/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico

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Daily reminder you all were part of the Spanish Empire, bitches

I'm going to move to Spain one day.

i do

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oh, hello, is this the new already

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I'm going to live in San Marino one day

sexy picture

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How the fuck can you be depressed when cute anime girls exist? it's literally impossible

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Finna bouta Superman that hoe

The much-vaunted sex appeal of American women is drawn from films, reviews and pin-ups, and is in large print fictitious. A recent medical survey in the United States showed that 75 per cent of young American women are without strong sexual feeling and instead of satisfying their libido they seek pleasure narcissistically in exhibitionism, vanity and the cult of fitness and health in a sterile sense. American girls have no hang-ups about sex; they are easy going for the man who sees the whole sexual process as something in isolation thereby making it uninteresting and matter-of-fact, which, at such a level, it is meant to be. Thus, after she has been taken to the cinema or a dance, it is something like American good manners for the girl to let herself be kissed — this doesn’t mean anything.

American women are characteristically frigid and materialistic. The man who has his way with an American girl is under a material obligation to her. The woman has granted a material favor. In cases of divorce American law overwhelmingly favors the woman. American women will divorce readily enough when they see a better bargain. It is frequently the case in America that a woman will be married to one man but already engaged to a future husband, the man she plans to marry after a profitable divorce.

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Whenever I jerk it, I always cum into 2-3 tissues, is that weird?

We never had the East Coast, to be fair.
But we did have the Midwest (Louisiana) for 50 years and the Southwest (everything south of the parallel 42 and west of the Sabine River) was Spanish for a long time. Also Florida and southern Alabama/Mississippi


was popping niggers

fuck off pedo

Varg had to be taken out because, despite his anti-Christian stance, he was firmly opposed to the satanist global hegemony.

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she'll turn 18 soon
just look at her cute nose in the pic

she still underage, pedo

Now-a-days they divorce because uncle sam will pay the bills


BASED how many did you get?

va te faire foutre ton cul

finna ain't

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no you stupid burger I mean was poppin muh niggas was good??
oh wait actually I am retarded, you got me mr burger

It's okay bro English is a tricky language

Minor and child are not synonyms.


i fucking love cute men and gta
oof gta 6 vice city for the lads

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In a perfect world:

The Queen has contracted the 'rona and will die.
Prince Charles will also die but he's already confirmed pozzed.
Harry and Meghan get mogged, mugged and stabbed in Los Angeles.

Love how gayson the pedophile tries to preach morality

Love how homophile freaks that don't even believe in morality try to pretend their modern feminist beliefs that contradict biblical marriage are "moral"


now that's america

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kys 29 yo fat bald creep

What about Prince William?

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how much does average ameriburger care about correct pronunciation and vocabulary?

not 29
not fat
not bald
not a ped
not a creep but based

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Not very much

>Shigella germs are present in the feces (poop) of people with shigellosis while they have diarrhea and up to a few weeks after the diarrhea has gone away. Shigella is very contagious; exposure to even a tiny amount of fecal matter (poop) with Shigella in it can cause infection. Symptoms usually start 1-2 days after exposure.

>Person-to-person contact. Shigella passes from stools or soiled fingers of one person to the mouth of another person, which can happen during sexual activity. Oral-anal sex, or sucking or licking of the anus (anilingus or “rimming”), may be especially risky.

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he can keep fuccin kate, whatever
he got cucked by balding already so he's a big loser

Extra flags? More like extra fags.

made currywurst

you lewd lil greta
and you are fat and bald, stop pretending you aren't

nah i finna aint's be cuz

Balding is a royal standard. How we know Harry isnt really Charles'

Gay couples usually clean back there thoroughly.


more like basedwurst

whoops :D

I made a poopy doopy mess :D



but mommyyy, come on! seesh, fine I'll do it then. This is what it is, after father left us. Where is he now, again? Oh right, in Thailand fucking cheap whores and drinking his liver off. Oh well, tjat's how the cookie crumbles. It's just you and me, mommie dearest. Better make the best of it, while we're young and healthy. Say we go have a nice dinner at Joe's tonight? I'll pay.

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I like to use cider (the proper alcoholic kind) when I make bratwurst. I pair it with potatoes and sauerkraut. Germans please critique.

>live footage of latinos under Spanish rule

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Gave me a good chuckle

pic related.
BTW New Philippines = Texas

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I bet she has a stinky vegan snatch

haha I can literally yell NIGGERS on the street and nothing will happen
how does it make you feel burgers

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greta will be 18 in like 10 months
thats not soon, pedo

It's funny that the Philippines was considered part of New Spain even though it was on the other side of the world and we nabbed that too eventually. We basically stole half your empire.

We can do that too. If you're in the middle of nowhere, nothing will happen.

obsessed with this song

Parts of that are actually true bits of my real life.

Greta is legal here but she looks like a retard child so l'd judge any grown man lusting after her

Every time I do some kind of dumbbell press, I worry that the weight on one end will come off and fall on my head

i really suck at rocket league haha

What's with the obsession with buttholes and shit? Blowjobs and non-penetrative stuff are more common than anal.
t. faggot

Do you play with a mouse and keyboard or a controller? Been considering picking it up

do u have any data to back that up?

>live footage of latinos under Spanish rule

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im making a rocket league montage for youtube. you got any cool shots you can send to me?

controller is much better mouse and keyboard is almost impossible

i just suck at multiplayer games(except tf2)

she looks cute from certain angles with the right hairstyle

Imagine you're washing her hair and this happens.


How would you react?

Philippines was a sink, can't believe we actually gave Portugal half of South America over that shit archipelago

lol nice proxy jason

my /cum/my friends l am on my way to being drunk

I'm going to bed.

Homophiles eat poop.

Women are sexually mature before 18.

Jesus Christ is King.

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makes me want to dress like a fag and go to hair style school

will canada merge/join with america one day?

I'm starting to look more Asian now

god I hope not

depends on how good blowjob game is

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Thoughts on the Free and Independent Cascadian Republic?

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obessed with this song

How did this happen?

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leave Crown Commonwealth then we dont care :'(

why not
why are you guys sheep

we started testing more, and americans have horrible hygiene.

everybody else stopped testing when they realized it didnt help the situation

we'd have to ignore the whiners in alaska as we form a european-tier nation without all trailer trash

>b-but China is hiding their real number trust me bro my uncle is the CCP

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I'm more of a unity guy rather than a secession guy

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I want to live in murrica :(

Italy have shitty healthy, hence SHITALY
Americans are fat
Chinese eat bats

Tested more people than anyone else. There's no doubt millions walking around who had it and didnt even notice