
international relations edition

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scrattering is that yoko ono giving the chunks a chinky eye look

Kek this is me

kek meanwhile you're dad finna like
>augh augh MY SON
> aughhhh.. my son's my number one
>auugghhhhh my number oooonnneeee
*goes bankrupt*
kek but here's more
not even a jehovan:
user's dad: i'm about to end my whole career
screaming and washing my hands

lads has ANYONE seen monica recently? I'm VERY worried I haven't heard from her in over 4 days, such a cute woman should NOT be left alone. PLEASE let me know if you've heard anything.

cursed thread

we all saw you post an edition back amer, far out

post shit gimmicks

literally just a flu. what the fuck are we even doing? saving the terminally ill and 80 year olds from dying a year earlier than they're going to anyway?

doesn't matter now anyway, europe has shot itself in the foot meanwhile the chinese economy is picking up the slack. the chinks have played us.

for april fool's day we should all pretend that thousands of elderly people haven't died from coronavirus ahaha

not afraid of police

getting some deja view here

ol 'rona has been wiping out the dune coon folk left right and centre

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aussies who listen to thee oh sees are the fucking master race

Schizo women starting to message me lads. I should tell her to fuck off and hang out with her 28 year old alcholic stoner boyfriend.

mental, year's flying by mate


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blah blah BLAH blah BLAH BLAH


pipe down kiddo

Yes Lachie, be rid of her mate

I miss the cheeky sexual humor with Schizo women in messages. Will probably never have that experience with another women ever again.



poor baby :c

imagine being a fucking australian into garage rock. absolute god tier combination

aye that it is, my thoughts exactly...


Do you think the job market will look different after this. People might ease off with their ridiculous hiring standards.


big fan

yeah the year

She actually did care about me for a time. But now she's "developing this new relationship & delving into pot" her words, I must distance myself from her.

just bought this lululemon hoodie

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*cries in your path*

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my mum wears that

ac/dc is perhaps the greatest band of all time


forgot the clocks went forward baka

i think there won't be a job market after this for several years. when i graduate my masters my new plan is to just fuck off on a motorbike for a while and see the world

absurdly overrated documentary

>I must distance myself from her.
Good lad, you're doing well

yanks have no self awareness

oh dear

that would be rush


Every episode was kino

Is this quarantine making anybody else tired?

On normal days I get like 6 hours sleep then smash out work, go to the gym, meet some friends after and thenc ook.

In quarantine I'm waking up at like 8, having breakfast and a shower then falling asleep again until like 2.

Anybody else experiencing this?

whats this then

>Kek this is me

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what is it?

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and that's a good thing


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who the hell is idubz? why do I never hear about these people despite spending hours a day on youtube?

>ac/dc is perhaps the greatest band of all time

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its the overwhelming burden of NEETtoil
welcome to the pit

ken burns vietnam war documentary

loved topcat as kid

Velly solly for offend gleat Japanese nation

i love rush but canadians fucking suck. they're boring assholes. australians knew how to rock


disappointing opening episode was really interesting the yank centric ones were the same as any other documentary needed more interviews with the VC veterans started out as a reassessment of the vietnam war as a nationalist struggle but basically became about nixon and hippies towards the end ho chi minh goes from being the focal point of the movie to not getting a mention in the last five episodes


>Implying you wouldn’t have topped yourself in this bloke’s situation


he puts out like 1 video a year shitting on other shitty youtubers. his other stuff is mostly cringy shit aimed at 15 year old edgelords

Ken Burn's The Vietnam War doc
The North Vietnamese and Vietminh veterans accounts were kino

favourite beatles song?

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yes think it's the clean air
had similiar problems up in the mountains with alpine air.

Did paul and the doll do this a lot? I remember a norman gunston interview where she did this.


i woke up this morning, remembered the situation, checked the front page of BBC news and thought what's the point in even being awake so i went back to bed and i just feel like shit

what was his situation

the best of the beatles

Why do they call Yorkshire 'The Texas of England'?

quite enjoyed his story seems like he got humbled pretty quickly

did a big poo

Same here mate. Still have lots of stuff to do, but if anything I’m getting more sleep but feeling more tired. Must be something about spending your time in the same 3 rooms



Shits going to hit the fan with this guy. I just hope she wasn't stupid enough to put his name on the lease for the cabin. Myself & Simon are just playing the waiting game for it to happen.

who the fuck is calling it that

the let it be sequence at the end of the vietnam documentary was kino

east anglia? ah, you must mean 'the idaho of england'

I feel like you had some interesting points here lad, but Jesus Christ, learn to use punctuation

