
The scran man brought me this edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


got the old 'rona lads

*blocks the image MD5*

ah yes, shan't engage in that one again


grimmest thing I ever did saw this week

looks like fucking cardboard

Heard the PM caught the coronavirus. Are ya’ll worried about him?

Tell me what to get then

how bad is it

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>these pathetic specimen are who you post with all day

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Decided to start lifting to train for the Hong Kong liberation war.

why would we be worried
it's just a flu

he'll be immune before every other world leader. then he'll do what he wants

fucking nerd

i was going to ironically post peng as but this is just too grim

The last photo doesn't even have a bad wrist, disgusting desk though

about as bad as mine
we'll survive

might have the ol' BoJovid19 myself

t. last photo

suckling a pie

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I'm waiting for your demented orangutan to catch it and keel over dead

currently doing a drive

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Going to eat a whole packet of Jaffa cakes now over this lockdown induced boredom. Thanks boris

nice timepiece

say "ya'll" in /brit/ again and I will make 9/11 look like a fucking joke i swear

horrible fat bastard

You know what this is, /brit/? This is a .308, bringer of death

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don't know, never developed much body hair
I've got hair on me but it's thin and withered so you can hardly see it on an awful quality camera

They're called essential oils because they're a distilled essence of the plant, not because they are necessary for health

steady on


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Fucking hell, he has a fucking worm on his desk.

Man, I am literally posting with disgusting subhumans


He genuinely doesn't though compared to the others. Use your eyes

yeah we invented it

look how hairy my leg's getting lads haha

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Terrified that after coronavirus things will go back to the way they were before it rather than the big virus making everyone resolve to build a less shit society with supply chains that can handle shocks

The Roman conquest of Europe makes more sense when you realise every Roman centurion looked, sounded, and acted like Joe Pesci's characters in Scorsese movies

I can smell the greasy sweat flowing out of your fatty folds.

state of the mouse
state of that desk
state of that keyboard


how are your wrists so skinny? i have marfan syndrome so i have a dank excuse

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>I'm waiting for your demented orangutan to catch it and keel over dead

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I’m trying to eat some Jaffa cakes you sick cunt

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No you didn’t dipshit both the .308 and .30-06 were invented in America, fuck off

You got any spices in? If so you can get some lentils, rice, and veg for ~£2, and cook it up into a nice dahl that will make 4-5 helpings. If no spices, I'd probably opt for a simple pomodoro with some cheap pasta. Cheap loaf of bread and a couple of packs of cheap biscuits for snacking on. That'll be more than enough to take you through until Tuesday

Nope, pretty sure we did.

Anyone you know dead from Covid-19, lads?
Old woman I used to live next door to died apparently.

Depends on how quick we recover. If this blows over in a month or two, very little will change.

its a bit of a noodle mate calm down

I’m not even fat

I don't think I've ever used the word "coronavirus" as much as I have in the past four months

*enters brit*
*nothing but grim posts*
ah yeeeeeeeees

any toe-finger man in?

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UK passes Italy, 2nd only to Spain for deaths at this stage of outbreak

US deaths doubling every 3 days, curve keeps steepening

India tracking US

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he's right actually,.308 is originally British

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would require a concerted global day-to-day effort. can't expect the whole world to do that. it will be somewhat different but not significantly enough

errrrrrrrrr mate your feet genuinely look zombified

Literal fucking ape-man.

here we are, then

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have written an entire simpsons episode, the title being 'son of house simp'

Pathetic. Look here kid

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I'm addicted to Onlyfans lads

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Fine set of triples their. Wouldn’t mind taking them


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Do you genuinely have necrosis or something

Why aren't we quarantining all arrivals

>not doing GOMAD


that's a girl's leg

This is outdated.

It’s objectively not, the concept was first from Pennsylvania then produced by Winchester

Fucks sake it’s called .308 Winchester

been wearing really cheap black socks and havn't bathed in 8 days. my feet look plagueish

We'll never get past human nature. People really pay these hoes just to see their bodies naked.

really makes you think, if china hadn't lied about their actual numbers then other countries could have applied more appropriate heavy-handed measures much earlier and literally saved thousands of lives

thousands of people have died and will die because china were too embarrassed to admit the scale of the problem, this despite the fact that they were the first hit and given their population density there is no shame in being hammered as badly as they were

I'm hearing reports of people getting shot when stepping off the plane. One tried to make a run for it but was found in a nearby phonebooth when a dog walker saw him eat a soother.

