
chebs edish

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Other urls found in this thread:


at least it was before i fucked everything up

wonder how many normoids there are in /brit/ right now

SA > VC >>>>>> III >> V >>> 2D Games >>>> IV


is there any difference between an anaesthetist and an anaestheseologist?

Want a girl like this


the phallus is erect lads

Yeah the ologist part

Apparently early in PS5 life.
HOWEVER, they make absolutely silly money from GTAV online so who knows when they'll bloody bother.

/brit/ is a shaggers general, I think you want brit/feel/

Literally if you rate GTA IV you were too young for when Vice City/San Andreas came out

GTA IV was a very boring game that took itself too seriously. This was the literal opinion when it was the most recent one.


no you didn’t you prob played it for 6 hours then got bored

/brit/ is a failed normie general and always has been

hate the UK.
if you're not a tarq what's the fucking point of living in the shithole.
fuck it. i will be emigrating in august 2021.

I'm 26 and remember playing 3 on the PS2 when it came out and being amazed by it but i remember seeing GTA4 on my mates xbox 360 and i was so blown away by the vehicle deformation in crashes and gunfights and the pedestrian physics as well as the map i literally went out and sold my nintendo wii and all its games just to buy an xbox and gta 4. I didn't regret it either it was a groundbreaking game. a total departure from anything else out there


Hungry and Horny lads, oh what to do?

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Forest Indian ITT
Also this nachos ais kiano

have you got any abnormal interests/hobbies michael
is there any aspect of your life that deviates from the norm apart from posting on /brit/

No I.
t. absolutely specimen of a virgin freak



Where’s better?

dyed my hair blonde lads



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mental how trump is literally older than the three previous presidents

playing videogames past the age of 16 is a sign that you are a manchild that will never achieve anything with their lives

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I only have mild coronavirus symptoms but whatever I’ve got has absolutely obliterated my sense of taste and smell. To test I have had:
- a teaspoon full of curry powder
- a glass of very concentrated grapefruit squash
- a clove of garlic
none of which taste of anything

really love this song


Anyone else got a minging ex boyfriend?

mad how all of the good gtas were made in scotland

Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony were better than the main game

>implying everyone failed
I tick pretty much every box for a normie

Honestly not really. Suppose you couldn’t really consider me a normie in the sense that I’m not, but I am. It’s a mindset innit

The spine isn’t a muscle you stupid fuck

and looks so much younger and more energetic than bill clinton. reckon his adrenochrome supply was all stashed away by hillary



Watching Space brothers

end the lockdowns
millions more stand to suffer from the economic downturn than those from the virus

try tasting your spunk for confirmation

Going to recreate the Super Sunday feeling by finding highlights of a goalless draw between Burnley and Crystal Palace.

Why yes, my favourite GTA is GTA IV.

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australia and canada are certianly better
netherlands, germany and scandinavia might be better
america can be better if you play your cards right

and then just fucking off to a random third world country and pissing about is also better in that its less boring

based af

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yes you failed, otherwise you wouldn't be here (under normal circumstances, not because of the quarantine)
/brit/ is filled with autists acting like normies and /britfeel/ is filled with autists acting like autists

VC was good but it isnt better than SA and its a hipster move to say you prefer it

try sniffing a spoonful of cinnamon and that'll perk you up

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People who like SA and V are the kind of people who don't have an internal monologue and thus need the gameplay to be set out and structured for them. They need strict rules and a set of objectives at all times because they are otherwise incapable of making their own fun. Meanwhile 4 chads are the kind of people who are happy to be given an actual sandbox and the tools to play in it and then they go and make their own fun out of that.

Sadly we will never get another good GTA online experience because the objectives based "i need guidance" lot have proved they'll spend an absolute fortunes worth of real money on virtual crap and take it up the ass from R* and have thus killed GTA

don't pretend you don't miss it though

What's your quarantine bevvy, /brit/?

Got some aeropressed Peruvian beans here this afternoon

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>“It’s a moveable date, it’s not like Easter” says Michael Gove

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Is this a doll?

Trust the plan

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gta? for me its driver

Third world honestly sounds the most fun out of those. Honestly reckon yankland is far more grim than here if you aren’t rich.
Would definitely rather be on the poorer side here than there

Rockstar's only truly great games are San Andreas, GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. All of those 4 broke new ground that their other games didn't.

extend the lockdown forever

could of just put some aftershave on to see if you could smell it.

Be careful I have the same thing and my mum came into my room and told me it stunk, but I dont know what of because I cant smell

what's the plan?

Just sniffed an ounce of nutmeg

alright runtoid, let's get you back on your leash

Easter is a variable date not a moveable date.

