Do Brazilians llike Bolsonaro right now?

Do you think he is competently handling things in Brazil?

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Yes. He's 100% right. I've been swimning(in the summer of course) in the local sewer since I was 9 and I never got sick
A cringe bat flu won't cause nothing

Is there something worse about swimming in the Brazilian sewers during the winter?

big badda bum

He committed several errors but his ministers are doing a great job and i think the oposition would be even worse.However,Brazil is a socialist shithole and will take decades to change it.Thats my opinion.

basado favelado

>On Thursday, Bolsonaro told reporters in the capital, Brasilia, that he feels Brazilians’ natural immunity will protect the nation.
>“The Brazilian needs to be studied. He doesn’t catch anything. You see a guy jumping into sewage, diving in, right? Nothing happens to him. I think a lot of people were already infected in Brazil, weeks or months ago, and they already have the antibodies that help it not proliferate,” Bolsonaro said.

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Himself is a retard who likes to mimmick everything that Trump does and his son is even worse seems he's a USA cocksucker on steroids.

His govt team are great tho.

I voted for him and if he manages do dodge the upcoming crisis due to corona I'll vote for him again in 2022

This is just the tip of the iceberg, bolsonaro is dilma tier on shitspeeching (just made this word, it's the same concept behind shitposting but with speeches instead of posts on the internet, based right? Yeah I know)


He's the one that appointed his own cabinet, he's already smarter than any previous president by simply surrounding himself with competent people.

His cabinet is literal shit the governors are doing everything

You can't call someone smart who says shit like this. He still behaves like he's in congress, bitching, talking shit and blaming the opposition for literally everything that goes wrong.
Even Guedes himself is losing his patience.

His govt won't last much longer and i really doubt he'll be reelected if someone slightly more decent in the right-wing appears.

>Dória declared quarantine
>Made prisons to start manufacturing masks
>making all the Gado seethe

This guy will definitely compete for presidency.

Is Brazil the India of south America?

>Even Guedes himself is losing his patience.
Oh, you're one of the retards that keep falling for this dumb cabinet vs president narrative the media has been pushing since before the election saying minister X will be kicked out any second now and it just never happens.

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>muh media

The guy is literally doing nothing and worse, working against rational people in front of what's probably the worst health crisis of the century.
Any sensible and smart person would want that retard out immediatly. Mourão would be a much better president since he actually have a great academic background.

And Guedes' response to the new chapter in this made up narrative.

>As for the rumors about his possible departure from the ministry, Guedes said that they are nothing more than "gossiping" and "small talk; from the opposition". "How am I going to leave the country at the most serious moment, knowing that I am in a position to help?", Said the minister.

I think a semi right wing military dictatorship is the way for middle east and south America. Democracy is a ludicrous joke look at what it has done to the west which was a million times stronger than Brazil or Iraq.

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Just vote him back in and the healing can begin.

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>Facebook tier pic
Bolsonaro got rid of some of his ministers, Guedes in other hand is the economic pillar of Bolso's administration the only way the governament looses him is if he leaves by himself

Keep bleating globodrone, these dumbass lies will literally never come true no matter how many times you repeat them.
Feel free to criticize Bolsonaro's stance on isolation, I don't agree with him either but if you need to make up false shit to support your "side" then you need to reevaluate your opinions.

>right wing
That's the problem. Look no further than the USA.

>if you dislike my favorite politician you're a [insert opposition perjorative word here]

Ok gado.

If you lie to try to push a false narrative then you are dishonest and scummy, this has nothing to do with liking or disliking someone.

I wish our dictatorship hasn't been retarded in economics, the main problem of our junta was giving political power to people who only understood about military stuff, Newton Cruz for exemple died a meme

Also you just did what you accused me of doing but the other way around by calling me gado and it's an ad hominem on top of it since you literally only replied with a pejorative word and nothing else, you really lack any kind of self-awareness and you are clearly brainwashed.

>right wing military dictatorship
all of the south america already tried this, it doesn't work
thanks for your crazy input

Democracy is starting to slowly fail around the world.
Specially now with China, a national socialist dictatorship soon to be taking the lead of the world.

I'm talking about common sense, burro.
If your leader were starting to talk a bunch of nonsense shit that LITERALLY KILLS YOUR GOVERNMENT, would you still be with that guy?
Guedes is staying because he knows if this govt fail, all that work that he done would basically become ashes.

Bolsonaro is a fucking retard that is being carried by his Cabinet. He lost all his credibility as a leader when the Governors started applying their own measures against Corona and literally disobeying a direct order from the Executive.

That's what lulafags do always lol
are you even real

I mean, our economical miracle did happened during the Military dictatoship so I wonder...

Yeah US is a rght wing milotary dictatorship, I guess int is right about leafs.

