How do you say “anime made me gay” in your language ?

How do you say “anime made me gay” in your language ?

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anime made me gay

shut up sissy

Anime me učinio pederom.

anime heeft mij homo gemaakt

L'anime m'a rendu gay

yes daddy

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Anime wa watashi wo gei ni suru

Amine me tornou viado.

OP jest pedałem bo oglądał chińskie bajki.
OP is a faggot because he watched chinese cartoons.

>I'm moving to finland

Anime har gjort mig bøsse

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"Eine monogame Beziehung mit einem anderen Mann muss für Homosexuelle forciert werden"

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that's a very nice drawing no homo

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Show me that bøsse

Bøsse also means a gun

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anime zrobylo mene geem'

Show me that gun if you know what I'm saying

>also means gun
What's the other meaning dane-kun?

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Basiert und suess

Les dessins animés chintoques m'ont rendu pédé.

Bøsse means gay or or some sort of firearm.
This is the only gun I have.

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Time for me to get an open carry licence for that

>Bøsse means gay or or some sort of firearm.
What did the Danes mean by this?
Also I want to lick every inch of your think body no homo

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Anime teki minusta homon.
Sissies like you need to be slapped.
Dane-Chan, have a (You).

thank you so much.
lick every inch of your twink body
o.o thats gonna take a while.
The police can just try and stop me :^)

Soy Paragüayo

mmm I'll be good daddy just need a little spanking ok?

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That's it Dane-kun, I'm gonna have to take you in ;)

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>o.o thats gonna take a while.
I am nothing if not methodical

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No problem. Cute boi!
That's a good little slut... Have you masturbated today yet?

Do we have a problem officer?
You don't say. I guess when you got your mind set on something there is no limits.

Les dessins animés chinois ont fait de moi un homosexuel

Not yet I did my usual round of anal milking but I'm feeling the itch again ;_;

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>Usual round of anal milking
What did they mean by this? :3

*milking last night

Anime sdelalo menja gejem

I tried to address my cock lust last night with anal masturbation and it helped but today it's back in full force

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jap cartoons made me a poofta

>This is what over consumption of porn does to your brain
I feel bad for you goyim

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Animech mecht geigh fi michmem.

Which means, you have to go again. Isn't that fun, user? Anal masturbation allows you to have more fun than a regular fap.

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can I get some more (you)s daddy?

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hmmm I honestly can't argue with that logic, that being said it's not the same as having an anal orgasm from a real bonifide cock, fugg I need one so bad God damn I hate this whole social distancing and quarantine shit

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white people...............

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Get fucked faggot (as in non figuratively and with someone who treats you right)

I'm trying user but most people don't want to meet up and fuck me because they're paranoid about Corona chan, it's been literally eight (8) whole days since I've had a cock in me

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Ask and (You) shall receive.
I understand. But it's better than nothing, user. Hold on, you will get TOPPED in due cource.

thanks for the support user, in the meantime I will have to make do by obliterating my prostate myself

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Zeichntrickfüm håm mi zu am woaman gmåcht.

Why did Yas Forums get so gay tho, it wasn't always like this but it looks like there has been a huge influx of gays here in recent weeks. Or is it the quarantine that suddenly turned everyone gay?

Good. :) It's the pleasure button, user. It'd be criminal NOT to play with it. ;P

I can only speak for myself but I'm stuck at home due to quarantine rather than working 5 days a week which means I've got significantly more time to fill and shit post

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I agree! The bitch switch is the only way to cum as far as I'm concerned. Are you the same user from yesterday that was saying they have trouble achieving anal orgasm? If so do you mind letting me hear what you do and I can give you my two cents?

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>Do we have a problem officer?
Yes, you're homosexuality is out of control, you're turning too many straight boys gay. I'm going to have to take you in for questioning.

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I think so yes, I've played with my butt before, but I can't cum from it alone, because I fap too much. I would have stock up my lust and take it from there, I'm just too horny. LOL

You did this to me you fucking faggots, not anime. Ever since I started browsing these threads. Now whenever I see a shorter or physically weaker male I imagine how he would look like with a long hair and girls clothes. Last week on the gas station I was in the toilet, washing hands and this blonde femboi sissy stands next to me. I remember his big earrings, lots of rings on his tiny hands and a huge ass for a male. He had a very cute face and a thot sidecut haristyle. The first thought that poped in my head was to drag him into the toilet stall and fuck him in the ass. I had to rush out of there because one moment later and I would actually fucking do this


Are you the same polish user who was daydreaming when that cute femboy hair stylist cut your hair? :3

तँ रण्डि भालु होस्।

माचिक्ने छक्का

Japanski crtaci su me pretvorili u pedera

Do you watch any anime in Nepal?

Nabading ako sa anime

Based Shlomo



Anime beni eşcinsel yaptı


yes, it's getting worse btw

naughty boy so you know what the problem is, you shouldn't be touching your cock when you're trying to cum from your bitch switch like a girl! One thing you could do that makes the transition from normal falling to anal orgasm a bit easier is to edge aggressively and try to bring yourself to orgasm with your prostate, it will help you associate the climax with pleasuring your bitch switch
based, please make love to fembois! there are many fembois out there that don't get enough cock to satisfy their lust, you will be doing the community a service

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not really

>Do you watch any anime in Nepal
I used to be a socially isolated faggot with an internet collection, so I got into anime (and all the other baggage: manga, novels, fanfic, jap games) as a kid.

Nowadays it's kinda normal though, you hear talk of Kimetsu no Yaiba and boku no shit academy or something. It's still slightly wear, but it's something people post about on facebook now.

That's for the city areas, though. The rural areas are still remote like you wouldn't believe.

*normal fapping

"el anime me hizo puto"

Are you chink or pajeet?