The /balk/ experience edition.
The /balk/ experience edition.
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Wow the gypsy retard has been sperging for 18 hours straight. Yikes.
What? Link?
prolly means the fin flag
>Rasha took the time to make this
oт къдe мoгa дo cи взeмa cтипцa?
This . His last post was today at 6 GMT+1.
Damn. I wonder what gives someone so much rage fuel for so long.
My mentor btfoing two-digit subhumans
>no power again in Simeoniggerovo
in which part of africa is that
Richfag detected
Serbia to start 24h quarantine
oooooh no no no kermit the bald frog PUA artist, mr. i hit on drunk chicks
>first 30 secs
>separate consciousness bad
>globalism higher level good
Give me your honest thoughts
not sure if that's a man
just b urself incels
It's tranlo
>wide jaw and big chin
>dumb pose to hide wide shoulders
>that thin af hair
>that flat af chest
that's a dude
The world population needs to kept below 500.000.000
It's fyrombey, don't expect more than sucking big corporation's dick
based cairshqip and his poemic life misfortunes
nuke africa and china
easy -3bn
since you're intelectuals, can you give me a source on romanias average height?
dunno about romanians but bulgarians avarage height is 18cm
btw those faggots even made a mistake writing that bullshit source
its "et al."
probably autocorrect kek
never know fyrombey looked up to some retarded new age 2deep4u retardism
My modem keeps fucking disconnecting
Дyшa цpнa кo Гaнa,
гaнџa oд Tиpaнa,
кypшyми кoгa cлaвaт, cитe мopa дa нe знaaт,
oд Бeлгpaд бeлa дaмa y вeчep пo двa лoкaлa,
y Coфијa кoлa кapaм y Cкoпјe мe чeкa бaндa.
are you from 2004
2Chads more views than Fox and Coby
This video changed my life
I dont know but you and Albania having the lowest height might be related to your countries experiencing famines in the 80s. Malnutrition = lower height, hence the 10cm difference between North and South Koreans.
Are they casting the cutest and hottest girls from turkey in these soap operas or what? I need to move to turkey
The city is great without provincials, only the old-timer masterrace is wandering the streets now.
3rd week at home and I'm running out of nerves
Fuck you Fyromgay
I've listened to 2bona on repeat for the last 2 fucking days im a fucking retard
Listen to their lesser known songs
What a fucking weird ass film
I liked it
Me too but... I don't know man, it was also very unsettling to me for some reason
why? did you relate too much to it lol
Ah yes, nothing better than listening to "Киpo Бpeйкa" struggling to speak his own language.
I got my brothers with me,
everybody shqipe, 𝐚nd provd to be
I got my e𝐚gle on my chest
WE ARE ALBANIAN 𝐚nd FVCK the rest.
No. I couldn't relate to him at all honestly. Don't know why it left me feeling like this
>no finland flag
don't provocate the mentally ill retard
Rasta destroyed this
FUCK THIS LOCKDOWN FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE IT! And my affair cut me because of this now, 2020 a SHIT!
thought you were stronger eufag
stop fucking other people's wives
I can feel your suffering, EUflag
I dont fuck other people's wives and gfs, only singles.
Fucking chinks and their lowlife habits. Wold Powel new wold oldel *eats batsoup and tiger balls*
>friends are using KEK in a group chat
where did they learn this word wtf thought it wasn't that widespread
>stocked up on monster
>tfw never drank a monster during my entire life
Is synthwave greek here? recommend me some good music.
It's WoW slang you idiot.
so? i don't see it on fb, 9gag, reddit and other popular websites
Waiting for this shit to get lifted to get to NL for a week to fuck and get drunk/high. Anyone interested?
>implying russian influence is bad
>bugar sucking russian dick
100% some fag from balk
>youtube automated playlist consists of turbo folk, classical music, conspiracy theories, vidya game play, football, patriotic music, brit rock and 80s rock, communist songs, Hitler speeches
CIA is gonna have a hard time profiling me
Φακ καραντίνα, αιντεεεεεε
20+ years since i saw this music video on TV, still in love with the protagonist girl