Is your military pozed? The global order is flaling apart, if you have a decent military it will take over after the first million corpses. I think Sepah will do that in Iran and kick out the Mullahs.

It was working perfectly, they just followed left wing economics because they wantrd to appear caring and "holier than left". Shah made the same mistake. It was a million times better than shitty faoled states you have now.

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this entire hemisphere went through an economic miracle in the middle of the 20th century, with or without a military dictatorship.

Drump bro is a mirror of the nation.

>ooga booga don't talk shit about my puppet president ooga ooga
>eee eek comuna ook ook

This is you user.

>national socialism
Absolute faggotry of the highest order. Socialism creates dysfunction and economic collapse. Capotalism is pure jewry. Mercantalism is the way.

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He is a disgraceful cunt. He went around Brasilia today, entered stores and took pictures with people. Honestly it really feels like he is having fun. He just wants to do controversial shit at this point. He is a fucking stupid clown.

>Economic miracle
Wich took tons of IMF loans to be done and ended up being a unstable economic bubble... and you know what's happens next. 200% inflation rate (just on the first years), colapse of the Junta, the country enters a major economic crises that only gets fixed during the early 2000's

But it can't be denied that China's way of govt and foreign policy is proving to be much more reliable (KEYWORD: RELIABLE) than Democracies nowadays.

Vid related explain's betetr if you have a hour to waste.

>Vote for someone who will steal billions during his term and pretend to be a good guy
>Vote for someone who will steal billions during his term and make people seethe while he's doing it
There's only one answer, really.

constitutional monarchy it is

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Actually, more like

>vote for a guy who will steal but also do good things and help people
>vote for a guy who will steal and do absolutely nothing for anyone


>vote for a guy who will steal but also do good things and help people

Oh look at his cute underage kid :3

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>Is your military pozed? The global order is flaling apart, if you have a decent military it will take over after the first million corpses. I think Sepah will do that in Iran and kick out the Mullahs.
Not doing to happen, the post-junta constitution was made to be army-coup proof, of course they still can go full brute force but a governament estabilished in such way will have no support and will be unable to rule a massive country like Brazil

You don't stop corruption with wishful thinking, you stop it by mechanically making it harder to steal money by decreasing bureaucracy and the government's power over the economy, and Bolsonaro is the first president doing that.

And it'll all be overturned once the opposition gets in power the next election or the one after that
Democracy is a joke.

We are one small province away from Brazil.

Things are not so bad in here Coronavirus wise.
Bolsonaro just wants to kill old people

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based maluf
rouba mas faz

I learned that is literally everyone and in every country.
I'd be pretty ok with several Malufs leading the country.
But instead we get mediocre politicians that don't even try to build stuff, they just steal.

Fuck no. He wants people on the streets working. He wants to claim their souls to Satan.

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Fuck people getting a random ass vacation because boomers might die of some arcane virus that only affects famous people
If I can work so can everybody else

Yes, it's cold

are you keeping up with the news or you are just that ignorant

doubt it

You have a very brainlet opinion.
You don't even know what socialism is

>t.tio de zap

imagine brazil was ever in the risk of becoming a socialist country

Barely competent people.
The economy's reforms were just the exact thing that all latino countries did before the left got strong here

Macri 2.0

>Bolsonaro just wants to kill old people
Old people are most of his electorate tho

There was no miracle, it was a dictatorship's propaganda.

>right wing is the problem
nah. In the U.S. the most left states like california and new york are shit and the most right states (like alabama) are also shit.

Its less about being left or right its about retarded policies of the state governments.

Some like new hampshire are pretty great and are some of the best to live in, and its probably the most right libertarian of all the states (despite state gov have democrats weirdly). Treat the U.S. on a state by state basis. Every state has entirely different issues than other states in the union.

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Our new president ordered a general lockdown, he was the first in latinoamerica to do so. Right now, like 5 minutos ago, he extended it to the 12th of April. So far things are relatively decent. Macri suggested Fernandez to take a 'british approach' lol

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This never happened

>Do Brazilians llike Bolsonaro right now?

>Do you think he is competently handling things in Brazil?
50%, he's almost dropping his spaghetti.

his IQ level is probably around 79~80. Just a regular military boomer with anger management issues. The only cunt that "supports us" now is the US, and not that much, it's not like Trump have wet dreams with us, in fact it's the opposite.

>Things are not so bad in here Coronavirus wise.
Are you joking? Your government just crashed your nonexistent economy because of a dumbass nationwide quarantine for no reason when the vast majority of cases are in buenos aires, and since it started too early it will also have to go on for longer.

>things are relatively decent
You already fucked up before it even began, your government doesn't understand what flattening the curve actually means because most of the population will still be infected with quarantine or not, the only purpose of isolation is to slow down infections to not overload the health system which is what actually causes most deaths but a precipitated quarantine also causes death and damage.

Literally all problems is government are because the PT keeps sabotaging him


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