
Women edition

Attached: 1555870830647.jpg (1024x1000, 474.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: balk beyinsizleri.png (1347x766, 325.06K)

Why every thread gets deleted?

Get bent

Attached: 1567177798958.png (824x800, 142.02K)

>Bogdan flooding & spamming
>/tr/fag being autistic
>Some Turkflag posting violence
>People giving the attention to Finflag
You tell me

Anyway.. see you later, I guess....

new thread

So far it lives on

8 or so

So, someone saved the pic of the Ukrainian?

INTJ women

Attached: 1578679010393.png (562x423, 352.76K)

Seems kinda weird, that somebody here could've believed that , /balk/
There, as far , as I understand, was no pics of ID or something with time-stamp. Would seem sketchy for me, at least


Based album. Better than Leprosy, not as wanky as Human. Great riffs.

Back to pedochan, t*rd.

Were no pics *
Grammar left the chat

>they'd rather the janitor make fun of them 8 times or more than trust xpozed
I'm not a psychologist but I think there's a term for this.

Yes cause the janny wont fuck with my IP xpozed.
Yeah she sent the pic to one of the turks

Nah. Somebody sent pic of random girl. I should probably be grateful to them, otherwise i probably could have got drunk enough to actually doxx myself

>got drunk enough

That's you, hair and hands are the same as the one on your blurred pic.

t. lazlar hayvan

Lesbian untermensch

Can hardly get more based than that desu

I don't really think you can fit people in personality boxes and I am not sure , but were authors of those tests even psychologists or something ? And also I kinda get introvert " on those tests , but I am really extroverted, so that is not true for me , at least
I mean, there are probably super models with similar hair and hands , but would be weird to claim that we are the same people

every website you visit or have visited has your ip

how many of them had 2 anonymous access options?

and how do you know someone here won't fuck with your ip whatever that means

i stand by the psychology statement

>what do you think of MBTI tests?
I introduced this to balk

No girls allowed.

Go away Ukranian attention whore.

Well, if you physically make me go away (or if i will want) - sure


lol shut up gypsy. I posed music and you got butthurt, you don't tell me what to do.

>other fins are actually super nice


Oh, I see the problem now: you're retarded.

Btw catholicism is superior.

I just was posting from my phone and it is kinda uncomfortable, so i sometimes make really stupid mistakes on my phone. Well, i will take it as a compliment, thank you, fren

seethe more you will never be entj

Can someone explain to me WHY Tito invented Macedonia? What was he trying to achieve? A republic everyone could laugh at?

how bout no


Штo дa ce вeчepa?

Attached: bajo pecam po (you)a.png (584x590, 182.95K)

Holy cringe

Attached: metal.jpg (1002x455, 103.63K)


It's not about them having my IP it's about you having my IP. One never knows what you are gonna do with it, whilst this shit board is just commercial.

Lmao yes

>brown makaco calling gypsy

Doesn't work that way subhuman.

Now answer this:

Cитe пocлe кapaнтинoв ќe бидaт +10 кг

Attached: aaa bajo sum se nakrmil.jpg (393x395, 18.39K)

If you get hungry, you can just eat small portion of something healthy, sometimes it is easier than having no dinner at all

и c дългa кoca и бpaдa

Штo ce дecи co ayтиcт бoј? My гo иcклyчијa интepнeтoт дoмa?

Who can relate??

Attached: me and girls.jpg (1280x1280, 248.2K)

/balk/ more like /deleted/


The difference between real Macedonians and slavomonkeydonians

Attached: monkeydonians.png (366x1322, 183.45K)


Attached: bohemian2.png (573x447, 36.95K)

putka be bajo

Attached: tenor.gif (298x400, 2.59M)

Hahahahaha hahahahahaha “baby I’m jacked send me your pic pls pls here’s my email I’m rich you listen to metal too” hhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhaag

Why did Tito invented Macedonia? What was he trying to achieve? A republic everyone could laugh at?

more like malaka

Attached: macedonia.jpg (792x450, 50.5K)

dude just gtfo this general already, you're a brain dead waste of space and no one gives a shit bout you

Don't forget that I also have a PhD.

