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How common is incest in arab countries, how many people do you know have married their cousin?
What's the average Arabs thoughts on them?
Hello Mena frens, how are you with the Corona things?
ما اريد انيچ
Can’t go out after 7 pm
How do religious ppl cope, aren't they like 'let' s do hijra, Allah wills the virus'?
It’s more like a punishment for our sins
You arabs are some disgusting individuals, our peninsula coudn't be invaded by some better ethnic group, no it had to be invaded by incest freaks, my great grandmother had to be raped by some cousins' child retard, awesome.
our sins are greater though
Very common I have sex with my sister everyday ever since I became an atheist
It’s worse when a muslim sins
we have sodomite parades
ابن الكحبة يريد وحدة عربية
كسمك وكسم العرب
a christian apostate is the worst and most unforgivable sinner
why u always post same 5 versions of pepe the frog in your generals? dont u have any other meme to post?
MENAoids are a hive mind
stfu and fuck off my general
I’m talking about our belief, it’s worse when a muslim sins.
What is written on her breast?
Stop oppressing her you violent ay-rabs!
Hey guys how's it going. I'm still coofing btw. I've never been sick for this long it's been 22 days since first symptom appeared.
Says something along the lines of "Anglos may have a go on these chebs"
It says "property of Persian Majoos".
I think it's "I decide what I wear".
Ironic that Lebanon is pretty permissive as far as dress codes go.
My condolences.
can farsi speakers read arabic?
Absolutely based beradär
This pic makes me horny.
Pls post more
So, which city are you lads from? How's life there?
Not generally no. We study Arabic for 6 years in school but it's taught so badly that few learn anything.
Are you alive desu? News here says Houthis have hit Ryadh.
I think I'm starting to get better but very very slowly. Also which eyerainian are you? The shomali boomer?
Shiraz here.
Anyone remember the late Chubak?
No that didn’t happen also I don’t live un riyadh
I'm in Tehran but I've been sick and bedridden all month so I don't know. Online supermarket delivers stuff to my door and leaves it behind the door but since I can't cook for shit I mostly eat chips and cheese puffs and fruits and microwaved food.
He was here like five years ago right?
Is she Persian?
Nice, watched a couple of Youtube videos about Shiraz. Seemed like a very beautiful city.
Yep. Jannie got so frustrated with him and his ban evasion that he would ban anyone with an Iranian IP on sight. Fun times.
Man everyone's sleep pattern has been fucked huh?
Cool. I want to visit Yazd, redpill me on that city. God damn, do you have the ching chong virus? LOL, brother, just duckduckgo how to cook simple foods. The food delivery seems very naisu.
My sleep pattern is fucked up. Will probably sleep in the morning, and you?
she looks like she could be north iranian
Superior Muslim iq
How can Muslims proseltyse outside ooga booga tier people?
I think Jehovah witnesses and all the subhuman cults are smarter
Lol Jehovas Witness used to knock on my door at Saturday morning like 09 o'clock while even god is asleep. Funny people
My sleep pattern is always fucked.
Shiraz has some nice parts, but like all Iranian cities without exception, it's basically a really large village. Absolutely zero planning and foresight has gone into its construction.
>Lol Jehovas Witness used to knock on my door at Saturday morning like 09 o'clock while even god is asleep. Funny people
my grandpa told them if they come knocking on our doors again he would shoot them with our family gun, its been several years and they never came knocking again
Don't think so. Here some random persian badoo thot I used to chat with.
I can't cook and honestly don't want to I hate cooking and the kitchen thank God for women.
Apparently it's some Russian thot.
Thot culture is the worst thing ever.
Anyways where are the usual autists?
Lol, but everything seems in order and nice
Holy hell your grandpa is an absolute man. Absolutely based.
She looks good. What was she like?
>I can't cook and honestly don't want to I hate cooking and the kitchen thank God for women.
I sometimes feel the same lol.
How's the thot culture in Iran?
Yo lads, will i be chased and eaten by the moohammy's if i go around in Yazd and speak out loudly how Iran is Mazdayasnian in nature and Islam is foreign? Is it dangerous to speak about Mazda and ancient history there? are the secret police in Yazd?
t. absolute retard
Basically the most religious city in Iran after Qom. I wouldn't recommend it.
Jesus. I heard that there are most Mazdayasnians there? How is it the most second in islamic after Qom. Is it dangerous there do you think?
>I'm in Tehran but I've been sick and bedridden all month so I don't know.
Did you get COVID-19?
>She looks good. What was she like?
Wanted marriage and shit. Never saw her in real life tho. Dating apps are horrible for men.
You will be raped and murdered. Lol not really but it's very religious. Leave Yazd alone it's one of the last places in Iran that has kept its islamic identity.
>the thot culture in Iran
Dunno, must be very bad for simps, thankfully I'm charming enough to meet girls in real life and I must say, they've become much friendlier and less hostile in the last decade.
Yup. It sucks brah hold me.
Yazd has a Zoroastrian community, but there aren't that many of them I think. It's an incredibly safe city from what I hear, never been there myself.
No, it's not allowed in Islam to travel when there's a pandemic.
>thankfully I'm charming enough to meet girls in real life
How do you do it? Where?
>Posting 24/7 on shitchan & /MENA/ threads
yikes , NEEToids are so cringe
>>Posting 24/7 on shitchan & /MENA/ threads
>yikes , NEEToids are so cringe
I dun o it's not rocket science. Just walk up confidently to a girl you've liked and introduce yourself and hold max eye contact and tease her a bit.
I usually go out to malls, parks and even on the street, although that last one doesn't have a good sucess rate. My current gf I met her at a party.
Lol what's that picture?
>I met her at a party
fucken normies I swear
>Wanted marriage and shit. Never saw her in real life tho. Dating apps are horrible for men.
been there done that (except the marriage part)
>You will be raped and murdered. Lol not really but it's very religious. Leave Yazd alone it's one of the last places in Iran that has kept its islamic identity.
LOOL. Sounds bad, but alas, my curiousity is pushing me to visit that place somewhere in the future.
lol ok. Seems like thots are all the same all over the world kek.
Naisu! Yeah i heard that some census puts them around 200k but i honestly believe they are less than that but i guess the will of Mazda is that everything needs to be changed so their lower numbers is a must.