Is there anything cringier than this brown subhumans larping as nazi/white supremecisits?

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My blood is purely white and germanic

Jews larping as whites

Being a fat mentally ill jew with a unibrow

jews larping as humans

For once, I agree with a J*w. Latinos are the ultimate subhumans and should be shot on sight. Kill all Latinos.

I'm gonna have to agree with Shahar here, muh >white coming from anyone in this continent is pure cringe.

I wish I could filter posters from the raceposting states

I am Brown.

quite ironic since there are tons of jews here, it really makes you think

the ovens are ready.

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Nah latinos are based, we are doing everything possible to turn the great Satan Amerikkka into a brown colony and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Shahar is literally built for BBC.

All Latinos should be killed.

It's a based from me

Honestly no and you're 100 % right even if you are Jew
I can safely bet that majority of Yas Forums and fair share of white supremacist group in any country with massive Latino diaspora are self-hating latinos with mental issues

My maternal bloodline is q haplogroup caucasoid toltec aryan
My paternal bloodline is r1b haplogroup caucasoid and Im a toltec aryan supremacist not a white supremacist.

White is a globalist identity for rootless people

Attached: toltec aryan.png (850x984, 517.17K)

Israeli Nukes, Pilpul, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, פרוטוקולי ציון, קרול אינק, לארי סילברסטיין, Dancing Israelis, metzitzah b'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision is for "Jews and slaves of Jews", 20,000 nerves in foreskin, Circumcision related brain damage, תנ"ך: ברית מילה מיועדת ל"יהודים ועבדי יהודים ", 20,000 עצבים בעורלה, נזק מוחי הקשור בברית המילהGoyim, Kapparot, Tikkun Olam, Tay-Sachs, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Shiksa, Loxism,Shabbos Goy, New Haven Jewish slave markets, 70% of Jews vs 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, שוקי העבדים היהודים בניו הייבן, ישראל שחור עברי, 70% מהיהודים לעומת 1% מהלבנים היו עבדים, 109 מדינות, המהפכה הבולשביקית Samson Option, Wooden Doors, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank died of Typhus, Nazi Masturbation Machines, Magnus Hirschfeld, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, אפשטיין לא הרג את עצמו, משפחת סאקלר, משפחת ששון, יוליוס ואתל רוזנברג, ברני מיידוף, סיר ההמסה: מאת ישראל זנגוויל, שיר על פסל החירות מאת אמה לזרוס, אני לא לבן אני יהודי, תוכנית קלרגי & פרס, בית הספר לפרנקפורט, ברברה ל. ספקטר Hart-Celler Act, Jacob Frank, Lavon Affair, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Anton LaVay, Black Cube, Rothschilds founded Israel, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, APAIC, JIDF, Das Judenthum in der Musik

This, Honestly gave up on the movement when every face thread or eye thread devolved into it being 90% Latrino and brown eyes trying to pass as Green because there was some discolored shit.

My grandma is a toltec aryan, how am I self hating for liking toltec aryans?

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based Shahar dropping truth bombs
you are right although it's funny af

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Also, why tf is it so wide spread?

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Did Hitler even have an opinion on Latinos

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Aztecs were caucasoids aryans with q haplogroup who worshiped hitler himself.

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>My maternal bloodline is q haplogroup caucasoid toltec aryan
My paternal bloodline is r1b haplogroup caucasoid and Im a toltec aryan supremacist not a white supremacist.
>White is a globalist identity for rootless people

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why are you quoting me???

He said mexicans were germanic aryans through their toltec blood

Thats an olmec not a mexican toltec aryan,cope harder


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No, mr brown man, hating Israel wont make you huwite

He made like one or two references it, but it's hard to know for sure what thoughts he had on em. Honestly, once he saw the inhabitants, he would of just sterilized them like the Rhineland bastards

Pure toltec aryans.
>Did Hitler even have an opinion on Latinos

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White is an identity for rootless people with light skin anyone can be white but not anyone can be a toltec aryan.

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Jews pretending to be smug

we are not brown here
so we can be neo-nazis if we want
heil fuhrer

Isn't Argentina only like 20% white, atleast on the 90-100% range? Even then, to larp as Nazi fags would be strange, considering Hitler wouldn't even label Italians as honorary Aryans

Andean amerindians are caucasoid aryans with red skin. Does this pic related look like a negro or mongoloid to you, how about this guy?

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there were large nazi party congregations back in the day in Argentina. There's a pic out there

nice creneal shape but the eyes definitely look mongoloid, more so in the old man

So you're a faggot is what you're saying?

I want to defend them but they make it so hard

And we had some too, doesn't negate the fact that new worlders held very little idea what it actually meant to be a nazi, I always viewed it as dickriding the next potential hegemon, kinda like how Anatolian Persians hellenized themselves to avoid losing power when Alexander conquered them.

You are not native, mongrel.

lol no
where did you get that from?

>we are doing everything possible to turn the great Satan Amerikkka into a brown colony and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

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They are ancient eurasian caucasoid aryans. Pure mongoloids have chinky eyes and flat faces not cauacsoid skulls with beady eyes.

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>mfw latinos unironically worship people who made their ancestors go extinct and raped them into mutt abominations

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I hate both whites and jews

No, mr fatman, worshipping jews doesn't make you white.

Native is not a race, some pre columbian people are mongoloids (eg.olmecs, amazonians)while others are caucasoid (eg. northern natives, andeans)

>Im a toltec aryan supremacist
why post a peruca then

Watch as the mutt recoils when he is not allowed to larp as huwite.

Both spaniards (r1b haplogroup) and toltecs (q haplogroup) were caucasoids, you will end up siding with the same race no matter which side you choose and the only abominations are olmecs and pardos

All aquiline nose injuns are of toltec aryan stock

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Yes, I'm watching you. As a non white, I easily recognise another. Embrace your brown identity and stop being jewed, my mutt brother.

their ancestors are also the ones that "raped" you retard

Isn't that the literal implication of being a rape baby? Retarded Iberians make retarded rape babies

That doesn't change the fact that you're a mongrel LARPing as a native. The only place where you belong is six feet under.

Andean and and patagonian amerindians were cauacsoid eurasian toltec aryans, only olmecs and amazonian SEAmonkeys are non aryan

Im pure caucasoid, the amerindians I descend from are aquiline nose caucasoids, cope harder

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u're saying their ancestors got extinct and that's a lie neither the spanish nor the natives got extinct

Is this the mexichad guy or a larper

He writes like the Mexichad, pretty cringe that he chose another larp, the other one was actually funny.