I'll live in a 100% chicano area in California for 2 months (if corona doesn't stop my plans). What can I expect...

I'll live in a 100% chicano area in California for 2 months (if corona doesn't stop my plans). What can I expect? It is not too poor.

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I grew up in an area like that.
You'll be fine.
which area?

what r u?

Santa Ana

I'm white but from a shithole ghetto (Finnish parents)

It's just rowdy . if you come from a quiet neighborhood you may not like it? But its tons of fun .

Lmao orange county ?

Ye. Is it good or bad? I know the tv show O.C but somehow I don't think it was set exactly where I will live.

No not even close. Bro you're about to experience the ghetto with to much money. What are your cross streets . I just drive to santa to pick up coke and party . not gonna lie were still bracing for the kung flu and its not looking good.

Just fuck latinas bros you don't realize how lucky you are

lmao wtf, i thought it wasnt too bad? should i be scared to venture outside? I am there to visit my fiancees family. She tells me it won't be bad but she is obviously biased.

I'm engaged

>if corona doesn't stop my plans
Too late

Home invasions with intention to kill
Muggings start after 6 pm.
Starting on Friday night til Monday morning neighborhood becomes no go zone

Only con is santa ana has a huge homeless problem. All the white nieghborhoods around santa Ana have made it illegal to camp overnight (essentially being homeless is crime) so they end up getting dumped of in santa ana . so a lot wierd things happen there n also don't give the homeless money . say sorry I don't carry cash .

>santa ana
>orange county

Yeah, it's a nice place but there are some problems with gangs.
They're not gonna bother you, though.
They typically stick to selling drugs and violence against other gangs.
The police are pretty fearsom in OC and the gangs pretty much live in fear of them. They're pursued aggressively.
Skinhead neo nazi groups tend to originate in OC, too.

But again, If you just mind your own business, you'll be absolutely fine.

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You'll be fine, CHIs are just loud as fuck. But don't leave your valuables around and expect them to be there later, it's not Scandinavia where you can keep your front door unlocked with a thousand dollar bike perched on it and have nothing happen. Beaners like to steal

>should i be scared to venture outside
You'll get funny looks because you'll stick out like a sore thumb. People will probably assume you're there to buy drugs.

Just take the same precautions you would in orten

The OC is set in Newport Beach in South OC

Thanks for the information. Seems like a shithole but handled by based police and white surroundings. Also we won't live in a complete shithole, both her parents work and earn decent. Their house is quite big.

They don't have any racist hatred against white people like some people here on Yas Forums seem to have?

>what are your cross streets

OP this is actually pretty important.
You dont have to be too specific but just nearest major cross treets will do.

>hatred against white people.
nah, they're actually pretty alright.
and I'm talking about the gangsters, too.
They tend to hate hate HATE black people, though.

Its white lefties making most of the anti white posts, chicanos do not think about white people enough to hate them

Things to know about santa ana

1food this is the best
2 car culture is huge here trucks and low riders every Sunday cruise down Bristol
3 party's every weekend.
4 santa ana has the most legal tax dispensaries in california (they're not cheap ) but all you need is id
5 there's tons of gangs here do not go looking for hard drugs.
6 santa ana has a homeless problem. White people ended up homeless here and burden the residents becuase it is illegal to be homeless in their typically afluent cities.
7 do not give the homeless money . they get 550$ to be homeless
8 the whole city is stuck in the 80s
youtu.be/5nSr89eVomM from santa ana and performs at original mikes . stay away from original mikes its all gangsters there .buts its chill

wow, flying from Sweden to visit fucking Santa Ana. hahahahahaha. can't think of a bigger waste of a plane ticket. it's a strip mall filled with spics and orientals. hahahahahahaha

Why? I don't know but it is not a poor area, It's just a normie middle class area from the way I understood it, except it's chicano.

>What can I expect?
Where you from ese?

Newport Beach talks so much on shit on santa ana for being ghetto but know they lead oc on kung flu cases lmao


it's not like Santa Ana is big. that whole area is a fucking spic dump dude. save your money

Are you a local?

I'm visiting my fiancees family it's not like I threw a dart on a map and decided I wanted to go there. I don't even like warm weather and would go to Alaska if I could decide.

Santa Ana is gentrifying quickly, especially around downtown.
The Chicanos won't give you problems but the homeless will. They are awful and everywhere.

All the rich areas oc have twice as many. Covid 19 cases than santa ana with a 1/3 of the population that spic shit hole is sounding nice Chang

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Was . I went to santa ana college and got my hvac and diesel and heavy equipment certifications there before I moved to vegas. It was pretty cool .

your fiance is a mexican?

Yas Forums is not representative of reality.
You'll have dummies who scream "nigger" and "shitskin" on here and be the complete opposite in reality.
The only thing i will say for sure is be a little bit weary with the blacks. No matter your interaction with them, theyre black and you're white, period, and they know it. It eventually always comes out. Its like we play for different teams. Southern CA is not what you think it is. Its not some super liberal and accepting place. The people are not the politicians and racism and prejudice lie just beneath the surface. Hispanics dont like blacks, whites and hispanics tolerate each other and blacks hate everyone.

What u claim, dawg?

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You'll be fine. I'm a CHI and I grew up in Anaheim. We were poor but never had a crime problem. Just be nice too the old people. CHIs really eat that up.

That is so true.

why would someone go to third world from first world?

shut up kim

Her parents are but she was born in the US. She LARPs mexican american a lot though but she wouldn't fit into Mexico at all and she is more of a spoiled SJW middle class person than any chicana gang member.

Ye that goes here aswell-

Te parto la verga si te veo en la calle sueco gringomierda. Aqui en la selva no jugamos juegos.

>Te parto la verga si te veo en la calle sueco gringomierda. Aqui en la selva no jugamos juegos

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You'll have a good time, OP.
We love visitors.y
Enjoy your stay.
Her family is gonna love you.
Mexicans are good cooks, too. They stole our hearts with their cuisine.

If you’re not black you’ll be fine. I’m not trying to meme either other OC residents will tell you the same thing. The Mexicans, Asians and whites all hate the blacks here. Also just don’t leave your suit unlocked and it won’t get stolen. Other than that Santa Ana isn’t so bad, just avoid certain residential areas and you’ll be fine also the homeless are harmless, it’ll be a shock but most of them are white metheads from the south. I don’t know how they got here but they’re here

Santa Ana is pretty nice, and it being the OC, white people don't really stand out much. If you moved to Corona, East LA, Pacoima, then you would raising eyebrows.

If your girl is a CHI you'll be 100% fine, in fact, might have a good time with the cholos. Just don't disrespect and you'll be good. I initially thought you were gonna vacation there.

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No vas a hacer nada, puta. mira, no soy debil como los otros suecos y en la selva soy rey y tu solo eres un payaso.

Serote pls

Cholo ass Swede heading back home to oc

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You heard of the ice cream man?

Fuck that guy, when you hear a ding-ding-ding coming down the street you get elotes from this gentleman now

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Other states put them on busses and send them here.
And then turn around and talk shit about us, its crazy.

Im okay with that. Those shits are bomb.

It’s funny though, the methheads talk like I’d imagine someone from the south would

Avoid the Salvadoran neighborhood, we are violent.

>some mayates robbed an elotera yesterday

I'm still mad

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Go away looser

Really? Fucking mayate niggers someone should go set their homes on fire.

They always fuck with the weak. Punk motherfuckers.


Ye I figured they'll just assume I'm white American.