third world countries
Third world countries
I am Brown.
Why isn't germany included
Ok. And?
My state is richer than Poland. I demand that east europe should be included in the thirdie cathegory
it is what it is
Otherwise known as country will soul
The average polack is worth more than your entire family tree, pedro
ok, turk.
Africa will surpass America. Kara Boga brothers
what do colors mean?
cringe paulista
Stop larping, cumskin.
>he thinks he is white
Why even bother mate? North europeans see you as a north african.
The majority of north europeans are actual africans so it doesn't matter
>Fievre typhoide
Typhoid outbreak rates I guess
Why is my country not on that map??
owowwo wait? Is this a coronavirus map?
ok, fellow browntoid
>mfw I have better chances of surviving the kung flu in this 3rd world country that in 1st world italy
LoL if you don’t test your population obviously.
You are going to die from random pneumonia
>being so stupid to insult each other using terminology that means nothing
>mu I’m white mu look at mu my mu white aryan god having fun with Tyron bbc
>mu we wuz white aryan god
Nordic fag: Mu we wuz blonde aryan
Why Korea though?
None of thosse are nordic you spazz
They're white though, and have some of the strongest genetics of the European race itself and one of the most blue eyed countries in the world. You however are brown, manlet, mutt, brown eyed. Plus non-white. To qualify as true third world you must be brown.
Your negro country brought a Prince from Denmark to be a King so you would have a white royal family and pretend to be white.
Brazil homicide rate: 30.5
Poland homicide rate: 0.80
Nuff said
What can we say about a country that during the majority of its history was either part of Germany or Russia.
shit thread
stop fighting baka back to Yas Forums
Its 20 now kek
fixed your trash map
America is 3rd world we don't even have socialized medicine
Nah his was correct swarthoid
The world is ROUND you RETARD
Why use the term "third world country"? It's confusing and pretty wrong
Was this image supposed to disprove anything? kek
>Why yes, I am slavic, how did you know?
He's a swarthoid larping as Balt just remind him he's not white, he'll leave.
holy mother of cope
Must be very traumatizing to be in Europe, wanting so bad for northrons and eastrons to accept you as all they can see is an arab.
shut up jew boi
It's time to go back, Janusz
Even for a jew faggot, your D&C is severely lacking. Try harder jewnigger.
It doesn't matter what time of day I come on Yas Forums. If it's a thread on slavs he'll be in it. Just imagine what this neets incel mutt face looks like kek
Peruvians are whiter than poles.
i'm 100% a catholic Lithuanian
you must be an amerimutt on vacation to believe that all Europeans are the same
It's a bloody insult
cope more slavshit, you will never be european
Stfy minkey
No you're not and nobody is falling for your larp. Post face. Also
>argues europeans are not all the same
>post images suggesting individual groups all look like one thing
Make up your jew mind schizo freak
we been knew
Honestly not the best comparison pic if you were trying to make a case. Left looks like he fucks blacks guys, right looks chad.
>post face
i'm not doxxing myself, retard
all i'm saying is that Europe isn't one race, and that e*stern "europeans" are subhumans who are leeching off westerners. That's all. But i guess your dumb sl*v head can't comprehend that. Maybe you should try going back to Yas Forums
>recending hairline
>fat face
>fat lips
>beautiful hair
>nice square jaw
>doesn't look like le liberator
>muh Yas Forums boogeyman
So is that it. Some slav from pol bullied the jew? is that the superhero origins?
>eastern euros are leeching off westerners
40% of energy in Europe comes from Russia mutt.
>projecting this hard
Metas grįžti, slavpalaiki