Would you rather live here

Would you rather live here...

Attached: denmark.jpg (920x613, 257.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


... or here?

Attached: sweden.jpg (2168x2480, 2.19M)

is rather not live

I wish I grew up in this comfy hood.

I want to live in a heavily-ornamented house beside a wheat field and father 10 children with a blonde, traditional woman where we listen to Erika and post on Yas Forums to redpill commie cucks.

>bacterial cultures in a petri dish

those are summerhouses


none. bottom is almost perfect but lacks a lake or big river, and its too crowded.

The camera is facing west at unset so you can't see the sea.

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god I wish I could live here as a hermit

this thread needs more comfy nordic landscapes

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Probably Denmark. Sweden is basically Finland 2.0 and I'm kinda tired of living here

There is gigabit fiber optic internet in these places. There is literally no reason not to live here.

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It's boring?

What are the main differences between Norway, Sweden and Denmark when it comes to living?

Here. The nature is the enemy of men and needs to be subjugated and kept down.

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there is one good reason not to live in your pic related, its too crowded. i never got this swedish thing of clustering up houses like that when you have all the space in the world around you. if you cant adjust your hunting rifle at 200m or testdrive your racecar/bike/snowmobile on your own land without bugging your neighbours then why live rural?

Looks cold.

I can't believe how based this post is. Give me an apartment in a glass skyscraper in the middle of a huge city and I'm set.

Village mentality I suppose. You'll find people living in the middle of nowhere too. Mostly cabins though. Saxnäs is incredible for snowmobiling btw.

Attached: fjällstuga.jpg (3500x2334, 1.89M)

ok, no matter what i think about Russia, i must admit this skyline is so damn impressive

Denmark looks like suburban hell. I'd still prefer it over Sweden.

It's the middle of the night so it's probably chillier.

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Bro. Fuck province, I don't understand how people can live outside of megapolices. I imagine no person who's ever lived in a proper city can pick anything over that. Fuck literally anything else.

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norway and sweden has both much bigger difference north to south than across the border on the same latitude. other than that sweden is a forest and calm ocean cunt, norway is mountains, fjords and open rough sea, with the cultural differences that might bring. denmark is culturally an outsider amongst us nordics but still one of us. not german but not quite nordic either.

Borodinsky bridge a really based viewpoint,

Attached: moscow city3.jpg (2048x1361, 872.9K)

Do you hate privacy?

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>Jonestown for autists


>heavily traffic road where 'raggare' (niggers with the wrong color of the skin by accident) drives back and forth on


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>mordor posting

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>this monument for coronavirus

I'm not obsessed with it. You have by far more privacy in a megapolis in a hi rise apartment where literally no one gives a fuck who you are and what you do as compared small towns, villages, communities and american tier horizontal suburbs. Your pis is a good dacha, but to live outside of a megapolis is suffering to me. Moscow in particular, I swear to fucking god no other city gives you such a feel of being in the center of everything.

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>mordor posting

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what is the point of this?

>literally posting pidor mordor

Attached: Supermåne-2.jpg (5704x3204, 1.09M)

>Literally posting some shit field
You realize your entire country can fit into Moscow and there will still be spare place for Denmark?

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I see your Mordor and counter with Rivendell. (actual inspiration for it)

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you are right about the privacy, but thats only before you tell your neighbours to fuck off. what i hate about city life is that there is absolutely nothing to do here. its always something going on, concerts, theaters, new pubs to check out, but its all mindless consooming to draw your mind away from the fact there is nothing to do in a city. absolutely nothing.

literally heaven on earth...

As opposed to all the things you can do in the countryside?

>YWN live a comfy rural existence

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Moscow is around 15 million, that's about as much as Sweden and Denmark together. You really have to live there to feel the feel. I get that some people like province, but I can't understand picking some literal empty shithole over a megapolis.