Attached: smugfrog flower.jpg (225x225, 19.95K)

How does it feel to be a 30 year old virgin sperg?

Lmao. This butthurt gypsy literally can’t handle the banter.

>M-Mr janitor *sob* *sob* there’s some guys in /balk/ *sob* and they called me a *sob* *sob* a gypsy *sob* BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA please *sob* delete *sob* their posts and ban theeeeeeeem *sobs*

>you're a brain dead waste of space and no one gives a shit bout you

I'm not buggaria.

Seriously though why did Tito invent Monkeydonia?


Distance to: Macedonian
0.01437689 Romanian
0.01457343 Bulgarian
0.01527017 Moldavian
0.01540749 Serbian
0.01889882 Montenegrin
0.02125093 Gagauz
0.03002407 Italian_Northeast
0.03070960 Bosnian
0.03134797 Greek_Central_Macedonia
0.03532947 Albanian
0.03925618 Italian_Veneto
0.04027690 Italian_Aosta_Valley
0.04088492 Croatian
0.04096284 Greek_Thessaly
0.04205668 Italian_Trentino-Alto-Adige
0.04229049 Swiss_Italian
0.04343828 Greek_Thrace
0.04480763 Italian_Piedmont
0.04487364 Slovenian
0.04641908 French_Provence
0.04667815 Austrian
0.04759311 Italian_Liguria
0.04760469 Italian_Bergamo
0.04811348 Hungarian
0.04994026 French_Alsace


Distance to: Greek_Central_Macedonia
0.01172523 Albanian
0.01649256 Greek_Thessaly
0.02367849 Moldavian
0.02472547 Gagauz
0.02493105 Greek_Peloponnese
0.02848578 Bulgarian
0.02915729 Swiss_Italian
0.02978842 Italian_Tuscany
0.02997502 Greek_Izmir
0.03029279 Italian_Marche
0.03061349 Italian_Piedmont
0.03134797 Macedonian
0.03159177 Italian_Umbria
0.03374243 Italian_Molise
0.03516889 Italian_Abruzzo
0.03606945 Italian_Lazio
0.03626820 Italian_Veneto
0.03647277 Romanian
0.03777064 Italian_Northeast
0.03930798 Italian_Liguria
0.03939798 Italian_Apulia
0.04027753 Italian_Basilicata
0.04066832 Italian_Bergamo
0.04107009 Greek_Thrace
0.04175512 French_Corsica

I wouldn't know, I'm not a virgin

lol shut up turd

Attached: turks are gypsies.jpg (5528x3543, 2.08M)

>ey baybee plz send me ur pik i wont b mean 2 u im a nice guy

Attached: turks1.jpg (1816x2388, 1.17M)

lol looks like a fucking criminals gallery. those subhuman faces

They look the same.

Attached: refugyps.jpg (960x640, 77.64K)

Well, it is like contribution to trust issues, but somebody helped me with dodging in bullet even just in case, so, i guess, i feel cared for

I don’t understand what are you trying to do with posting pictures of Istanbul Kurds. I’m Albanian and if I went to ROMAnia I’d get robbed in seconds because of the fact that I look like human and my skin is pale.

Do you speak Albanian? It is quite pretty

>Someone who commits buggery; a sodomite.
>From French bougre, from Medieval Latin Bulgarus (“Bulgar”), used in designation of heretics (especially the Bogomils, who arose around the 10th century AD in the First Bulgarian Empire), to whom various unnatural practices and perversions such as sodomy were ascribed.
>from Bulgar



Huh? Did you have a stroke?

Nah, just kinda drunk, so i am probably saying nonsense

somewhat related
>randomly come across high school crush after years of no contact
>she's married now
>happy to see me
>go out twice for some coffee
>no contact for months
>happy birthday message
>she replies in a friendly tone
>has a baby now
>no contact ever since
don't feel bad about it. She's settled now so what was i expecting really?

The streets are eerily empty lads

Bu sana yardımcı olabilir, Ukraynalı. Ancak videolar Rusça...

Имa ли дocтaвa?

Attached: Albert Barbarosa.png (260x364, 174.13K)

Maybe I got it all wrong. Those are not Kurds but your cousins in Istanbul that went missing and you’re pleading me to find them. Sorry amigo, haven’t seen them. You should contact the local ROMAnian embassy in Istanbul.

