Why are you racist?

Why are you racist?

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I'm not. Well, just the Chinese after this.

Because this country would be better without niggers. They ruin everything. Not just their extremely high violent crime rate or how difficult it is to teach them in school. But basic things. I went to the grocery store today and everyone was practicing 6 feet social distancing perfectly well.

Then, the earth shattering might of a pack of wild sheboons enters the store. They’re cursing and yelling and guffawing and bumping into people and touching everything and oh my god theyre just disgusting creatures.

I'm not. I have a mulatto wife and have friends from all races.

I'm not racist
I don't care about Race or nationality because it divides us as humans.

I also don't like Organized religion, it divides us greatly and causes wars. I love God but i don't love Christianity, Islam or Judaism or any other Religion. I love god

I'm not.

The Europeans spread the disease

brown immigrants
paraguayans and bolivians more than anything

im not
chinks and gooks arent humans so its perfectly normal to hate them

im not, just xenophobic

Why are foreigners living in my country?

Aren't you an European living thousands of kilometers away from Europea?

Are you Maori?

no, he's a new zealander living in new zealand.

just against niggers

Self-hatred mostly, I'm not really racist against other races

Do you think the Maori like you cunts either?

the maori are a nation within new zealand. they didn't make new zealand though.

just against spics

I don't give a fuck either way

I'm not, I just really hate niggers.

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Are they still pushing you out of South Central, Latrel?

>just against spics

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doesn't give a fuck either way, just fuckin poos

just against whites and blacks
(im a mongoloid unionist)

Why the fuck are you talking to me you weirdo?

>t. Hector Sanchez

bit rude, but ok. i was just saying you like a poo.

I'm only racist against white people and niggers

I grew up in a white America. Now it is a hispanic country. It was ruined to death by brown people and politicians

if its white, kill it on site

>I hate snowniggers and their pet niggers

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If an European can be a New Zealander anyone can be a New Zealander

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There was no New Zealand before Europeans

>just against whites and blacks
>(im a mongoloid unionist)

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Only a European can be a New Zealander, because only Europeans made New Zealand.

lmao this line of thought isn't as progressive as you think

Yes, you should have stay in your country

i always lol when mutt immigrants living in anglo countries put occupied (random indigenous group) territory on their twitter pages

uh.......... the only reason you're allowed on the land is because of white people.

the institutions and structure is english in nature, if pajeets wanted to live in a new zealand they should have got there first and set it up for themselves, not appropriate it for themselves and state it is their's as equally as a european stock person.

>>t. Hector Sanchez

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I'm not racist, just don't really like foreigners. I don't see hispanics or asians as true americans though. Blacks are meh because they were forced here but if we could send them back I'd be fine with it

In the future all non Europeans will feel the same Europeans in New Zealand feel today.
I'm not progressive

Chinks are subhuman that bitch and moan at the world for pointing out their flaws

so you don't actually care about indigenous people then.

Because the white race is the most beautiful race of all races and I'm aestheticist. A 5/10 in Sweden would a 9/10 in brown shitholes.

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70% of whites in New Zealand are gender fluid or some shit and prefer yo own cats than having children, somebody have to live there in the future.

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Maoris are a minority there and always will be a minority in New Zealand

lol what

because of people like you that support genocide against them under the guise of "fuck white people" liberalism

I'm a pardo, I don't consider myself racist against blacks or my own "race", but one time I went to a civil registry here in my city, and God, everybody was brown and poor, with a completly tired and unkept appearance, fat and wearing the ugliest and cheapest chlotes they could find. And there in the middle of the crowd there was this beautiful blonde mother with her two kids, they made the rest of the place look like shit.

I'm not racist and I support the human rights.

I don't hate white people, you dumbass. But it's stupid to say that a place that was colonized by people from thousands of miles away don't want people who come from thousands of miles away.

What in the fuck are you talking about?

maoris don't want their land flooded by random nonwhites and refugees all across the world

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New Zealand isn't America, we didn't get immigrants from all over it was just the UK

Too bad, they don't make the rules
Go back to Wales

this, only whites and maoris have the right to live there

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people who annoy me tend to be from the same group of people. not my fault our brains are trained to recognize patterns when none exist

did you even read my post? the traditions and structure of a country isn't suited for anyone to live in it without limit until the country itself is supplanted by foreign values.

UK is 18 000 km away from New Zealand. If you wanted to make a white utopia You should have made it in UK, bru.

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Nigger I didn't make shit. I'm 100% anglo but I'm not even eligble for citizenship in the UK because all of my grandparents were born here

British values in Oceania are foreign values, if people there need to change them they will be changed.

You do not make the rules, he can stay

Racism has a concept is exclusively used against Europeans and the only reason is that non-Europeans want to live among us and guilt trip us when we don't want them.
There is no reason whatsoever for the average European to want immigrants to stay here, that's all there is to it, but these cunts don't want to accept it and scream racism at every turn.

Too bad for you

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british values are foreign in coutries like australia and new zealand??? countries set up BY the british and occupied BY the british?
are you genuinely retarded.

Ignore the negro supremacist mutt. He hates all non negros and wants them displaced

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Nick Bougas Still making comics?

I'm not. I legitimately hate Americans but American aren't a race, just a race to the bottom.

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Anyone can be accused of racism except for negros

because black people

They should have made their white Edens in the UK, not in fucking Maori or Abo lands. They can't really complain

i unironically hate chinese people more than blacks now

you have no argument other than "hurr durr youre quite far from where you started, hmmmm?"

>They should have made their white Edens in the UK, not in fucking Maori or Abo lands.
You can not use that as an argument, you already admitted you do not care about the natives of those lands.

because dark skin is ugly and so are their phenotypes