Do you like Copenhagen?

Do you like Copenhagen?
It seems like a comfy place

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least comfy place in Denmark

copenhagen is comfy-ish

Copenhagen? More like, cope and hanging.

cities are terrible

No they're not. They're convenient and fun

For me? It’s Aarhus or Odense. Those are maximum hygge as the redditors would say

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But it's the biggest city and only one I can get a direct flight to.

absolutely not, they're inhumane and dull. its a concrete torment for the insane.


Excellent taste


Which beers and smokes should I try?

coping haven

That's everywhere though. I'm from NYC where its pretty bad right now.


Dinamarca es el mejor país del mundo.

Is it true that Danish girls are best in Europe?

køjbnhaubmn mænd
smøjg hæss mænd
fisg å gjibs mæ remo mænd

Speaking of Denmark, I just listened to White Horse for the first time.
What a good song

Places without mountains CANNOT be comfy

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Hygge is just cozy in Danish. Hygglig means "nice" in all skandinavian languages.

Do you guys think international travel will be a possibility by the end of August?

That's exactly what makes it less comfy.
It is generally a comfy city I'd agree, but we have far better places in Denmark in my opinion.

pretty shit. basically just a pseudo copenhagen trying to be hip and cool, but in reality they are hicks like the rest of jutland.

I'm a city guy, though. I find much of NYC to be comfy in its own way.
I'll be happy to go anywhere in Denmark though, I just really hope this quarantine shit is over by the end of the summer. It seems like people have such widely varying opinions, that I don't know what to expect.

Is Legoville close enough to Copenhagen to do a day trip?

Yeah, probably wouldn't want to book anything before there's an end in sight for this COVID-19 thing.
Well, I have a hard time determining what's "close" for an American. For a Dane they are very far apart, but for an American I can only imagine it'd be considered close, haha. Approximately 3 hours away from Copenhagen.

On one hand I do think things will be sorta back to normal by then, but one the other, who knows.
I just really want to book something now because I actually have the money and don't want to wait a whole year for it to be warm again.

3 hours by train is fine with me. I was also considering Hamburger which is 5 hours away, that's kinda pushing it though.

I hope they're back to normal by then and I hope you get to come visit soon!
Was actually talking about by car, but it's probably the same by train if you only include the actual train ride and not the time getting from home to the train and from the train to Legoland.

Is it normal for adult men to go to Legoland?
I haven't collected them in a while, but I liked them a lot in my childhood and still find them interesting.

I don't know. You'll probably find mostly families and young couples, but no one will bat an eye that you are.
I went with my sister and two of my cousins (all of us 20+) and had a great time. It's a very comfy place in my opinion, but definitely best to go a day with great weather.

Are Danes typically comfortable with speaking English, or are they like Germans (people in Berlin at least) who resent it?

>but no one will bat an eye that you are.
But no one will bat an eye that you are there as an adult man*
Many of the LEGO constructions are very impressive. They also have a new thing in Billund (where Legoland is located) called LEGO House that you might want to check out. Cool architecture and concept.
Shouldn't be a problem. I'd say that Danes prefer you speak English to them rather than trying in broken Danish. We are generally very fluent in English.

That's good. I did try to learn German, but Danish kinda seems like a lost cause.
Is Denmark similar to Northern Germany in vibe?

>Danish kinda seems like a lost cause.
Agreed. No use learning it really.
>Is Denmark similar to Northern Germany in vibe?
I'd say so. Germany and Denmark are generally pretty similar.

Probably Northern Germany more so since there aren't mountains.
Do you like Germany?

>Probably Northern Germany more so since there aren't mountains.
Yep. The more south you get the less "Danish-like" you get.
Yeah, I really like Germany. I lived there a short while too.

Do you find Germany to be more affordable?

Seashore can be comfy

Stay out of Denmark shittmutt.

yea I've been there. I miss it sometimes. I think it's a must visit place in summer.

Yes. Germany is definitely cheaper. We do a lot of shopping right over the German border. Mostly for alcohol/soda.

Why so mad, user?

In Flensburg?

Just outside of Flensburg in Harrislee, yeah.

Legoland is in Billund which had an airport. If that helps

do you prefer Danish beer or German beer?

I like both, don't really have a preference. Both countries have numerous great microbreweries, but if we're talking "macro breweries" (or whatever large companies with mainstream beers would be called) then I prefer pic related which is Danish.

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What are those little bottle things that are served at Danish bars?

Tuborg was alright.

Underberg? They're German, though.
Better than Carlsberg at least.

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Christiania was crackhead tier and the weed sucked, not sure what I was expecting

That's interesting, I went to like 10 bars in Germany and didn't see it a single time.
Are they good?

How is weed in the Netherlands?

>Are they good?
I don't like bitters, so not for me.
They are a bit of a meme in our youth drinking culture.

Wibroe årgangsøl. Best price ratio of any alcohol.
Also Tuborg Classic.

Just smoke whatever is cheapest don't cigarettes all taste the same? Smoke Kings if you want to be an annoying copenhagen hipster.

have you also tried the Tuborg gold?


didn't know you could buy this in france. nice.

IF you're in denmark you should also try the passionfruit soda made by the same company-

yeah, I tried green classic and gold, and something called raw which is a meme.

All are pretty ok-tier daily-driver beers. Nothing particularly delicious but they go well for a quick drink at any time. Tuborg Classic is maximum comfy I would say so its why I rank it higher. Green and raw are kinda a meme