Maxwell's Silver Hammer

imagine being alive while the beatles were the biggest british export
knowing liverpool was the cultural capital of the universe

Who the heck is Simon? Not super well-versed in your lore since you lost your virginity Lach

full of inbreds and racists

severely underestimated how hard NEETs have it. I take my hat off to them being able to do this for years on end

just want microsoft flight simulator to come out NOW

hey jew

Literally never heard this in my life.
t. from yorkshire


Seems like everyone these days


pretty cool

They explained in it that he was old and not even the real leader at that point apart from in name. Pham Van Dong and Giap had the real power

Ah yes, Norfolk. "The Tasmania of England"

Any Red Hot Chili peppers man in?


dear prudence easily



apparently they put a 'Hey Jude' poster up on the window of the Apple HQ in London and some old german jewish guy called up Paul McCartney and said he was gonna beat him up for being antisemitic haha

indulging in a hot cross bun

A bit of a dabbler myself

this fella called stephen gale is taking his two private military jets out for random aerobatics over melbourne bay recently
just fucks around doing barrel rolls and flips and shit with his mate
absurdly rich

Never been to Florida

He was the most American person there

yea me

Why do they call Birmingham "The Mogadishu of England?

it's pretty god tier.

his gimmick wore off quickly
le monotone voiced low effort man xD
become more dogshit since going mainstream too

Mental how Texas is the yanks' redneck desert inhospitable cowboy stereotype state but its population is comparable to that of Australia the country

yeah the white album is their best

imagine having a private fighter jet and being rich enough to pay the government to let you just fuck around with them literally in a city

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95% of the time it's too muggy and hot. The other 5% of the time it's filled with New York Jews. And 100% of the time it's filled with Floridians.

Florida sucks.
It might be the worst state in the union

the cuisine

lol nipples shit fuck ass tits haha

Texas is dumb cowboys but they aren't completely retarded like Alabama and Mississippi



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In my life

It's one of her Ex's but she's still friends with him. All 3 of us used to hang out and go on comfy night cruises to Byron Bay etc. Now that Schizo is hanging around with this stoner. Me and Simon have been hanging out instead.

Is it true that the Pakistani community in England has been disproportionately affected by COVID-19?

what does this have to do with British culture?


who owns it

Stephen Gale

Tomorrow Never Knows is the best Beatles track my a massive distance

what was his story

Why do they call Wilmington 'The Cleethorpes of America'?

I live in Florida

crazy how good nirvana was

Them and jews too.

Well to be fair, from his account he seems to have had the horrible, but fairly typical, experience that most Vietnam vets went through, in terms of seeing friends killed and also having to come to terms with the horrific things you have to do as a solider.

His account of how he came back to the US with all that baggage, and was then also treated like a monster but other young Americans is heartbreaking. When the guys tells the story of how he then spiralled to the point of nearly killing himself it’s hard to not wince.

The fact some tubby retard on an Indonesian puppetry forum is happy to take the piss out of him for tearing up about it is a laughable

>it's ogre

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Good lad, better for you to hang with some bloke friends and let her go

Simon is homeless & lives in his Van. He loves cars. I went for a cruise in his RX8 once

Hong Kong is the Scunthorpe of the East

end of the day it went from being a movie about vietnam and the war to an assessment of american politics couldn’t even keep its focus of being about the people on the ground for long until it half heartedly tries to tie it all together at the end just thought it was a mess desu covers up for this by being broken up into “episodes”

Why do they call Area 51 "the Cheadle of America"

based retarded floridafag

oh well at least you're in safe hands

You Know You're Right is the best Nirvana song
In Utero is the best album
they were getting better and better

Scotland is the New England of the United Kingdom

right as I read this post Smells Like Teen Spirit started playing on my playlist
mental, but yes I concur

China must be punished for what they have done

Thinking of packing up and starting a new life in Wilmington, Delaware.

Lads, if you have sex with a pocket pussy you're no longer a virgin right?

you guys are so fucked haha


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absolutely god tier album

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transition from a yank yeah kill em type to a sympathetic hippie boomer type tends to cry a lot


thats insane, soon you'll have more deaths than we have cases

Ben Stiller’s band performed it at his Bar Mitzvah, and his dad Jerry Stiller rushed the stage because he thought they were singing Hey Jew.

What's the American version of Wales? West Virginia?

why cant I have this

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shan't be letting this chinese cold infringe on my shagging rights

You guys have a lot of ICU and ventilators though. It'll bankrupt a lot of you though

just watched two niggers having it away on the ol pornhub