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Anybody who says anything other than vice is a pleb

I've bought every GTA except SA, there was something about it which put me off, I just can't put my finger on it

>yankland is far more grim than here if you aren’t rich.
but the barrier to being rich is lower.
you can be a tarq by UK standards in the US by just having some basic skills.

bog off sheed

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I have a positive canthal tilt therefore I'm better than you

loads of “normies” use Yas Forums these days mate
me? I’m a toilsman I only post here during toil normally as a way to pass the time although the quarantine has somewhat fucked that up





big fan of this gimmique

If you're wanting bummed then just ask pal


can't name a single thing ha

It made fun of niggers though, even if they still don't realise it's mocking them and their retarded culture


San Andeas and Red Dead 2 changed nothing. You need to remove them and add GTA 3 to that list because that game was phenomenal when it released.

Games are for children. Anytime I try to play a game I end up turning it off within 10 minutes because I realise it’s a virtual world and I can spend that time doing something better in the real world.

Chinks are lying through their buck teeth

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jewberg has done a number on your brain

Its that game your mate had that was a curiosity but not up there with gta

do you reckon she has sapient cognition?

>dude 80s nostalgia
It has an awful story, the map is tiny and dull, the gameplay is clunky.

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Indonesia is bullying us again lads

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/brit/ is a Getaway general
shan't hear any different

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Do you have hooded eyes and a good jawline la

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you ain't half bad Mikey

>Would definitely rather be on the poorer side here than there
thats only if you are an invalid and have no way of getting income, if you have a basic trade you can live a really comfy life in the states with loads of space and lots of great nature instead of living in a grim terraced house, with grim neighbours in some grim grey town or city

Bitch looks like a real doll

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mutt's law

Don't forget lads, Easter is on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the March equinox (21st).

imagine a GTA but set in cheadle

spent many of my formative years murdering prostitutes in vice city

vice city came out in 2002 and was set in 1986, a 16 year gap, but it's now been 18 years since vice city came out

right you are mikey
*goes back to manipulating the virtual economy of a children's 20 year old medieval point 'n' click productivity simulator*


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Real question is why did they downgrade GTA 5 so much? The graphics for it were terrible on its original 360/ps3 release so where did al the computing power they supposedly saved go?

Look at this shit! youtube.com/watch?v=GWVtZJo-HqI&t=27s

Cainsos are so grim lmao, at least big commercial ones... I imagine there are some billionaire ones without slots that are bearable

It's an eminence front
It's an eminence front, it's a put on

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my first wank was to a prozzie in gta

>dude gameplay lmao

Have sex

Something better than murdering virtual prozzies?

Fallout would be more fitting these days

Lies lad you play EU4 and Victoria II


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gta 4 was miles ahead of its time

Yeah, having sex with real ones


Faggot freak id snap your fucking neck and throw your body into a septic tank


think I would honestly rather moni's persistent blogging to this bender yank creep's love life

Uploaded a gta vid

EU3 and Victoria 2. Used to play them. You just get sick of them, don’t you. It’s all just the same shit like innit

GTA IV better conveys the experience of being a criminal i reckon

Just preordered final fantasy 7, what am I in for

>Update: I (F15) found my sister (17) having sex with my mom's boyfriend (46).

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>playing video games after leaving school
oh my fucking days lmao


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Crazy how they managed to give a free roaming game such a big map and better car damage simulation than most racing games and better human physics than most corridor shooter games. I don't know how anyone can find it boring that game is a masterpiece

thanks for sharing, very cool

Yeah, runnin' down a dream that never would come to me
Workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads
Runnin' down a dream

IV had the best car physics


we'd figured this out a while back

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>one year between gta 3 and vice city, the best game in the entire series
>now takes 5+ years to produce much worse games

What went wrong

its funny because you know bones would go down in one slap

Yeah agreed but they’re both nothing on GTA V really.


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Nah mate, the grim part is wasting the prime years of your life murdering prostitutes in a video game.

link pls

that is actually mad fucking hell

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do you reckon suicide rates will shoot up if this quarantine goes on for a long time
people will have to sit and listen to the thoughts in their own head and it will drive them batshit

used to love selectively crashing my car against the concrete environment to shape the front of it into a point and go driving on the street pretending I was piercing pedestrians with it, used to call it "darting" haha

It's unironically based when lads shag their step daughters when they turn legal.

