Americans should stop learning French

And here's why:
1) They are bad at it
2) They should learn Spanish instead because it is spoken more and more widely in their "country"
3) The French people don't like Americans and even more so when they butcher ou language
4) Fuck America
5) Fuck

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hey man nice post but i didn't really ask for your opinion


Anglo girls speaking French with their accent are the cutest thing ever.

Absolutely wrong lol

Russians, Italians, Germans can be cute, not Angl*s, or at least no Americans, becuase the English can have a funny accent. Americans are just boring

Bon fil.

americans learning spanish is basically admitting they were colonized

Romance languages are trash. English is the best language in the world.


Yes just do not learn or speak French

Only people from French Africa should be learning French

Americans are not allowed to learn French.

Good thing America isn't a French African country huh

Bon fil. Vraiment tout ce que vous disiez est vraie

>Yes just do not learn or speak French
Why would I? I'm not a faggot or a woman.



You are not allowed to
Do not forget that

Terriblement basé

My school taught french instead of spanish in highschool.

>il contrecarre le retour de l'hégémonie culturelle du 5ème arrondissement sur le monde

>make a mistake
>it's ok buddy, here is some tips on how to speak it better!
>make a mistake

Shalt be closed


Just speak Spanish instead

That's because our language is actually something to be preserved, not like yours. Plus English is already butchered by so many people, including burgers, that trying to protect it would be pissing in the sea.

wasn't really planning to, since the french learn english. and make threads about us to talk to us. in english. you frenchies are pretty considerate


Yes, thank you for your compliance

Bizarrement sur ma carte d'identité y a marqué né à Paris 5ème, et sur mon attestation de domicile y a marqué Paris 5ème, et sur le site de ma fac c'est marqué Paris 5ème, fils de pute.

More like you're scared of your language going extinct and this is your way of lashing out in frustration. It's okay though, Ngubu will carry on the bright legacy of the French language within his creole monstrosity.

C'est parce que Par*s est remplie de métèques qui ne savent pas parler français


Paris c'est masculin, gros connard.

it's the first option at most schools and most just take it

illettrés qui veulent défendre la langue, allez l'apprendre.
t. boeuf météque.

But my parents are from France...

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Ton opinion de métèque n'a aucun intérêt

For a lot of us it's because Latinas take it for an easy grade

Sauvage, continuez j'aime voir les Américains en colère mdr

I agree, but without Spanish. Not sure what happened after Latin but all it's successors are horrid on the ears. French especially is the most overrated tongue of all time.


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Not scare, but concerned, but I guess it's shameful to be concerned about the beautiful and fragile things we love in amer*ca ?

Yes, do not speak it

Tiens, de la part du métèque et de Charles.

Attached: Lesfrançaissontdesveaux.jpg (512x336, 33.63K)

You don't like the sound of Cajun, brother?

Paris est une ville de fiottes féminisées, donc l'usage a définitivement tranché pour le féminin
Sauf si tu peux me trouver un lien de l'Académie française qui enjoint explicitement d'employer le masculin

De Gaulle et moi n'avons pas besoin de site internet pour connaître le genre des noms français.

une merde

Rien à foutre de ton traître, métèque. Tu ne seras jamais Français.

Qui a dit que je voulais me joindre à un peuple de collaborateurs et de veaux ?

Le fait que tu sois venu habiter leur pays, peut-être ?

Tous mes grands-parents sont nés en France.

>Tous mes grands-parents sont nés en France.

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terrible thread

What about anglophone Canadians? Point 2 does not apply to us.

1. Keep being sub-American Angloslaves
2. Learn Chinese if you are bored

Bon ta gueule non ? pense juste à me remercier quand tu éviteras l'erreur d'accord la prochaine fois et on est quittes.

Ce n’est pas une erreur, métèque. Ta concordance des temps est défaillante, par ailleurs.

Your language is irrelevant outside your country, one Canadian province, and Africa.

>Keep being sub-American Angloslaves
I would rather not.
>Learn Chinese if you are bored
Je préfère la langue française.

Don’t care



Don’t forget France, Arab should be the new language

T'es en colère

didn't read

si j'avais su que les francais détestent les gens qui apprenent leur langue, j'aurais plutôt étudié le russe.

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faites l'amour

>n'a pas lu

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have sex incels

If you understand history, it's simple. France deliberately went out of it's way to undermine and destroy the regional cultures.

Whereas Italy, Spain, and Germany still have strong regional cultures for better or worse, the concept has long been shattered in France. This, among countless other examples, helps explain the insecure and bitter nature of Parisians (who hate everyone and are hated by everyone). They absorbed other cultures and are resentful as they watch the same fate delivered to them

Le crypto anglais incarné qui sème la haine et la discorde. Va te noyer dans ton curry à la sauce à la menthe.

En plus, depuis Clemenceau tout le monde sait que la langue américaine est le cheval de troie du français pour détruire l'anglais, qui n'y voit que 'latinisation'

Everyone is welcome to learn French, you'll be better off here than if you expect people to speak English for you.

>Amerimutt talking about french culture

ok reddit espaceur

>avoir des relations sexuelles

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Littéralement moi

i've never met a person in my life that wanted to learn an african language such as *shudder* .. french...

What about CHIs? I hate Americans too.

Nice blogpost Travis Lopez

Stick to Spanish

extreme minority of americans learn french over spanish. french is seen as a novelty here, something that is neat but has no real value or use in the real world