Keeping your pet carp clean
Balt and australia
Other urls found in this thread:
this guy is the butthurt russian janny
why thread delete
evening, chaps
what in the fuck is happening?
bet kaip jis taip gali daryt išvis, galvojau valytojai netrina? motherfucker reikės vien lietuviškai kalbėtis
I love this
Mehmet dagestan muslim janny churka is faggot
>doing something without getting any kind of salary, material or emotional, while being butthurt
ai jo, rimtai. ant kiek turi žmogus nesveikas būt? o lietuviškai rašyt man drovu :(
Imagine not being accepted as reddit janitor, so you janitor at Yas Forums
Holy based
SHIIIIIIEEETTT used to get drunk on that shit during lunch while in highschool, good memories
What do you expect from vatnoid, do your part and shit up /rus/
už rankos gal palaikyt?
I don't get it
Jannies mad x24
Today i had sex to vagina and forced gf to blow me off later
Nothing hotter than a dripping wet pussy jeez
Have to put my art skillz to use, you know?
>i want black kids with you
uh oh
>Yas Forums is for respectful discussion of world cultures
Rate my food related apps
i thought it was about bread .....
What do you order the most?
What's LastMile?
Also, no "Litvak Market"? Disappointed :/
do u get discounts with them?
Iki food delivery. If can also order from vynoteka and few other places
>implying there are delivery times available
OOOH :O That's good shit user. TY for info.
>food apps
user... I....
Guys, people of Kaliningrad are looking at some serious trouble.
Can we help?
what are you going to do with beef?
make sweet sweet love to it
what trouble
Lithunia could make a corridor for all the people occupying there to move back to mainland where there is safety
Use it as pussy
I'm so lonely...
>Mulatto r*ssoids burning
Nothing of value lost
I suppose this is goodbye to the thread, nice knowing you lads
Dagestan chechen muslim janny churka gonna nuke the thread again ?
Fires, user :/ Lots of fires :/
If I die I die.
if you live you live
if you will want to live, you will die
if you will want to die, you will live
drew a self portrait, thanks to the kind user who talked to me and gave the idea
sorry for no feet
so what do you lads think about the possibility of full quarantine?
>that body language
doesnt look comfortable
do I sound comfortable
Ever anally masturbate with a handle of your hairbrush?
I would like to make love to you.
do I look like I have a hairbrush
bread's done boys
damn that's neat
Never gonna make it.
that is some GOOD LOOKING bread, how do you do it?
I want to hug this woman and kiss her on the cheek
with the help of my bro Duonatas here, he used to be black, but got WHITED over time
other than that you need a cast iron pot that you can put inside of an oven and that's about it
Enjoy ur AIDS