Am I weird if I latinas sexually attractive? Is there something wrong with me?

Am I weird if I latinas sexually attractive? Is there something wrong with me?
It started with me doing research on the conquistadors and south american history. I saw some pictures and watched some videos of latinas talking.
And something just clicked in me - they are absolutely its absolutely beautiful. I couldn't stop looking.
The eyes of latinas are so clear, and knowing - you can see the soul in their eyes.
And the way they eyerape and talk- so sexy, so graceful, so confident, so seductive.
But the best part of their faces is how expressive they are, how clearly they express their emotions.
You can feel their confidence, You can see their feelings, unlike many other other women.
Latinas are perhaps the physical embodiment of pure sexuality and femininity.
I mean, if femininity was given a physical shape, it would be a latina. I see a latina, and I see "I am woman".
latinas represent the purest form of femininity - a seductive, powerful, confident on one side,
and a high fertility, on the other, perfectly blended into the physical embodiment of femininity.
Compared to latinas, normal women just cannot stack up.
The most beautiful woman on Earth could not possibly hope to even compare to the raw beauty of an average good looking latina.
I've always admired the faces of latinas, but it was only recently that I actually found they're sexually attractive.

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Didn't read but I'd like you to know that my opinion of you is still negative. You wrote whatever that is up there in an effort to waste my time and in some weird fetish way to satisfy yourself. I'm not sure if you're still wrestling with the fact that you have an extra chromosome or have come to terms with it and are lashing out. But one thing is for sure, you sure know how to write something I'll never read. You probably typed that whole thing out with your little dwarf thumbs. Incessantly tapping away at your cracked screen just to scrawl out a message that only the mentally handicapped that wrote it will read. I am absolutely appalled by the fact that this app allows for such people with blatant mental illness to post. It's not only a danger to the users but to society.

way too much text for a coom thread
still good tho
post more chicks with brown pussy lips

have sex

depending on the country, many of them have black DNA.

the french are naturally attracted to the negro. you're just manifesting your inner negrophile OP.

I say based

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Her face is perfect

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also unironically thirst over latinas myself desu

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This body type latinas are the best in my opinion

Attached: latina.jpg (1080x1080, 187.54K)


Or this type

Attached: 08E6A483-F29E-45E9-9794-13205EE92DEA.jpg (1200x675, 110.72K)

these are obvious caribbeans with partly african descent. I agree these are the best type of latinx


Most of them are fat goblins, or will turn into fat goblins when they hit 28
so, yeah.
t. southwest dweller

caribbean too. Mestizos very rarely look like this

>french wondering if its ok to like dark skinned people

Bro, your whole country is turning brown. Plow whoever you want

0n is right about their black features. Looks like it's in Miami too. Probably congolombianas or cubans, can't pinpoint it the black.

No. Nothing weird. The Chad Ben Affleck figured this out a long time ago with Jennifer Lopez and has returned to his roots with Ana de Armas

Yo chill

Latinas are just pure sex, from their shapely arses to their "fuck me" eyes.

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Is this term mainstream now?

no, he's just a schizophrenic

She's brazilian, brazilians aren't L*tinos.

Imagine her crushing your head between those thicc thighs haha, just as a prank though haha

no, 0n is just an extremely online guy

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how to get gf guys?

>"fuck me" eyes

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is this nagatoro?

i bet she looks disgusting with no pants on
just flab and cellulite everywhere
you can just tell everything from the waist down is like a garbage bag filled with cottage cheese

Attached: colombiana sitting.jpg (1080x1350, 200.7K)

Thank god you pathetic white incels will never lay a finger on a latina goddess. She can see the fetishization and desperation in your eye

she isn't brazilian she's colombian, you retarded ape

i believe she's brazilian actually. Not like she couldn't pass here, but I think the hue bro is right

God I wish that were me.

t. virgin incel

not at all
i already coomed to this thread

why do you guys always deny so vehemently that you are latino?

Attached: best job ever.webm (1280x720, 322.41K)

that's the smile of an accomplished man, holy fuck

Latinas are peak. Once you've been with one you will never want anything else

This girl belongs in chains as my torture and fuck slave.

brown girls, not white not black, but brown girls are top tier

>I saw some pictures and watched some videos of latinas talking.
which videos? post them no matter is they are in french

She looks like she will behead you for selling dope in her teritory and will film the whole ordeal on a shitty phone and post it on bestgore

Nah, by her eyebrows and well kept hair I can tell she's not the druggie type. More of the upper family type with good income, that is active on Instagram and take cute "dangerous" pics for attention. Like holding a cigarette with a beer at 16

French people are rude and weird

Bruh i thought you were thailand the whole time

>being beheaded by a women

What are you ?
a seven year old ?

bruh.... how much tv are you fed up there in scandinavia?

Have you given Germoids a try? They think French is romantic and want darkhaired kids.

she look like i could handle her with only one hand

just coom bro


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How come latinas are so thick compared to spanish women?
I watched the entire season 2 of Narcos the last 3 days

Calmate playo

>I watched the entire season 2 of Narcos the last 3 days

mexico or the one on pablo

Pablo Basedbar. Also post more latinas

Pablo' wife is getting AMERICANED

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>How come latinas are so thick compared to spanish women?
latinos are only somewhere between 1/3- 3/4 spanish or other european or mena on average depending on the country, remaining admixture is a mix of native and african depending on the country too. It's the african part that povides the curves in them