Moner edish
US now has a test for the chinese flu that gets a result in 5-15 min
no need for a nurse to gear up and stick a swab up into your brain
taking all orders
doing a hmm
right now we're doing the hammering
then we dance
wish the test required a nurse to play with my bollocks
Its Irish
why do we allow clogwog to make the new so often?
One evening a thief visited Ryōkan's hut at the base of the mountain only to discover there was nothing to steal. Ryōkan returned and caught him. "You have come a long way to visit me," he told the prowler, "and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift." The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away. Ryōkan sat naked, watching the moon. "Poor fellow," he mused, "I wish I could have given him this beautiful moon."
say you want a prostate cancer check
why not? way-hee
Trying to reset my hair by not using shampoo for a week or two
finger in the bum
He makes them early and janny doesn't touch them.
Makes you think.
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Having a daughter is cucked
Posted byu/LemonGaming5
1 year ago
Having a daughter is cucked
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
When Brits make the thread before page 8, janny deletes them. Clogwog seems to get away with doing it though. Resulting in a disproportionate amount of clogwog threads
still think you might be the janny
but I don't want a finger in my bum
I approve of this picture, partly because of the bike
presidential guidelines extend through april
this means my governor will for sure extend the business shutdown and that's really bad fucking news
The first person also says we you fucking idiot
It's a comment on nationalist supporters supporting Billionaires who pay nationalist lip service but dont do anything to help the man on the ground
Any London lads got any empty street photos
full lock down soon lads
phone tracking, drones surveillance and fines
Janny seems to have slowed down a bit recently. Only had one of my news deleted. Maybe because of the 'rona
is there, dare i say it, more to life than having a gf?
could it be that merely existing in a state of having a gf is not the pinnacle of the human experience?
conveniently forgetting I got unfairly JANNY'd today even though the other thread had no /brit/ subject?
yeah but in the edit there's literally gold put at the peasant's side
wealth redistributing commie cunt
He'll have a meltdown innit? Poor guy.
Done that weed crack shatter stuff a few times and it was a clear high with no major mindfuck
Im not a junkie anymore
These already happen other than fines
*continues on as normal*
Normal being staying at home all day every day
You’re just trying to throw us off the trail, I’m onto you
if they actually go that far, I'll unironically join the reserves and be one of the guards
brits autism is too strong
Thoughts on the director-general of our ministry of health? He's a national hero now
Shikantaza involves sitting very still and looking at a blank wall a few feet away for long periods of time
Seen 3 cunts run across the road in front of a car to avoid me today and a laughed at them for it
yes, absolutely so
having a gf is not a need, having mates is a need
very important
Boris Johnson's Fascist Utopia
Brothers a army reserve and they have been on standby for a few days now
Any up and coming Australian Findom Girls?
seething irish cunt
How long do you think it'd take your brother to start raping in the event of an apocalypse?
Do you think he drinks NZ lager?
you smell that bad lad?
about 28 days i imagine
fucking literally lmao
people here were wondering where the fuck I was
was busy being a chad
seems like more of a wine guy
Didn't use to mind clogwog but he has become somewhat of a cunt recently.
A terrible shame, it makes my head shudder uncontrollably.
brits won't do shit jobs
sad, many such cases
chinky flu on a mad one
bridish pipo rly truly do be out there like "fink dis froo bruv"
Love being a Chad
Love crying about me depression
Love me mandy
Love me larping
Hate being HIV poz
Simple as
>it makes my head shudder uncontrollably.
we're all posting cringe sweeties
*imagines all the people living for today*
>bros mumsy having a sly turn while ol boys comoed out
based porn video
how much have you spent on shite on amazon so far
You forgot loving noncing your underage niece.
chads can have depression too you know
source: me
how can he be poz when he’s a virgin?
>no new cases at all
how did they do it bros?
reckon attractive women must be bricking it
when society breaks collapses
wolves be coming for that pussy
At number two in Amazon UK’s chart of most sold books of the week is The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz. Although it was written in 1981, it describes a virus called Wuhan-400, in what appears to be an uncanny prediction of the coronavirus.