Attached: 96C726FD-E673-459F-85A2-E0C2E2BE67E3.jpg (641x478, 37.14K)

>I’m Analbanian

Is that why Serbs genocided you subhuman rats? Because your skin is pale? lol gtfo hiekkaneekeri. And give us back our song that you stole for your anthem.

>if I went to Romania

You would be beaten to death, we don't like refushits.

>Istanbul Kurds
>t-those are Kurds, not t*rds!!!1

lol the eternal cope. Not to mention Shitstainbul is where you live, so it seems quite representative. Ok how about your capital then?

Attached: turks = gypsies 2.jpg (5528x3543, 2.29M)

Nope. I’m third gen. Also not interested in learninf Albanian.

You missed that train, lad

Those look like typical balkaniggers like you. Romanians are white, and you subhumans will never be European. Go back to the middle east durka.

Attached: romanian orthodox rally.png (960x638, 1.35M)

>>happy to see me
>>she replies in a friendly tone

But they look like Kurds. Half of them look Iranid. I never claimed that Turks are white, I’m not a complexed third worlder like you.


lmfao why would you "muh hurritage" as such a subhuman nation

then again between t*rd and analbanian you don't have much choice


also what's with that dumb fucked up hat? looks stupid

Attached: shqipturds2.jpg (700x473, 58.3K)

>I’m not a complexed third worlder

>like you

Attached: mystery of the.jpg (900x900, 105.49K)

there is no difference between gypsies and Turks
the Turkish government says so
and btw, if you use roma for gypsies you're just a golem for the jews


If Romanians were white you wouldnt had to save pictures of white looking people from Romania and spam them every time someone calls you a shitskin gypsy. Have you ever seen a Norwegian or German saving dozens of pictures of white looking people from their country and spam them? Nope.

she rejected me in hs

Attached: tfw-no-gf-crying.jpg (920x791, 136.78K)

>But they look like Kurds.

Riiiiiiiiiight, all turks from Ankara to Istanbul just happen to look like Kurds, sure thing shqipsy.

>Half of them look Iranid.

Iranians are actually white though.

>there is no difference between gypsies and Turks
This, they are literally the same shit (not used metaphorically).

Attached: turkshit female.jpg (1440x1092, 118.03K)

why are you drunk on a sunday night? do you want to kill your liver or smth

fuck off redditspacing fingay, i hope some nigger refugee sodomizes you to death

>Stacies and Chads clump together
life is an american teen movie

Attached: 1526223922947.jpg (759x1092, 112.28K)

what a pathetic attempt at an argument or whatever you tried to do

I'm glad that my pictures btfo you, shitskin. Too bad you can't find anything proving albos in turdgay are remotely white.

>Have you ever seen a Norwegian or German saving dozens of pictures of white looking people from their country and spam them?
They post pictures of themselves all the time, even your counerargument is stupid.

I used the term cigani but from now on I'll abide and call them Roma in your favour wherever I go

You should call them what they are: Bulgarians

Russian girls look like THAT??

it basically boiled down to "reeeee pls stop btfoing me"

Why did Tito invent you? Was it to destabilize Greece? Destabilize Bulgaria? Both?

>rapebaby cope

Do you have, like, curfew?
Sağ ol! Bu videolar oldukça faydalı. I watched few of their videos, but kinda forgot about this channel, so thanks for reminding
It is just a little bit, i can handle my drink quite well, except forgetting how to speak sentences that make sense

I'm not the Bugger with 500 years' worth of turkish semen in him.

Attached: history of bulgaria.jpg (800x1049, 269.08K)

Why the fuck are you learning turkish? Do you want the BBC (big brown cock) like all the other hohlettes? What the fuck is it with ukrainian women and turkish males?

>Mother asks if I want the sauce she made on my pasta
>I say no
>>It's a Mexican sauce, though. Why wouldn't you want it, Effendi?
>Am I Mexican?? Allah Allah...
>>You eat Hungarian food. Are you Hungarian?
Do your parents BTFO you??

do people give you funny looks when you're out?