I lost a family member to coronavirus

This shit ain't no fucking joke I'm literally fucking crying right now.

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pooop haha

Have sex



Why are you posting on Yas Forums soyjack? Be there for your family.

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>Do Americans really?

It wasn't in my state, my grandmother told me. It was my aunt who died.

pooop haha

and his/her age?

A/S/L and previous medical conditions please bud


El suck de la fuck

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lol didnt he know it was a nothingburger?

rest in pepperoni

omg i'm literally crying and shaking and cumming and farting and shidding

Their sacrifice will not be forgotten by the hedge funds who lost 1% less

>my distant older relative I met twice when I was young passed away from a flu feel bad for me waah look at me look at me


How old was she?
What was her general condition before getting sick?

>2k Americans dead from this and I'm supposed to believe one of them have a relative that browses Yas Forums
Yeah, no chance buddy

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Sorry to hear that, who else have tested positive in your family?

why are americans so exhibisionist?

It could be true. We're not sure if it's actually 2k deceased.

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rip friend

based one less mutt

Is it necessary to be a fucking cunt ?

Don't know her exact age but in her 50's
No previous medical conditions that I know of.
She didn't think it was a nothingburger, still didn't save her.
Fuck you cunt
50's, not in any bad condition whatsoever.
How is that "no chance?" Are you a stupid motherfucker? I'm not lying about fucking shit.
Don't know at the moment, I need to call them to find out. No family member in my state ATM.

>country with 2/3 being overweight or obese and no proper healthcare

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That sucks. I can't say anything that'll make it feel better, but you shouldn't come on here. It'll make you feel much worse.

I guess just remember her as she'd want to be remembered.

Damn that sucks, stay safe friend

She wasn't obese.
It's not like I have anything else to do other then play video games or come on here. My college is closed and I don't work.



how many BBCs did your relative suck n fuck

Find something to take your mind off it, somehow. Even playing games would be better than coming on here.

I'm honestly sorry for your loss though. My Mum has really bad asthma and I'm really worried about her.

too young to die

No beetus

even if it's 2k that makes a social circle of like 100k people doesn't it

Sorry I can't feel sympathy for amerisharts
Of she wasn't close to you like some other user said I don't see why you would feel so bad

next step is to run over the next chinamen you see on the street with your car

any of those?
did she ever exercise? (walking 2m to your car isn't exercise)

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>50 year old aunt

post pics, was she hot?

I'm black
I don't know, I kinda see the people on here as "friends". I know how autistic and gay that sounds but it's the truth. I don't have many personal friends myself. I don't want to seem like an attention whore but I needed to talk to some bros for some time.
>she wasn't close to you
And how would you literally know that?
The only likely one would be hypertension since it runs in the family but I am no way certain of that.
>did she exercise
nah not really

>at shop
>card chip gets denied
>have to touch the debit card machine
I'm fucked, bros.

>hypertension and no exercise
she probably had a whole bunch of problems already
most boomers who don't exercise can barely run for 1 minute.
Do you think their lungs can sustain a fucking pneumonia?

how many white girls did you fuck with your glorious BBC?



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>This shit ain't no fucking joke I'm literally fucking crying right now.

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>No previous medical conditions that I know of.

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it's no joke, it's cleaning up the waste

So you tell Yas Forums?

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take care BBC bro

I'll miss my parents if they die, but a culling of the boomers will be a good thing for all of us in the long term.


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>tfw all my grandparents are dead
Feels good

I'm sorry for your loss, user. I will pray for your relative.

Thank you for your service

sorry bout that
not sure why you came here though?

Probably just a subpar bait, but just in case, LMAOOOOOO.

A sacrifice we must ensure for the sake of bat soup.

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