Im Algerian
Im Algerian
What's the best city in Algeria to live?
we know
Bejaia or setif
why do French people smell like coffee and cigarettes?
because they drink a lot of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes
When did you go to France?
I was born there
Give me an estimate of France's demographics
The more you know...
70 % french
15 % Nafri
10 % Blacks
5 % Others
Don't forget that in those 70% there are French-Portugueses and French-Italians. RIP France
in the south
they are basically meds
Have you ever sang the french anthem?
Why is your French compatriot MOROCCAN constantly posting oiled up men, hoping to entice male european lovers and extremely mad about EUROPA in general?
Then you're French
No and never i will sing it
Dont know who that fag
Are you muslim?
If yes do you try to save your community from falling into degeneracy?
oh fuck off nigger
Yeah "french"
im part french that it
75 algerian
25 french
Yes im muslim
some muslims are subhumans who use religion to justify their degenaracy (race mixing)
but i cant save my community, im not Kal-el
Have a good day.
you too kho, you too
Well if you conquer niggerland, you kind of deserve it anyways
Just wait until every single corner of France turns into Paris but poorer
How about passport though
i have boths
an algerian passport and a french passport
Could you recommend me some French musicians or songs to listen to?
what genre
And what about Oran? I had a penpal gf there
pop, rap, jazz, rock, classical, experimental
Even though I don’t want to do it either, race mixing is allowed but I was more referring to pre-marital sex, drug use and all that stuff that turns people into pointless hedonist junkies.
this is subhuman tier too
i dont know much about music but if you like 80s funk, there is dabeull, if you like rap, there is a tons of them but i recommand you lunatic
how many french pussies have you fucked?
.... Then you are not algerian or do Algerians in Algeria think of you as one even if you where born in france?
> Born in France
> Main part of the family lives in France for probably 50 years
> Is given financial support by the french state for multiple decades
> Is given shelter
> Is given food
> Is given free education
> Live his daily life without actual racism or xenophobia
> Still consider himself Algerian, hates France and its culture
Why are you, and pretty much 99% of French Algerian, like this?
Then why bother being in france if you won't sing it? You obviously have issues with it.
>Big white cock slave is trying to speak
Why gooks are such cunts, go fuck you yourself and your mom
Are you an Arab or Berber?
cause i dont want to sing it
its depends
in france, people says im algerian
in algeria, people says im french
All maghrebis (beside kabyles, riffians, chaouis, tuaregs) are a berber-arab mix with some punic touch and roman blood
Je suis français
Pourquoi tu refuses de répondre, sérieux. Je trouve ça hallucinant le comportement des algériens en France
That's based, I only sing the Maori part of the New Zealand national anthem
You are French
So why keep calling yourself algerian if Algerians don't recognize you as one? they seem to value the life of living in Algeria as essential to being algerian. I mean at least later generations of mexicans call themselves chicanos.
je deteste pas la france et sa culture
au contraire, je trouve la culture, l'histoire de france et sa cuisine l'un des sujet kes plus passionants, je sais l'importance de la france durant l'histoire et que c'est une nation martiale, mais je ne m'integrerais pas non plus
et tu sais, je suis en partie francais (1/4 francais, 3/4 algerien)
because im primallry genetically algerian
It's one and the same.
Parce que les algériens sont des africanoïdes à bas QI, avec des moeurs du moyen-âge et un gigantesque complexe de victime.
J'étais pas raciste avant de travailler dans le médical, puis ensuite tu travailles avec des bougnoules. Même les noirs sont des crèmes en comparaison. Imagine te comporter plus mal qu'un nègre, il en faut et ils en sont fiers.
not at all. you out of your mind.
kho they envy us they want to jinx us with their thirsty eyes
Magma, Heldon, Art Zoyd, Eskaton, Shub-Niggurath, Trisomie 21, Martin Dupont, Orchestre Rouge, Alcest, Amesoeurs, Vlad Țepeș, Peste Noire
People are still born out of culture, specially considering how very little our genetic variety is compared to say chimpanzees. You aren't born with the genetics to be algerian, culture determine greatly what is algerian.
So why do they see him as french?
According to the 4 main schools of Islamic jurisprudence there is no issue with race mixing, in fact all men are proclaimed equal in their subordinance to Allah, what are you on about mon ami?
not french, we say migri aka immigrant.
But he didn't migrated, his parents migrated? Or what about op future children, how can they be immigrants? I'm sure op if not him, his future children are and will be influence by French culture compared to Algerians in algerian, how can their experiences make them equally algerian?
This will protect all humans from the envious eye curse.
Isn't that a title itself?
i still see that as degenaracy but after im not that bothered when its a maghrebi who marry a non-maghrebi girl
i would not let in my family the other way aroud
my dad is half french half algerian and was born there, when he growed up, he went to algeria, married my mother (fully algerian) and went back to france with her
and i would educate my child in the algerian culture ( im not even sure if i want to marry)
thank you cute
his family immigrated to france ~50 years ago
No thats shirk akhi
Only god can protect us, nothing else
this isnt a piece of metal who will protect you
There is only two races in islam, man and woman
no see above
Wait how can you say you are Algerian genetically if you still have French in you? And how can you educate them if you have not experience what is life like in algeria? Wouldn't that be a mixture of French culture and algerian culture? Even then I'm sure Algeria has many subcultures divisions that make it unique within their group.
why are you gay?
Are you a CHI? If you are, then you can relate to him and help him find his French identity
when i say algerian
i mean maghrebi/north african
nice projection chocolateboi
Imagine my surprise when I found out OP is a violent, non integrated, ingrate piece of shit
Totally did not see it coming, usually nafris are such reasonable human beings
Nope, I'm just curious about immigrants and first generation immigrants in europe. It's interesting how they see themselves compared to mexicans and chis here since I love in California and I know a lot of them.
You are confusing yourself. This Algeria France thing is something new to you because media don't gloat about Algeria you don't understand anything from first sight.
True, but its a funny subject.
Algeria culture is made up of french culture + moor + turk/balkan + berber + andalous + jewish + muslim
Algeria culture is new
french culture is not precious it is easy and they wanted the world to follow it like hitler wanted nazism to be, but they failed because USA USA and DEUTCHLAND UBER ALLES and GOD BLESS THE QUEEN
Dam spell check, I live in california
CALibro, sorry for butchering english, I am sleep depraved
You don't love it tho?
>found out OP is a violent,
Literally when ?
you dont know me ?
Frankly I'm confused by the both of you, the French flag poster is talking about genetics and make up family and you are talking about history and ethnic groups.
Meh, not bad enough to move but not good enough to love