talking about gaming now de lad
mount and blade coming out tonight

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I like to believe there's some staff out there who actually care about Avatar or signature use.


It's insane really when you think about it though.

I don't actually have a pot of money but I get a percentage of my earnings each year stacked up and it rises in line with inflation then I'm guaranteed that money in line with inflation when i retire for life.

So far I'm guaranteed about 500 quid a year, but by the time I retire should be on about 30k for literally nothing.

salut lad

cash in on neetbux while you still can de lad

wouldn't be enough to cover my mortgage


yeah but you'll be old so who cares

tbf to him this is the redpill:
actual monstrosities of nature and human design like pugs/french bulldogs < jobless little toy rat dogs < cats < small working dogs < utility dogs < gundogs/soft mouthed retrievers
most people below 30 in aus rent some tiny shithole that cant accommodate a working dog so a cat is the best fit

show some fucking respect, turt is oldfag

don't know who to believe about this turt conspiracy theory


Reckon psychiatrists are more mental than their patients a lot of the time.

doing something not worth doing for longer does not make it worth doing

reckon hospitals make you more sick


bad day huh?

Social media was a mistake


healthy man goes to doctor, gets diagnosed with cancer, passes away months later. many such cases

me and turt dominate /brit/. its a Diarchy under our auspicious leadership

ah yes

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the pension scheme is a ponzi scheme, i have the feeling that money won't be there come your retirement if demographics keep going the way they are currently going

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why do only foreigners like macron ? did we come and tell you tony blair was great ? no, then shut the fuck up

Diarrhea isn't a symptom of corona virus is it

have you ever seen a single shred of evidence or a single timestamped photo? no you haven't. think about it.

Don’t see how anyone can dislike turt, he’s harmless and far less obnoxious than most of the other mongs who post here


its hard being the smartest person in /brit/

he's based

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