Can you solve this simple problem?

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kill yourself


my boomer coworkers already sent me this

Holy shit.

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we're not given the value of a single shoe or the incel holding what looks like a paper cup of coal.

Austria Finland best bros :D


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>We're not given the value of a single shoe

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There is literally nothing humorous about that.

>the value of a single shoe is just half the value of both shoes
that's not how fucking math works. The single shoe is X in this problem.

the solution is an hyperplane

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oh wait its 45 or 25 depending on how you measure the value of the boy


No, it must be 28.
Haha how stupid of me.

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This, is 43. Won't fall for this stupid shit again.

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i dont know im retarded

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You need to multiply then add


no i mean 43 or 405

the shoe could be an airplane or a tank and it would still be exactly the same. it's impossible to solve, these pictures exist only to trick people.
logically sure, the value of one shoe would be half the value of 2 shoes, but logic isn't math. the single shoe is an unknown value, same with the kid holding the things of whatever.

>1 shoe = 5
>boy holding 2 cones and wearing 2 shoes = 19
>1 cone = 2
>5 + (19*2) = 43

Brainlet, you’re making us look bad.

why multiplication instead of addition tho? No way to tell.

>1 shoe = 5
explain why
>durrrr it's half

A pair of shoes is worth 10, one shoe is therefore worth 5. A kid holding books is worth 5. A pair of cones is 4, one cone is therefore 2. A kid holding books AND two cones is 9.

5 + 9 X 2
5 + (9 X 2)
5 + 18 = 23

You're welcome, brainlets.

holy fuck this is so stupid


We're not given the value of one shoe.

Oh, wait, he's not holding books. Whatever, answer is still 23 according to the proceedure I detailed above.


search up order of operation

you missed one detail that the boy is wearing shoes

the pair of shoes is 10, so the shoe is 5
the tard is 5
the candies 4
the tard with candy is 9 (5+4)
so 5+9*2=23

>We're not given the value of one shoe.

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what is the value of the books the kid was holding?


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You don't know the operation symbolized by the compounded images. You don't know if multiplication is even happening or is the drawing isn't simply a sum of it's parts.

Yeah, you're right. It's 43 then.

I thought he was holding books too, kek. It's actually his shirt, look again.

boots = 10
10 + x + x = 20, therefore lad = 5
cheeki + breeki + lad = 13, therefore cheeki = 4
10 + 5 x 4 = 10 + 20 = 30

t. drunk senseless balalaika

lmfao didn't even notice that myself. sorry brainlets, looks like you wasted all that precious time for nothing.
say it with me

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Bruh. I know you’re baiting, but the fact that someone might actually think like this is killing me.

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>still can't explain why
>probably doesn't even understand what I'm saying
many such cases!

>It's actually his shirt, look again.

If a pair of shoes is 10, then one shoe is 5. The same logic is applied to the candy.

>If a pair of shoes is 10, then one shoe is 5.
Explain why

What the fuck are you talking about? They boy is worth 5, the shoes are worth 10, and the pair of cones are worth 4. So, therefore the boy in the shoes holding the cones would be worth the boy, the cones, and the shoes, so his value is 19. Add 5 to that (the single shoe) and it's 24. Multiply that by 2 (the single cone) and you get 48.

It's a bullshit "lol tricked you" problem made to be shared on facebook by sub 100 iq boomers, doesn't matter if mathematical symbols don't work that way

112 yes?



ah no saw my mistake right away, it's 66 yes?

correction (thanks to some fuck mentioned lad wearing boots and cheeki-breeki)
10/2 + (5+4+10) x (4/2) = 10 + 19 x 2 = 10 + 38 = 28

hang on you've fucked up like me and not realised there's only one cone in the final pic

we're low-IQ pal


the single shoe was green instead of red, would the answer be the same? no.

>10/2 = 10
>10 + 38 = 28

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I'm stoned, you?



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to be fair, i fixed it later (didn't factored in the shoes on the lad first and left the final figure unchanged
i'm literally pissed (british "pissed") right now and was also bad at high school maths.
This is avg. mathematician in russland for ye.

Because half of 10 is 5. If 2 shoes weigh 2 pounds then 1 shoe weighs 1 pound.

see that's not how math works.

6 shoes = 30, 1 shoe = 5
2 dudes +10 = 20, 1 dude = 5
4 cones + 1 dude = 13, 1 cone = 2
5+5*2= 15

The guy on the bottom row is holding 2 cones and has 2 shoes.

Didnt see the shoes

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10/2 + (5+4+10) x (4/2) = 5 + 19 x 2 = 5 + 38 = 43

Cheers - now we can send our geckos into space!

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I fucking hate this, it's 43 then.