Why do they hate gay people?

Why do they hate gay people?

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because they hate themselves

faggots get the rope

They're a scapegoat. Uniting people against something else than Kreml.


Closet like fpbp

Non-meme answer: we missed out on the sexual revolution that was inspired by the movement of 1968. Before, the West was homophobic as well.

the west is cucked, they are not

because they're based and redpilled

I have a religious Polish gf and she hates the gays aswell. I couldn't care less about them though.

Prove you are not gay

Because it's unmasculine unatural and disgusting

If you need an explanation why unmasculine and gay is bad is because of testosterone and dominance, case closed.
Kys homo

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There are no gay people here.

Spotted the bear

classic faggot cope

No, same reason cannibalism is bad is why homosexuality period is disgusting and unnatural, sex is man and women.

they fuck men ffs, cant get more masculine than that

Why are you always so triggered, western Russia (Eastern Germany)?

Hate is a strong word for the truth of it.
We just dislike the gay propaganda being pushed in the west.

Also, a lot of the negative sentiment comes from the fact that the EU is blackmailing us to host the pride parade annually in order to continue talks for joining.
You're forcing a degenerate even on the local populace full of dildo wearing assholes and kiddy diddlers in the capital, what did you expect?

>homosexuality period
Your bleeding ass isn't a pussy

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Lol really? I see where you're coming from then

>the EU is blackmailing us to host the pride parade annually in order to continue talks for joining
i find it very hard to believe

It backwardessness. Still the West doing it all wrong too.
Statistically it's less than 2% of population are truly gay (i.e. got their real gender and mental gender displaced) those people really need medical help to keep up with that problem and society should be open about acepting them. But in the West due to leftist propaganda a lot of children are confused about being gay and the % of gay population A LOT higher than normal 2%. Russians on the other hand should understand that some people are born gay and shouldn't be shamed for that.

Imagine being so weak, identityless, pathetic you get influenced so hard your whole sexuality fully changes
NPC cope

>They fuck men ffs, cant get more masculine than that
And that's when human reasoning kicks in that male libido shouldn't be used on other men.


>lol really?
The pride parade is literally a prerequisite for every EU member, how is this new to you?

This is the truth, at least for here.
In past you had people who were pretty much known to be gay and they weren't actually actively persecuted. As long as you keep it private no one cares.

We don't like fag culture which is sponsored and pushed by the Western states. It's alien and retarded.

lol, I guess globohomo is easy to ignore when you're in the epicenter

Low level of hygiene. The shit stays on the penis.

We do?

Where did I imply any of that?
Improve your reading comprehension.

If you want a nation of that is good and masculine gays can't exist.

>Where did I imply any of that?
Improve your reading comprehension.

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Ah, soyak, the ultimate argument.

Nobody would care about those (apart from old ladies who gossip about everything anyway) if they kept that stuff to themselves

Whites are just full of hate

lol retard, just because people are disgusted by propaganda and lies, doesn't mean that it has a strong influence

>dont be gay and we wont care about you being gay
wh*toids, everybody.

Because it's a degenerate idea that goes agains the word of God

Shut up fat you already sound gay entertaining the idea
I'm not giving you another (You) after this or else that would constitute as bait

Everyone does not only them

Why do you require attention if you're a homosexual?
I'll tell you why, because in reality, according to many studies, homosexuality correlates highly with all sorts of other mental disorders.
It's not just backward thinking and stereotypes. There's a reason why historically being homosexual was seen badly in most of societies. They weren't all retarded in the past.

How about: "Don't publicly promote your mental illness to childrenand, we are cool then."?

I'm gay

>other mental disorders
And mental disorders (not all) highly correlate with societal norms and collective moral. Stop presenting only one side of the coin. People become depressed, anxious, agressive if they are viewd as inferior by the society.

And now I hate you.

>I'll tell you why, because in reality, according to many studies, homosexuality correlates highly with all sorts of other mental disorders.
Source: None
It was literally proven natural, along with heterosexuality and even pedophilia
But I guess you love cherrypicking older publications to push our agenda, like trannies do

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*your agenda
ffs, let's fix this typo or the third worlder won't understand it

We hate everything that is turkish

пoшёл нaхyй

Though I agree, Balkanites in particular are retarded when it comes to homosexuality and such, even though they are perfectly fine with genocides and organised criminal.

>They weren't all retarded in the past.
They also used to think that having a left dominant hand was bad, so I doubt your statement

they are based

Perhaps. It's still real, even in societies which are gay-friendly.

Here you go, with shitload of sources.
It was bad in a world where everything is designed for right hand.
You misunderstood my point, there was a lot of irrational in past of course, but not everything was irrational.

It seems to me you are making the argument that homosexuality is bad in a world designed for heterosexual procreation

Learned from whites, at least that's how it is in poo shithole

This is very true

Imagine executing these two boys by hanging because they were caught kissing and sleeping in the same bed together.

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Okay, even if most homosexuals have mental disorders, shouldn't we help them instead of opressing them? You help an ill person, not bash him.

But still, as I said, these mental issues I talk of, they exist in gay-friendly societies too.
Homosexuality is without a doubt a mental disorder on it's own. It's a purely political and ideological decision to not treat it as such.
You're now putting words in my mouth, I never argued for that.
Of course they shouldn't be bashed and persecuted.
But we also shouldn't allow some of them to push Western fag culture on society at large.

gays can get married but cant adopt

I think another user already made the argument that the mental disorders are related to the way the society treats minorities like gays. Even in gay-friendly societies, gay people still have to deal with an identity crisis, due to being a minority in a culture that for most parts doesn't acknowledge their existence.

I would feel no pity cutting shooting them right to the head.
Fags should be exterminated to save the future.

People who hate gays are in the most denial of being gay themselves.
Most /poltards here would be the first to get anally finessed in prison.

This is just a simple trick that fags use, as if hating niggers make you one. Or if you hate soda you become soda yourself.
It's not how it works in real life.

>In order to stop the earth from becoming underpopulated, we should kill the gays
What did he mean by this?

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Exactly there are no gay people in Russia.

Not true. Do you have any idea how many poor Russians sell their bodies to westerners to make shitty porn videos from?

Where did you find the word "unpopulated" in my message?
It's all about stopping the degeneracy that those mentally ill people bring to the society. Getting rid of them will make life of other 98% much better.

So we have a problem and you don't offer solution for it. Sadly we still haven't reached a point in human development where we can just solve any problem.
In reality it's beyond that, homosexuality is a mental disorder and it correlates with other sorts of mental disorders from biological reasons. Something is wrong with their brains basically.
It's also not genetic, no study ever managed to prove that it is.
Thus it's perfectly possible to become homosexual. It's also possible to stop being one.

I love how you and Italian think that bashing us based on our national identity is somehow gonna change our mind, and how such behavior isn't hypocrisy.

It's not even like that most if not all /poltards are already too gullible and sweet to escape a rapist from a bad prison or a rapist from a bad part of a city

If it were to happen to them I'm saying

I propose a society that is more tolerant and gives space to sub-cultures, be it religious minorities, gays or left-handed people


Tolerance of bad things leads to bad outcomes, and ironically lack of tolerance in the long run.
We still haven't achieved gay luxury fully automated space communism.
You can close your eyes to issues but they won't go away.

Oh my fucking god, a truly informed user I see

Everyone hate fags. Please kill yourself you disgusting freak.

Nobody cares about you or changing your mind
Just pointing out your "arguments" are third-world tier sourceless memes based on a "culture" older than you and most likely than your recent generations
Educate yourself