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raise a kid here

live here any other time

looks gay, a lot of wasted space between the circles
also reminds me of pic related

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yes. i cant even fix my car here, well i can but i have to stand out on the street in cold and snow without any proper tools around me and my neighbours will call the cops if i make any noise. back home at the family place we have multiple garages and a heated workshop, and no one that cares if i fire up a grinder at 0200. when im bored of that i can go fishing, hiking, shooting, driving, fapping naked on the front yard and no one cares.

>I get that some people like province
Fundamentally they can like the provinces, but they also know they are denied equal services as somebody who lives in Moscow.
Its the fundamental flaw of the 2nd and third world, which means there is a massive long term depopulation of every single township or county that isn't a town.
Its why ghettos are so common in the third world, because they want city services which is impossible to get in countryside, but then they just move together in a poor neighborhood and make it worse.

I would argue a lot of people like there involuntary, trapped by the need for services and wages.

>but thats only before you tell your neighbours to fuck off.
It depends, but I would take this minor risk of living in some village where instead everybody knows you.
>its always something going on, concerts, theaters, new pubs to check out
Yeah, try distancing yourself from all that and constraining to literally 1.5 bars and 3 km radius area surrounded with empty fields and half-assed sparce grows,
>but its all mindless consooming to draw your mind away from the fact there
That's why I love Moscow in particular, the place has expanse and some some really fuckhuge public parks literally everywhere.

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>moscow posting
greater megapolis coming thru

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Oh ye of little faith. Corona-chan will prove that remote work is possible.

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>they also know they are denied equal services
It's literal a literal fucking hell, yeah.
>Its the fundamental flaw of the 2nd and third world, which means there is a massive long term depopulation of every single township or county that isn't a town.
From what my friend says France is kinda similar: there's Paris and there's a half-empty country around it. IDK, I was born and lived in Syberia for quite a while and I can say I really do prefer this French/Russian type of "big city in a forest" over German "100 tiny villages scattered around".

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Never been these, but pic related tell me everything I need to know.

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Horizontal = best

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I would rather live here.

The only reason why I would want to migrate away is because of the terrible climate (cold, humid, lots of pollen). So I'd go to Spain or New Zealand or something. Austria is also beautiful.

It means you can have city centers that look like this.

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Sorry, can't hear you from my 17th floor, can you repeat pls?

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moscow is definetly on my list of places i must visit. but for living i just prefeer open space, no people around and total freedom compared to the confinement of a city.

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for what purpose? it's not a good use of space in any one or combined aspect and it certainly isn't for the fucking view

Well, Moscow and Russia is better off than Manila or Brazil.
There might be failures in communism, but urban settlement isn't one of them.

>i'm an architect, trust me, this new idea of mine will be good

Denmark without a doubt
Fuck swedish swines

You are bragging about living in a commieblock. Just so we're all above board.

It looks like a public part in my birthplace.

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...or here?

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it's not even new though
I mean even the french refused to build circular towns and cities after what, the 14th century? and even those were just normal areas with rings of road, this is too far

Poland came a long way in 30 years

Stockholm is such an excellent city. Perfect blend of big and small.

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I mean, imagine not living in hirise and living in a literal barn with zero infrastructure around instead.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-30 Moscow.jpg (1920x988, 522.44K)

Moscow has some decent parks though, Gorkij is huge

Did it?

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>zero infrastructure
Roads, water and gigabit internet. Don't need much else.

>moscow is definetly on my list of places i must visit
There's a Russian saying "one who've never been to Moscow haven't seen beauty" :)
>but for living i just prefeer open space
It depends on the district, but in general newer districts in Moscow really do give you the expanse.

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Shoo, villager, we're making Half-Life 3 great again.

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imagine not waking up with nature outside your window. i spend a lot of time in my cabin, after this coronashit a lot more time. makes me want to sell everything in the city and just move there permanently. pic related bedroom view from the cabin.

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The resent most one Zaryadye is absolutely gorgeous.

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>gigabit internet
Keep dreaming, my shithole feels like 2005, we are yet to discover optical fiber here. I don't know what the current price in Moscow is, but I think it's something around 7-15 bucks for 100 gigs.