I can say whatever I want on account of me being a swingin fella

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>wearing anything other than white socks
That is fucking grim. Sort your life out

Winchester was English.

shut quiet china are based

Yeah, pretty cowardly of them to risk lives by trying to save face. Hopefully people will move away from China to get shit manufactured cheaply, but somehow I doubt anything will change

i guess around 60 quid


black socks > white socks

>he doesn't wear sliders

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picking my nose lads

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they're socks
nobody's going to see them
it doesn't matter what colour they are

yeah but your chest is hairless

ooooft, hadn't even considered the possibility

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>ralph lauren
alri sheed


looks here kids

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When you think about the people trump has come into contact with, he ABSOLUTELY has the rona

showers constantly covered in a grim layer of dark scum from the black socks I always wear even though I clean it every few days

makes me feel like some feckless junkie looking at it

ralph is a white mans brand

filthy fucking mousepad
sort it out

>gaming keyboard

oh dear

is that homealone

not only is it a razer keyboard
it's membrane
get a fucking grip on life you creepy dolt

sliders are mini burgers you retard. if or feet small enough to wear tiny burgur than i lmao at your life

maybe in the 90s

>one monitor
hello working class


Manlet bastard

mental how you can put the word "gaming" in front of any product and add 50% to the price

Really hate when people touch their feet. So dirty.

>light-up keyboard
fuck off tarq

Thanks for the update, bigboy

Jews breathing a sigh of relief that the Chinaman is now the number one hated ethnicity on earth instead of them

had this setup for like 6 years

how dare she
who does she think she is

fuck's sake read the room

Fuckin red blooded American

seaside had some decent tunes going last night
didn't know he was clued in


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dont buy one of those gamer chairs for £150-£300 biggest scam ever lad

anything with "GTX OMEGA ELITE PRO RACER" etc...

buy an ergonomic office chair

>benq monitor
>razer mouse
>razer keyboard
let me guess you sit in a DX racer too?

only muzzles ever hated the jews

exactly, should use your mouth to clean them first

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he knows he's getting fucked later. just too based and cant hide it

Why don’t you wear white socks

They mass burned 14,000 bodies in Wuhan

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typing this post on my ergonomic management keyboard

genuinely been sat here for 15 minutes creased at this

nah just a cheap one off ebay


gaming dog food

can you recommend a good chair
leather preferably

selling some gaming heroin, $20 a bag

light up keyboards are gaudy anyway
women are right to mock them


at least

I want to vomit looking at this

Because of corona?

the bradleyposter replying to himself without shame

cute anime on the next thread please!

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show bobs and vagene

Antisemitism is absolute cringe

mental how you can put RGB lights that cost 50p in something and add £100 to the price

rolling around in me own filth

get an aeron chair

knew a lad who spent something like 500 quid on a fucking gaming mouse one time. he was one of those lads that would literally prioritise gaming over paying rent/bills

Not really. anti-Semitism is strong among Arabs, whites, blacks, latinos, right-wingers, left-wingers. I think it's only East Asians and South Asians that never really gave a shit about jews

deskworms need feeding

dont care

trust a snake before a jew, and a jew before a greek, but never trust an armenian

Just fed my pet deskworm called Mikey

haha saw this live
she started crying shortly after

dont care

thanks to the lad who let me know you could change your location on tinder for free. now I have a gf in 4 different continents

Happy Birthday to Priti Patel!

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alri Jewyank

can literally draw your name with the amount of dust on my desk

was he mate haha yeah

Lad I'm skyping has the most perfect clock
8 inches erect, about 6 inches thick and the perfect amount of foreskin that smooths out nicely behind the glans. Need it in my arse simple as

alri Boris


how did you know?

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it's over lads, we peaked, we'll be back to toil next week

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>South Asians that never really gave a shit about jews
they envy them

spent £600 on my monitor

brown hands

cannot stand the welsh

African not Jewish

had the black ones since long before moving into my new gaff and it didn't seem to be a problem with the shower in the last one for whatever reason

ordered an iphone xs lads

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The white man and the Jew are in this together

cases always drop over the weekend
it will shoot up tomorrow

Anyone know of any good assplay forums or places to talk about intense assplay specifically? I want to use this time at home to destroy my hole as much as possible

Cor imagine saving up all your pay for months to buy her a birthday present

two years ago i bought sims 4 on a drugged binge and really fucked myself. couldnt pay my phone bill, which turned into me not being to contact the contractor i worked for, which meant no work for a few days, which turned into not being able to pay rent. the sims ruined my life for a hot minute

Go back to posting the burning trailers instead of shutting up the thread with you gay fantasies you fucking waster

what's his end game?

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let me guess
melbourne resident

lol read a history book retard

Absolutely would

You will never wake Priti Patel up on a sunday morning by giving her a cheeky stab in her soft arse cheek with your erection.

why even live lads

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at uni i would sometimes prioritise a bottle of pepsi max etc before paying rent

no she didn't
be quiet

spent my last £800 on a gaming toothbrush


molesting vulnerable teenagers

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national socialism

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Yous are making some corkers today mind

The Jews are never "together" with anyone, not even themselves. Ask two Jews a question, get three opinions back

we're going deep, and we're going hard

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razer rgb toothbrush

yes she did
she wasn't bawling but she certainnly got teary eyed so shut up


>keeping people apart and indoors slows spread
No fucking shit. This aint ending this year sunshine

the scranners, and yes that is chocolate spread and yes i am based

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no? we hardly tested shit

>white socks with a suit
gas yourself

fuck off mark