Risk thread

I missed these games.
>use a tripcode

Attached: 1494205031318.png (4104x2866, 840.7K)

shame that nobody else missed them though

Bump A lot of people will probably join later, I hope you'll still watch this thread OP.

I'll watch it for a while.

Thank you


Quick rundown on how to play?
I might join if the rules are easy enough


Last digit determines how many spaces you invade (check the pic for exact numbers), each turn you chose which spaces to expand into. You get bonus spaces each turn depending on which full countries you control, the smaller map tells you how many bonuses each country gives.

Ok then, i think ill play



Mongolian Sattelite of Russia

id join if i could post on computer, but my wifi is permabanned

It's a bad idea to start in Moscow on this risk map.

France, gold

New Denmark, Southern British Isles, Brown

put a trip on

Alright, starting now.

Attached: turn 0.png (4104x2866, 596.8K)


Fuck, orange. Bavaria

I'll let you roll once before the next turn since you posted at the same time as me.

Fill Estonian provinces, spills go towards filling Latvian provinces.

Rolling to push into France

Can I still join?

Fill Portugal and spill into Spain

Fill Tunisia, then libya

Yes but you'll wait until the next turn to roll.

Ok then

Dark red

The Empire
Dark Red

Choose another color.

Dark olive

expand in any direction

Fill France


Just waiting on and

Just fill Iran pls

Bro fuck off France is full just expand in Germany

Fine. Fill Germany, I’m coming for France next though

You’ll face stiffer resistance than expected German scum

First turn, keep track of which bonuses you guys get.

Attached: turn 1.png (4104x2866, 608.97K)

Rolling to keep filling Germany

Fill Ethiopia

Keep filling Glorious Iran

Libya, then egypt

Fill the rest of the Estonian and Latvian provinces.

fill Greece

I dont know if i have a bonus without that little island to the left but if i dont then complete it and continue into spain (also if i get the bonus is +2)

fuck forgot the trip

kill astora

Fill France

Look how about we start a war once we’re both fully developed? If we fight now we’ll be engaged in a pointless conflict while other countries grow stronger. They’ll just pick up anyone who’s left off from the ashes and we’ll both lose ultimately.

Can I get to italy from libya?

Franco-German alliance?

Fuck I didn't notice those islands my bad, gave you guys the bonuses since I should have filled them last turn.


Of course! We need to protect Europa against the barbarian hordes who will do her harm.

Let’s stop those filthy North Africans and the gommies from the east my western euro brother

Is cyprus part of turkey or is it independent

It's part of Turkey.

Agreed the Franco-German alliance is sealed. It will be called the pact of steel.


shit, fill libya then algeria

Uhhhhh pls no betrayal

Second turn.

Attached: turn 2.png (4104x2866, 611.65K)

Fill Germany

Fill France

Appropriate dubs kek

finnish estonia then latvia

Double dubs! A fine display on both sides friend! France commends you’re tactical expertise. The Pact of Steel strengthens!!

Libya and algeria

Finish Spain and spill into Italy

Hey OP I got dubs last turn
In this turn use my roll to advance into turkey

>Double dubs! A fine display on both sides friend! France commends you’re tactical expertise. The Pact of Steel strengthens!!

Attached: soyjack(143).png (406x431, 9.97K)

It is surely a sign

Take back my provinces from blue, spills go towards invading his territory.

Sorry I missed that, I'll fix it.

Fill Ethiopia and then go for somalia and the isles and then india

We’re gonna push your shit in I hope you know that


Fill Greece then Balkans

Portugal is in between you getting to me
