What do the poos think of the chinks? Do poos have a preference for the east or west?
What do the poos think of the chinks? Do poos have a preference for the east or west?
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Leftist like China, right like west
Why don't China and India ever go to war? They have so many territorial dispute. I wish SOMETHING would happen. How would it play out without outside intervention?
They did sort of go to war for a bit. The problem is the himalayas would be an absolute nightmare to fight in.
Actually true, Mao destroyed thousands of year of Chinese civilisation. They're soulless drones now
>80 years ago
>barely anybody died
I want a full scale war. But it'll probably never happen. Only the US can slaughter a bunch of people.
This. The Communist Chinese genocide'd themselves
holy based
you mind find that funny but he is actually right
i hate both
at least poos have soul, a great history, a great mythology and food but the chinks
they seem like souless robots with slave like minds
Besides population size, there is absolutely nothing in common between these two civilizations. Absolutely nothing. I always wondered why they were always being compared to each other even though India's HDI is lower than the philippines and Indonesia.
China and Russia can as well
absolutely fucking based and brought to you by Kevin Prashdamar
Both are Asian and have 1 billion + population
There's also a sliver of hope among the anti China crowd that India can somehow overtake them or copy their succes.
>I want a full scale war.
Comparing India to China is retarded.
India is way behind China in terms of tech
The Chinese can also mobilise themselves very efficiently
Indians cannot because India isn't homogeous. Two Indian states cannot agree to their own borders. You have so many cases in the Supreme Court where two Indian states are fighting over each other for stupid shit that in the Chinese system simply wouldn't exist because they're all.. like 90%+ Han Chinese except maybe Tibetans, Mongolians and Uighurs.
If you could compare this to Europe,
China is like Germany.
India is like Italy.
India is losing its culture very fast, most indians have become bots with no character or sophistication. They're obsessed with mobile phones and consumerism even more than westerners. They don't have hobbies or play sports, or do other things that would make them interesting. The good thing is that there are still a good 20% of people who don't care about technology, the outside world and what foreigners think of their country. They're the ones who'll save their civilization.
Mao destroyed 2 or 3 generations of chinese, many people have literally no soul, the great leap backwards and the cultural revolution caused a huge damage to their once great civilization.
On the bright side I've been noticing a reversal of the trend, as more and more young chinese get involved in arts and crafts, animal rights, volunteering, calligraphy, etc. 90% of them are greedy materialistic, individualistic soulless bugmen though.
It's very unlikely that it will happen simply due to cultural and governing differences. But if they switched to fascism and did a speedrun to first world, like China, then maybe.
>They're obsessed with mobile phones
Holy fuck I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Why do they do this?
Very good comparison.
Based pajeet
All you need to do is look up mobile phone reviews on youtube.
Smart phone is finally cheap enough for the masses
this Italians even look like darker versions of indians
their once great civilization wasn't even chinese lol
Maybe they are just a lot so you notice their online presence more
India has like more than two times the population of the EU. China is similar but they have an harder time accessing western websites so we can't interact with them easily
t. ching chang chao
At first I thought it was because they're a developing country so smartphones are something new and special, but seeing how things haven't changed in ages, my theory is that they talk to their families back in their country. But they do that in India too, so it must be something different. Sexual segregation and sausage parties in public spaces? Maybe they're talking to their gfs? Or they lke to talk more than texting so you notice them more?
Any pajeets answering this question?
>nooooooo not the hecking chinkerinos not the fluffy communisterinos
Indians all use Xiaomi phones right?
There is currently a Han revival movement among Chinese Millennials.
>China Good
They are too poor to do anything but stay in India so they are indifferent.
Xiaomi has the largest market share followed closely by Samsung
>Both are Asian
Nice try, round eye. Indians aren't even Tibetans.
This Indians have been Asian since the term asia existed you lot are just orientals who attempted the entire idea of being Asian in the 1970s, the Indians have a much greater right to be Asian than any yellow oriental
enjoy getting assblasted by the gook virus
Uhhh soliciting sex on the Google Maps comments section is culture sweetie
Hello, based department?
Glad to see that happening
Italy user is right. A lot of India is losing its culture because of negligence. Urban kids learn English as their first language and grow up reading shit like 1984 and Shakespeare. And the Indian literature they teach is all confined to the anti-colonial, communist types of literature written during Mughal and British rule. So much Classical Indian literature is abandoned in the name of secularism. They have a massively globalised mutted up view of things. Our school system is turning people into American-tier ZOGbots. Now look man, I don't hate Americans or anything but even if you're American you have to accept not all of your influence is good and a lot of it is pretty damn terrible.
Our post-2000 urban generation are more proficient in English than in their mother tongue. And I think that's a global phenomenon which needs to be somehow stopped but will probably not.
Even if they translated all the Sanskrit works into English and then taught a bit of it in schools, that'd still be a MASSIVE improvement over the current system.
>English over mother tongue
I wish I was joking. Every textbook I had in my high school was written in English. Except the 3 Hindi textbooks. And most of those textbooks were written by Indians.
A lot of Russian textbooks are translated to English by Indians for use in India. Because American textbooks use imperial units so many students can't deal with them.
kek ive had an American friend on fb ask me to buy a book for them and courier it bc Indian versions are cheaper and are still in English.
I will stand with an Indian superpower if it comes to China vs India
Where in indian are you from? And where in india should i visit?
really makes you think
Based Hanfuposter
Why does it seem that Indians are either cowdung-worshipping retards or self-hating soyboys?
>imperial units
retarded units*
>but even if you're American you have to accept not all of your influence is good and a lot of it is pretty damn terrible.
Dye-haired feminists on Tumblr don't count as actual Americans though.
They have identity issues.
Based brahta.
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
I'm from Western India, not sure how that's relavant.
Chinks are high IQ desciplined insects.
>east or west
Hate both equally.