chicken chimichanga edition
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hate yanks
One of my new favourite movies. Saw it for the first time today.
Pic related is true and you know it. Optimistic nihilism is a cope and not real
anyone else proper fucking despise yanks an incredible amount
Mental how important looks are lads, isn’t it. It’s something you don’t even have control over either. Mental how it shapes your life
Starting Episode 3 of Drain the Oceans
Dunno why you posted this as it doesn't reflect well on British mean and women.
hey lois remember that time i was a horse
We aren’t talking about how men look you daft cunt, we were talking exclusively about women
based lad
>bird at work asked for snapchat
>dont have it
>added me on FB at a staff do
>few months back went to rome tagged with one (1) guy
mixed signals desu lads
ignore the yank op
edition peng ting
If you look ugly on the outside it is because you are ugly on the inside. If you think nice thoughts they will show on your face and make you pretty
looks like a pig innit
>ignore the yank op
>posts an american woman
state of you
All women are vile.
thats literally a 5/10 in australia
She wants you to lure her into a position where she’s vulnerable, like an industrial meat freezer or the back of your car so you can strangle her to death and dissect her stomach.
>If you look ugly on the outside it is because you are ugly on the inside. If you think nice thoughts they will show on your face and make you pretty
*meekly raises a tentative paw*
thinking about niggers again lads
Wales goalscorers vs Belgium (2016):
Ashley Williams: Born in Wolverhampton, England
Hal Robson-Kanu: Born in London, England
Sam Vokes: Born in Southampton, England
Women are sexy beautiful creatures, poof
Rate my Lord of the Rings rankings lads
what is hobitit?
Love Hobtit me
Never watched that virgin filth
Best adaption of Lord of the Rings, how can you not know?
>Hobitit (literally The Hobbits) is a Finnish live action fantasy television miniseries originally broadcast in 1993 on Yle TV1. Produced by Olof Qvickström, it is based on The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, but limits itself to the storyline of Frodo and Sam. Their adventures are narrated by Sam many years later to an audience of young Hobbits. Except for a flashback to Bilbo's encounter with Gollum, no material from The Hobbit is used.
Very curious
Why was the fellowship the best one lads?
People who don't like Lord of the Rings have no wonder in their hearts. They are empty, bitter and care too much about people thinking they are "nerds" (which is retarded because everyone has seen and loves lotr including the normalest of normalfags)
Pictured is the first of the UK’s F-35B Lightning II jets to be flown to the UK
Hahahahhhha just saw some retard post this on Facebook... wow
Kingdom of heaven
because even hackson couldn't fuck it up
>which is retarded because everyone has seen and loves lotr including the normalest of normalfags
>just stay home lol
Fuck, why didn't anyone think of that?
>people believe this
A whole bunch of sudanese, arabs and Indians moved into my town over the last decade
and still the only crime is abos
Just never saw it, simple as. No interest in seeing it now thanks. Stop trying to rationalise your virginity you little freak, I don’t give a fuck about your dungeons and dragons crap. Go suck a nigger?
All the lord of the rings movies are complete crap
How young are you? It won 17 academy awards.
no epic battles
just found out italy isnt counting deaths for people that died at home or in a nursing home. only in hospitral deaths
cant imagine how high their numbers actually are
Woah cool it with the racist comments ok?
Royal Marines from Bovington based Viking Squadron training members of the USMC on the Viking All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) as part of Project ODIN
FotR EE and TT EE are good. Didn't like RotK, either edition.
>How young are you? It won 17 academy awards.
Why does the rest of the world suck at containing COVID? China managed to cap their numbers at 81K.
me hungry
> China managed to cap their numbers at 81K.
the first half of fellowship is good, but the rest of the films are meh
Lads, there's no steppy-step. What's she gonna do?
Everyone is cooking the numbers in different ways desu.
Germany for example isn't counting anyone who died of Corona that had a pre-existing condition as a corona death, even mild asthma mens you don't count.
I'm sure we're at it too.
I like this fella.
For the record, I hate Dungeons and Dragons. I tried to play it with some people and it was the dullest, nerdiest shit I ever did. Rolling dice and jizzing over stats is not my thing. Lord of the Rings is good. I suppose you only watch stuff based on real things because you're so cool and down to earth.
Don't we all need to become immune to this shit for it to go away?
t. Lieutenant Colonel Mason Seetheford and Lord Richard Seethington.
They have authoritarianism in their toolbox
I'm 25 and I've never seen any lord of the rings film
have read everything written by tolkien though
No he spends his time arguing about the hypothetical attractiveness of various nationalities of females on a Mongolian shadow puppetry agora. Like an adult.
Cringe on every level. And that much for a hooker who doesn't even put out? Fucking hell she'd only be worth one hunna if she did part the cheeks
t, chink.