It’s all personal choice but I would miss simple things like the high street and old buildings too much.
Having to drive EVERYWHERE and see the same soulless towns everywhere you go would do my head in. Not to mention how much toilberg has yanks by the balls.
As I said you may disagree, but unless I was very rich I would much rather live here

Yeah I’d tear his face off and eat it

From 2001-2008 gta 3, vc, sa, lcs, vcs and iv came out
from 2014-2020 not one gta has come out
fuck gta online

are mark grown to know the truth on "coronavirus"
it's a scam to put us all under house arrest

weird unpleasant smell coming from my fridge but doesn't seem to be anything in there that would be causing it

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no the grim part is sticking your dick in a fanny that's had at least 20 other dicks in it that day alone

>1TB SSD: full
>1TB external HDD: full
>300gb external HDD: full
>64gb flash drive: full

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do you think people will ever be nostalgic about the 2000s or 2010s? i genuinely can't imagine it, both were mostly grim decades

Well you can be sure of one thing: it isn't fish.

we're not using the Q word
it's a lockdown

Best vice city song
>A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away)
>Hall & Oates - Out of Touch

Best SA song
>Ice Cube - Today was a good day
>The Who - Eminence Front

Are you gay

Depends, sometime I play TBOGT for the NYC atmosphere, been there and it's quite close

gb external HDD
why bother?

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My first cum was to a twitch streamer



no, I just have standards

>high street
don't care
>old buildings
don't care

that said americans earn a fuck load so you can probably retire a fair bit earlier by doing any skilled job there

SA had the best country music station
Aaa~aa~aall my exes live in Texas...

for me, it was never say never by romeo void
recently found out the singer was a big fat bitch though so that's dampened it a bit

Was online a factor in taking so long between 4 and 5?

COYS literally out here eting white sliced bread and margarine in 2020 lmao

having grown up in the 2000s I've got plenty to be nostalgic about

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>bin doin a lotta finkin i fink its a scam

It's superb, I was amazed when I first played it (12 years ago wew) also has the funniest characters and best plot by a million miles of all the games in the series, only RDR and RDR2 are on the same level. It's Rockstar's magnum opus.


throw those L's up

coys is the worst tripfag on /brit/. worse than 190

Yes, especially for this and the fashion present here

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rediscovered marmalade th other day.
hadn't eaten it since i was 3.

dont put it on bread though, just put sme in my yoghurt.


>cripsy bacon

You’re a gay boy as far as I’m concerned coming out with stupid old chat like that.

Ah there's nothing wrong with playing videogames, it's like anything, everything in moderation even excess.
Never really was that in to them desu but hanging out with my mates when I were a young lad playing CoD and Halo were very happy times.
Can't play them for the life of me nowadays, it was more a social thing.

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i've had the thing since like 2010

Out of Touch for Vice City for sure
For San Andreas I always think of Two Tickets to Paradise

Nah mate this was the best Vice City song

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Disagree, filtered 190 but haven't been annoyed enough to filter coys

did you add milk or something? looks weird.

Why does Mikey destroy every enemy that presents oneself to him?




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Has there been a band that sounds remotely close to the doors since the doors?

Mid-2000s I can see nostalgia for, yeah. Also maybe 2011-2013.

What type of effeminate poof won’t shag a fanny whether it was shagged 20 times that day or not. You’re not going to marry the yoke man, you’re just feeking her. Fucking state of some of you effeminate muppets

>coys is the worst tripfag on /brit/

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love scrambled eggs but i think egg and ketchup is the grimmest thing a person can do

Do you recognise this man?

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end of an era

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coys alri desu

proper boomer about computer games me.

i play games from 2004

creasing at 2:36

love his chocolate pole

Think I got 2-3 here

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No reason there shouldn't be a 30 hour working week.

okay, we gone based mode

Don’t know

people will pine for pre social media life

fucking hell I only got 5 and they all happened when I was under 18 ahahaha

want to go bowling?

What are you playing? Been playing MGS Ghost Babel lately myself. Got a nice list of retro games I want to play.

bit disingenuous to say that these beast hogs have no underlying health conditons. Being grossly obese is an underlying health condition

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love otters me

11/25 But no bingo. Few. Just a failed Normalfag so.

Why do niggers have such massive dicks? I genuinely want to know why?

Hes dead

>tfw my headphones are broken during a global virus 'demic so I can no longer listen to peng Wehrmacht marching music in peace
Could this virus BE any more annoying???

was playing wing commander 4 (1996) earlier

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a daring twist

got 'em all
/brit/ is a shaggers general, never forget that

Somethings seriously wrong in your head lad


they come a hot environment so didnt shrink to avoid frostbite

Just order a new one, delivery drivers are essential workers

got 16
what have i become

Zinc, copper, vitamin c and magnesium down the gullet. Need to keep the immune system topped up these days

fifa 2002
age of empires 2 and 3
civ 3
half life 1
zoo tycoon

Aye, but looks what happens to people when they are given free time.

the 00s were the vidya golden age, with 2007 being the peak

just cringed me nut off

the fuck... she's morbidly obese

how she made it to 65 is a fucking miracle in itself

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Did we ever find out what caused this outbreak and confined us all ot a life indoors?


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