/v4/ + frens

orban edition

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*stares at you in snownigger*

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wish i'd look like that

Today there was a little party and I talked about Stirner with my philosopher friend and convinced her that Stirner made some good points she told me she wants to read some Stirner too now.

>little parties
>during corona times
Fucking irresponsible orgasmus students. Good job on talking to the femoid though.

Oh now I remember also another good story to tell you guys.
So with the quarentine thing we can't gather, so we were just a few people and somebody say if we are too much we can get one fine of up to 300 millions of Czech crowns (or something like that I don't remember the exact number) and a Turkish girl said that she wouldn't be able to pay that and wouldn't be able to go back, so I said that she could just flee the country but of course she pointed out that she would be stopped because of the judiciary stuff (had a small brain time this one), but then I told her, ok but it's not a problem prison is better than Turkey you can even study there.
And she took it as a joke, like normal people do so my behaviour isn't as bad as you guys say.


Stop larping.

damn you're on a roll, you will make it manolo

That girl has a boyfriend is not like I care about her opinion of me.

Ay manolo...
Thankfully this grill has humor sense, but these jokes are kind of rude when you're not friends with the person

Bruh, I'm sure that no matter what you look like it can't be worse than that.
Stop larping.

I'm just having a CHAD attitude, stop being jelly.

Chads are supposed to be bullies? Didn't know it desu

i made lecsó and it is delicious

It's a joke she laughed too, and after saying that I insisted on it being a joke.
I'm not a bully.

Sokay then

have you thought about cucking her bf?

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I don't see it as worth the effort.

Blessing this thread

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Blessing this thread before going to sleep.

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*puke emoji*

nm i retract my puke emoji this is based

wtf I love the Klus family now!

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Gyarus are gross

got stung by wasps :|

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Based. Hope soyboys and feminists are seething

the idle animation when chracter is thinking, stomping with the feet is so cute

are you playing too?



Cute :)


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what are you up to user

i am watching cabin fever. are you the vak playing animal crossing?

yep, how's the movie?

it is what it is... early 00's shitty horror film. I like it though.
How is animal crossing?

tons of fun, didn't expect to sink this many hours into it, very comfy game soothes my damaged soul

sounds comfy. i would consider it but switches are sold out everywhere now.

that's strange, why are they sold out? anyway I bought mine off somebody else so that's a way to get one too

i think they are sold out everywhere. they still seem expensive though


gn fgs

he was gods most beautiful angel

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>4+ inch
>decent size
more like 7+

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>using mutt units

don't be silly, silly buns
looks don't matter

just chop it off so you can become a decent jewess with HRT

Traps are gay. Never believe otherwise.

Good morning sunshines.

>woke up
>still an incel

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Vsetin is my favorite Eastern European city.

Szloni vajda felpattan pej lovára
hejj felapattan hejj felpattan pej lovára
Lovas betyár Lovas betyár szép száll fajta
Amerre ugrat a határban kiömlik a sok rác vér
kiömlik a sok rác vér a csatába

Szloni vajda, Szloni vajda erős a karja!
Abból nő a ki a görbe kardja!
Felkaptat a hegy fokára!
hejj felkaptat a hegy fokára!
Onnan az oláhot miszlikbe apritja.

Good morning sunshines :)
Don't forget to be productive today.

I wrote like half a chord progression. That's as productive as it gets.

when you dream do you not dream of having sex?

sometimes uhmm

I had to make a short project demo presentation to some Australian lady but my boss didn't tell me who that lady is, what am I supposed to show her and why, so it was quite awkward

Is Stardew Valley fun?

If the average video game is soy then that is triple soy.

good job anyway user :)

>19,5 cm
>there is still more uner the fat


I'll get ripped and become a porn actor.

What is like livin on a mountain?

my actor name will be The Hung-Aryan
