This is what our president has to say about the Corona crisis:

>all of us will die some day anyway


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Other urls found in this thread:,764945/2011-a-2020-a-pior-decada-da-historia-da-economia-brasileira-em-120-a.shtml

He's not wrong but I hate him for what he has done to undermine Brazil by selling your country to the yankee imperialists.

sounds pretty based rather than my boomer parents watching the news about normies having freakouts over supply shortages and then blaming everyone else for supply shortages

Dilma and Lula seemed like better leaders than Bolsonaro is, even if they were corrupt, since they were generally competent. Bolsonaro seems both corrupt and incompetent.

>they were generally competent

Of course it's an American flag


He is right you piece of shit

Kys bolsonigger

isnt lula objectively the best brazilian president ever?

Bolsonaro is simply trying to maintain relations with both the US and China. It's a very odd play but I think it is appropriate given how important both nations are to Brazil's future well being.


The best since the dictatorship ended, I think.

That post about if it 'mutates' in Brazil's bat population, were fucked was spooky. Your leaders lack of caring is honestly concerning.

When Lula was in control, Brazilian real was strong. Brazilians were able to visit many places in Europe and in North America. They use to buy property in Miami. Now they are dirt poor and cannot even dream of visiting even another city within Brazil. It is simply to expensive now to visit Recife if you are from Sao Paulo.

To be fair, those who could afford to buy property in Miami back then are far from being “dirt poor” right now.

rip hues

>if you're not pro lula you're pro bolsonigger

KYS faggot commie tranny

>he-he's right y-you know!

The shittiest one, probably.

you're a fucking idiot with no clue of what you're talking about just stfu

How about (you) shut up and keep sucking the toes of a racist who is literally ruining the economy of your country.

We haven't had a president that's not an embarrassment since... never, I guess.

Yes, when Lula was president people loved and respected Brazil.

>muh racism

Stfu faggot beaner
>you're either red or Bolsonaro
you americans and your stupid dual edged sword don't work here now fuck off

Dilma caused the worst recession in our history and Brazil grew less than average during Lula compared to other developing countries despite the jackpot we had with the commodities boom, they big net negatives even if you ignore they absolutely abhorrent public security policies and corruption.

I might be brown but don't act like you aren't either. You have self hatred and mental colonization and a racial inferiority complex that makes you subservient to the white man. Grow a spine fucking flathead bolsocuck.


Besides the poor economic performance, we also stagnated on education, organized crime exploded and corruption became so ingrained in our politics that now politicians think it's preposterous to discuss any bill or measure without billions in bribes, there's basically nothing good to say about the worker's party and I'm surprised they haven't been ruled a criminal organization yet considering the tapped calls from organized crime saying they had a great dialogue with the party.


>still repeating the same garbage

Take the dick out of your mouth Juaréz.
>muh american dichotomy is the same in every country on the globe
>you're either x or y


Brazilians have to be the most politically divided and polarised posters on Yas Forums, even more so than Americans.

>worst recession in our history
Go back to your fortnite zoom zoom

Blame braindead and militants from the northeast who still worship a convicted criminal, they have a history of praising outlaws.
They'll straight-face lie about literally everything and when proven wrong they will automatically accuse you of being whatever the current buzzword is and then scurry off to lie elsewhere, they're just completely immoral and thick.

somebody needed to say it

the best if you hate working and love seeing how lawful actual worker's incomes are redistributed among the nonproductive members of society. Also the best if you love your coutry runnin fiscal deficits year on year

Yes, it was in fact the worst recession since they started recording it.

2011-2020 as also the worst decade in history.,764945/2011-a-2020-a-pior-decada-da-historia-da-economia-brasileira-em-120-a.shtml

Why did you think your epik zinger was worth posting? You're not just ignorant but also an idiot for not even looking it up before trying to sound smart.

>They'll straight-face lie about literally everything and when proven wrong they will automatically accuse you of being whatever the current buzzword is
I've noticed it being done mostly by so called brazilian right-wingers on this board, the ones who racepost comonly identify themselves as being whites from the south

>Muh northeastern
Quit your bullshit with your scapegoats, I doubt we have more than 2 northeasterner posters

Take a look at the Brazilian stock market and Brazilian employment under Bolsonaro.

Attached: Bolsofaggot.png (631x300, 18.28K)

I can blame idiots from other places too, but the northeast concentrates the worst kind of people in every way.

Based, he's not wrong.

Attached: LTBHTF.jpg (1280x722, 276.4K)

Here, from an actually trustable source, the Brazilian Institute of Economics.

thank you for showing me the path of every emerging market currency in 2020. Care to pinpoint the exchange rates of currencies such as the mxn, ars, vef?

Probably around 6 or 8, myself included

Leave my country you communist spic. Go further ruin whichever shithole you came from.
We can split hairs all day but if you have to argue if the recession really was the worst or not it shows how bad it was.

obsessed incel

Seethe, I’m a sulista and Bolsonaro is the biggest idiot on this planet

Quite mutt, adults are speaking.

Didnt one of their recent presidents break the brazilian record for how much money they were caught stealing?

Go fuck yourself dumbass mutt.


>implying Dilma caused the global recession

Why are you retards like this?

The worker's party presided over the biggest corruption scheme in history and the investigations are still going on 6 years later, and of course the party that says they did nothing wrong do absolutely everything to undermine the investigations of the scheme they supposedly have nothing to do with despite the fact that their kingpin has been condemned twice in it already.

Seethe more bitch, Amerikkka will be a Marxist-Leninist Latinx majority country by 2030.

Why don't you go kill yourself? I don't care about some idiotic mutt trying to tell me about my country.

can't belive how easy it was to disarm that leaf

You Cough You Lose

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It’s funny that spics don’t even realize that Amerimutt meme is a dig at your kind.

No. Lula and Dilma stealed nothing. Sergio Moro tried to frame Lula, and worked to take him out of the election (the he would have won against Bolsonaro).

You Cough You Lose.

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>tried to frame Lula
You mean he was condemned in two different cases with unmistakable evidence that not even his lawyers bothered trying to argue against, their strategy has been nothing but pigeon chess with false propaganda trying to invalidade the cases in any stupid technicality possible or appealing to the corrupt supreme court.

will he get coronaed?

will he end impeached?

Why do Brazilians love populist retards so much?

All Americans love populists. It's part of the new worlder psychosis.

Did he seriously say that? I mean I'm not one to question why people would vote him in because we've elected our fair of retards but I'd expect the leader of my nation to have a little more professionalism than a preschooler

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