Attached: JPEG_20200222_200509.png (640x426, 205.2K)
/cat/ Catalunya
Isaiah Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Dylan Powell
bit too early
Henry Price
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, grab a crucifix
Seven, eight, Ya better stay awake
Lincoln Hill
Ayden Taylor
scatalunya LOL
Ethan Gray
Mejor hilo:
Owen Edwards
Viva España
Joseph Perry
we support the territorial integrity of the Spain!!1!
Brody Reed
Brandon Gutierrez
you also support the territorial integrity of turkey by slaughtering kurdish civilians by the hundreds!
and then get on all fours for china eventhough they're genociding a whole turkic ethnicity! You're a sad pathetic excuse of a nation with no capacity for righteous thought or moral action!
Jackson Morris
Non country
Daniel Thomas
bola de drac
Kevin Clark
Ane'm-la a buscar
Dylan Turner
Isaiah Martin
Casquet volador
Daniel Smith
Sóc japonès i sóc groc
Ryder Rivera
I support the people of Catalonia to vote and decide whether they'll stay within Spain or gain independence
Owen Sanchez
Moltes gràcies noi, vols un bol d'arròs?
Leo Cook
I support the people of Japan to sit and watch as their women get fucked by big hard throbbing white cocks
Adrian Baker
I support the Ryukyuan people to vote and decide whether they'll stay within Japan or gain independence
Bentley Martin
James Perez
Adam Martin
Es moriran abans de corona-chan fingint que tot va bé
Austin Sanders
They need a /Ryu/ 琉球民族 thread
Hudson Price
Grayson Jenkins
Jace Russell
Estic segur que serà un èxit de fil.
Elijah Williams
Ethan Clark
Em sap greu, ja no es pot aturar
Saps si na Eri Kitami és soltera? Demanant per a un amic haha.
Adam Perry
Li podrias haver posat una mica de text home, ara la gent potser es fixara en la imatge pero no entendran res
John Carter
Sóc autista i subnormal, i el meu veí japonès m'ha violat. Què vols que faci?
I am autistic and retarded, and my Japanese neighbor has raped me. What can I do?
私は自閉症で遅れています、そして私の隣人は私をレイプしました。 私に何ができる?
Andrew Cooper
El meu hc es que el vei era d'Okinawa
Adrian Ross
Què està passant?
Jason Richardson
Aquí menjant arròs
Adrian Wilson
És bo?
Dylan Brooks
Massa cuit
Isaiah Kelly
Aprèn a cuinar
Charles Brooks
Un mosso d'esquadra m'ha pegat una pallissa per sortir de casa sense permís del govern. Em fan mal les costelles.
Wyatt Robinson
Josiah Reyes
Encara poden sortir els que tenen gos amb la nova llei?
Juan White
Li has demanat el nombre de placa?
Daniel Green
He d'anar dijous a l'hospital
Creieu que la poli em deixarà anar-hi?
Liam Reyes
No ho sé, no tinc gos, tinc un periquito.
Sí, però m'ha dit amb accent cani:
¿Quieres que te diga dónde tengo la placa? Pues claro que sabes, en el coño de tu puta madre.
Con colons espanyols alfa.
Joshua Thompson
Escolta, perquè el que has de fer és anar a la comissaria i posar una denúncia al policia perquè no tenia dret a comportar-se d'aquesta manera
Cameron Bailey
I don't speak meme Spanish language, sorry
Sebastian Williams
Hablad español hijos de puta
Blake Cooper
Menja'm els ous manolo
Jack Thomas
Quoi ?
Noah Barnes
Què mana?
Xavier Foster
independent Catalonia, when?
Gabriel Taylor
would you support a revolutionary uprising by the catalonian people with the full force of the russian army?
Kevin Smith
Liam Clark
Michael Hughes
calla botifler.
Carson Ramirez
As gib us weapons and "military assistants" and then we can rise up
Wyatt Thompson
I was just waiting for his reply, I would never side with that snownigger subhuman dictatorship that only wants to weaken Europe and doesn't really care about the different cultures of the continent
Parker Lee
Hey mira, un aliat es un aliat. I no es que ens sobrin precisament
Nicholas Barnes
Robert Evans
There are a lot of socialists/communists in the catalan independence movement tho
Ian Morgan
They're not really any of that and the average lazi is a liberal in the European sense
Jackson Bennett
The average lazi scores himself 3.34/10 in the Extreme left/Extreme right spectrum.
Christian Reed
nice trips, can you provide link to sauce?
Jackson Scott
Hunter Russell
Thanks! Got the link or do you just have the pic?
Saying this because it is quite small
Lucas Morris
Andrew Walker
It is now 3.27 (pág. 568)
Austin Taylor
FOR (You)
Jayden Richardson
Us heu adonat que ja ningú parla dels herois presos per les seves idees polítiques ni de la independència? No vull dir que Espanya hagi creat el virus per fer callar a el moviment independentista (encara que no m'estranyaria i algú hauria d'investigar a l'CSIC) però està clar que a el govern espanyol li convé aquesta situació i intentarà allargar el més possible.
Wyatt Scott
Samuel Kelly
Connor Murphy
They can run their economy how they want to.
However, if they move their armed men into Andorra, take the territory and say "they wanted to be part of Catalunya. We have liberated them." is when I would say - fuck them.
Daniel Lopez
A Espanya definitivament li va a favor que la gent ja no es centri en Catalunya, però amb la manera que estan portant això crec que les protestes que hi hauran després de la pandèmia seran bastant besties.
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