Uncle fucked me arse back when I was 12 after me first line of mandy and ket
Why what did he do
By lying, it's really easy.
sorry mate, I'm bored out of my fucking mind
live on my own, during a cunty epidemic without being able to go to toil
I would lick other men's spunk off her tight teenage tummy
He's just in charge of our 'rona response
>reckon attractive women must be bricking it
god i hope they do that on my face
dutch nonce cunt
>I'm an actress but I also work in The Central African Republic helping out with vaccinations
Shes 15 in the photo nonce
and you know this how? nonce
is there anything like the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in the UK?
i.e. a non-profit group that funds lawsuits aimed at protecting people's free speech rights, privacy rights, among other things
got a giggle out of me
magic man xi
retard nonce
Not even the secondary date check offers solace, and the bio oil imbibes you. Seek you the ancient, shrouded rented flat hidden to the right of the main building site. ...The gift of the bearhead will grant you strength...
Me pet rock loves gay bars a bit top much blood
i want to be rich and i want lots of money
i don't care about clever, i don't care about funny
that's a generous description for a group of conniving kike lawyers
Nonce, you nonces have been posting it for years and it's clear by looking at the photo that it's a little girl you big fucking nonce
>trust me, I know exactly when every moner pic was taken
ok nonce
not bothered
made a post
got sold on the casual sex gimmick
thought it would be better
Did the UK enslave black people until the 1850’s and institute systematic oppression and violence against them when they literally lost a war and had to stop being slave owners?
prefer not to say
*shoves face in cleavage*
so many women are already tremendously fat in their early 20s, imagine them in another 10 years GROSS
what are you trying to say
time to be snipped, pedo
lmao abc had a story about how one singular funeral home in Wuhan (there are 7 major ones) received 10,000 urns over two shipments.
Be a good idea for a film that wouldn’t it. A world where a deadly virus has begun to wipe the population out. Then they find out about a book written decades ago talking about the same situation.
accidentally used the word shagging outside of /brit/
why is it that it's always the obvious nonces who scream nonce the loudest?
Don't think so.
you tell us lad
correlation does not equal causation, CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION!!!
no u always works
can you repeat the question
The orgy of sly-winking usury was only brought to an end by a stairwell nonce-bashing, which left North braindead and quadraspazzed on a life-glug.
They've defended the 1st amendment rights of Nazis and Klan members in court
I don't know, I saw the money pic on Yas Forums just now so I used it here
but the irish nonce is telling me he has memorized every moner pic for the last several years
he's obsessed
back hurts
feel like shit just want half a chicken at nandos
And that books name?
The Holy Bible
Still desperate for a group of girls from Wuhan to gob all over my face and into my mouth
giz a link please mate
suspicious lad
Remember when Noam Chomsky went out of his way to defend a holocaust denier's free speech?
I like them fat
cookbook sales are booming
follow the money thats all im saying
hoiler that spog
*continues to hunch over keyboard for 18 hours a day*
As someone attracted to teenage girls, she is ugly in my eyes. Maybe I'm just racist though.
Today I've had
>two bottles of Theakston's Old Peculier
>one double whisky
>four tins of Pepsi Max
>one cup of tea
>two strong coffees (Nescafe Gold of course)
>a Kinder Bueno
>a dozen McVitie's chocolate digestives
>three wanks
>two dumps
I also watched Alien: Covenant and then read a bit of a book about Enoch Powell, to which Anne Robinson had contributed a chapter
good chance that toilberg is putting me on paid leave tomorrow
Or girls from Northern Italy
imagine being called "noam"
did you have any actual food
When the FUCK does the looting start
You realize coronavirus is a common thing right
Everyone’s had it in their life
what do you do
>Nescafe Gold
Total shite. One thing yanks got right is not drinking instant coffee
lesbo cool wine aunt (who's been texting me and everyone else giving us all sorts of wacky advice she clearly just got off instagram) is quite based
dunno why shes so bubbly/gregarious yet her partners are always stereotypically miserable butch dykes that we all immediately hate upon meeting