

Attached: trump_aragorn_ben_garrison.jpg (2040x1477, 714.74K)

These political cartoons cannot get any cringier are they?

He only sucks putin's dick at every chance he has.

Trump's victory was a victory for rightists worldwide. Seeing the headlines announcing his victory made me feel like a Jewish person being liberated from a nazi (leftist) camp, it's as if we grabbed the swords that leftist traitors in the media and in politics so tightly held on to and made them ours. We said "you shall oppress us no longer, vermin!" and our spirits rose up. The liberal big state worshippers were put in their place as the sun rose in Kekistan.

if trump wasn't such a retard with this virus he would have cruised to reelection, now it's over

>Ben Garrison

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shut the fuck up sargoy

I love Trump. We right-wingers are the people holding this world's morals afloat. We've been derided, demonized and cast aside. But Trump changed that, he gave us a voice, he gave REASON a voice. He pointed at us and showed the world that the noble virtues of conservatism are still here, making the world a better place. We won't hold our heads down. There's a bright dawn ahead of us and as right-wingers, we'll welcome and protect it from you trannies. We are led by brave and smart men like Bolsonaro, Netanyahu and Trump. We are not scared of you leftist trannies.

who is trump talking to exactly?
one of the few times ben should have labeled something and he didn't

Is Ben Garrison a work or a shoot?

Based Zyklon Ben

Viggo Mortensen

Lord of the Rings reference.

Trump's victory was a victory for rightists worldwide. Seeing the headlines announcing his victory made me feel like a Jewish person being liberated from a nazi (leftist) camp, it's as if we grabbed the swords that leftist traitors in the media and in politics so tightly held on to and made them ours. We said "you shall oppress us no longer, vermin!" and our spirits rose up. The liberal big state worshippers were put in their place as the sun rose in Kekistan. I love Trump. We right-wingers are the people holding this world's morals afloat. We've been derided, demonized and cast aside. But Trump changed that, he gave us a voice, he gave REASON a voice. He pointed at us and showed the world that the noble virtues of conservatism are still here, making the world a better place. We won't hold our heads down. There's a bright dawn ahead of us and as right-wingers, we'll welcome and protect it from you trannies. We are led by brave and smart men like Bolsonaro, Netanyahu and Trump. We are not scared of you leftist trannies.

He went from hating Yang and calling UBI communism, to drawing Yang and Trump together giving money to the American people as something awesome. Like he's so dialed in that Trump can flip flop between issues and he'll find a way to agree with him.

Can someone please explain this comic to me? I see the LOTR reference but everything else doesn't mesh.

Nothing new. They must support the side they chose, even if the side they chose has changed completely.

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>Educating Liberals
This has to be satire

God I love my country do much

You wouldn't understand pentadimensional thinking if it was explained to you. Trumpism is an ideological Klein bottle that loops back to siding with that which it disagrees to better fight it.

What is Trump's tax policy?

Tax breaks on the wealthy basically, that was his first reform when he went into office.

More money for rich jews and Israel. As God intended.

kek, ben's latest drawing

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>lower taxes for everybody
>pull out some troops on foreign soil
>cut wasteful programs
>invest in long term infrastructure

So does he think Trump is powerless or something?

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>cut wasteful programs
Like medicare and social security. Hope you enjoy putting your retirement into your parents healthcare bills.

The deep state is too strong. Even the president can't resist it.

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you have no idea what you're talking about, you didn't even reference the right programs

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was all a ruse, it's all so perfect.

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t. 15 year old
This is what Bush did in his 2nd term as well. Or at least what he tried to do.

I don't see the contradiction in the picture. The most efficient healthcare system is one funded with charity. If you're famous or you've got a pretty face, you get saved. And if you can't get pity money, well, no one will miss you anyway.

Why do right wingers defend and suck billionaire cock every time someone dares insult the 1%, while at the same time ever right wing conspiracy is about how the 1% is out to get us and our children?

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>lower taxes for everybody
Have you actually looked at the numbers?

do you pay taxes

The goal is to distract from the real elites and instead cast blame upon a shadowy, mostly fictional elite that can never be truly destroyed so that they will never actually realize that the true enemy of the white working class is the elites they have actually been supporting this entire time.

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The biggest cuts are for high earning jews. Most working people (i.e. white males making < $30,000/year) don't get shit.

is that what you read on reddit kid

Nigger have you been paying attention?

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The skull of death lapel pin is a nice touch.

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Yeah, I was gonna go ahead and explain, but I see that other user is already doing my work. The tax cuts have absolutely failed every promise by the GOP

>people i hate got tax cuts
>that means nobody else did
it was tax cuts for everybody, you've been conditioned by propaganda to think rich people are evil and the government should have their money instead.

Not him, but how can your reading comprehension be this bad?

For the first time in decades— no, modern history—the feminists, trigglypuffs, libcucks, and the SJWs of the world were vanquished by the deft sword of conservatism, traditional values, and Kek. Straight from the Islamic clutches of the Israel-hating, Marx-loving "President", Barack HUSSEIN Obama, and the murder-rapist colluder Hitlery Clinton, Trump and based Pence SINGLEHANDEDLY wiped out the Republicuck establishment, sliced through the Redditor Bernie Bros, and unsheathed his sword and fury in Michigan and Pennsylvania. November 2016 was a reckoning for libtards and terrorists worldwide. But it was also the rebirth of a conservative Reaganite era where the economy and the people in it worked. For most normal people, Trump's victory marked the rise of America once again.
As the sun rose in the West, the battle subsiding, another sun rose in the Middle East. A Judeo-Christian sun. With Trump's help, and the relocated capital set in stone where Jesus had once walked, it was also time for the rebirth of our Israel.

MAGA is a death cult

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not him but are you retarded?

God dam it's cultist level at this point, even tribal people make more sense.

>>invest in long term infrastructure
Based lying retard

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>you've been conditioned by propaganda to think rich people are evil
if you consider the literal actions of rich people and corpos themselves to be "propaganda" against themselves, sure.

every single tax bracket paid less taxes, you're entire argument is based around how a specific tax bracket got a larger cut than the others. You've perverted the argument and turned it into something that revolves purely around communist propaganda.

Dude, I don't give a fuck about taxation and whatever you where arguing with that guy, your arguments sound straight from someone parroting cultist lines, detached from any individual thoughts.

Sounds so fucking outrageous the way you talk it's fucking crazy


I'm not that guy but i can't even understand what you're saying please learn english

This image made me cringe.

A police state is based though, I wish this happened here.

Holy cringe

>amen, i'm an aussie and i pray for your president every single day
when did we get so embarrassing lads?

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i hate trump because he has ruined nationalism for everyone else

Nationalism ruins itself easily enough.