Native english speaker

>native english speaker
>learning another language
No, you can learn mine instead. I'm not wasting my time with your frankly completely irrelevent language, just so that I can communicate with the morons who never learned english in 2020. Your value and number of opportunities increase by so much just by learning it, you'd have to be a moron to not do so.

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we know English my man

Cringe thread

everybody can learn english with ease, the whole world will have an advantage on you if you're monlolinguet.

How you gonna have an advantage if y'all just speak English
Do you really think tribal savages in Papa New Guinea have an advantage or are superior because they know 60 different shithole languages spoken by 10 people lmao

because speaking english only is worse than speaking english and another language, are you that dumb you can't realize 2 > 1

50% of your country doesn't know english
90% of your country doesn't know english
70% of your country doesn't know english

French niggas be like yeah paganism is better than Christianity 6,000,000 > 1 haha also Papa New Guinea and India best countries in the world


El ogro de las americas...

how about you start learning spanish?, you gonna need it in upcoming decades

Who exactly are you talking to? Anyone who can read your post obviously already speaks english

I'm not learning your useless language.

>not monolingual
now that'd be impressive

I literally always know the flag before clicking on these

>i can't learn

Zero pops

doesn't mean shit, but yes if you can employ somebody with mucjh knowledges than another dude for the same price, you will get the one with more knowledges, period, enjoy your time it will nto last long when all those chinks speaking fluent english and chinese will take your lazy ass place.


>know 3 languages
>being paid mad $$$$$ for it
>collect mutt mongrel seeth curren$y online
Its all good.

Calm down, I'm not going to learn your African creole

you're unable to tho, i mean you can't even have a normal conversation in your mother tongue without baiting people since how immature you are, how on earth can you believe you can learn a foreign language lmao

>mup dip boop bixnood
Chill abdoulaye, go impregnate a French girl

>Speak 4 languages
>Only useful to talk to dumb germans and brits that enter my shop
>I wish I was dead

English is not a language.
It is a subhuman system of grunts.

>c-c-calm down random african name, this is how i have fun larping as a retard in my mother tongue, leave me alone reeeeeee

Fact: americans are fat and stupid

English is a primitive language devised by peasants. The only reason to learn it is to communicate with different cultures. It works so well because it's primitive and easy to learn but it has no finesse or soul, and nothing of literary significance has ever been written in english.
If finesse is that you seek, learn romance languages. If soul is what you seek, learn slavic languages.

ya seethe boubacar

go to sleep already you're embarassing yourself

>The only reason to learn it is to communicate with different cultures.
That is exactly why English was made.
The Normans, Vikings and Saxons needed a language to communicate with so eventually English came.

Start learning spanish gringo, we're coming


The vast majority of Latinx can't speak Spanish here lol

and what makes you think that?

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>He thinks Chicanos can speak Spanish

The longer they stay, the more they forget it. Second generation speaks it less than the first, third generation less than the second, etc.

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Just admit you're too stupid to learn another language Hayden

sooo when are you gonna learn spannish?

As said

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If you were dead who would speak to dumb g*rms and bongs?

So then why mutts complain about people speaking Spanish in the US?

>reeeeee don't speak Spanish!!!

There are thousands of examples.

i dont care obese europoor

native English speakers pronounce learnt


They hate you because you tell the truth, brother. Being born as an anglo is a blessing, as if you were born knowing all the languages in the world.
God save the United States of America

I don't exactly hate I learned English as my L3 but I wish I could transfer my fluency in the language into something else.

>How you gonna have an advantage if y'all just speak English
Like this:

C'est un américain... il est fier de sa propre ignorance.

>French niggas be like yeah paganism is better than Christianity 6,000,000>1
Christianity and Paganism are two different AND INCOMPATIBLE sets of beliefs.
Languages are more like different but compatible sets of tools. (By "compatible" I mean you can have more than one.)
By comparing both situations, I wonder if you're an actual human being or a retard.

Chill up murishart, who hurt you?

I agree

Im not going to learn Brazilian


and than your Universities have a dead language motto lel

>Im not going to learn Brazilian
Confirmed as a retard but I'm keeping the discussion for the sake of others.

In no moment I even implied you should learn any specific language spoken in Brazil as e.g. Portuguese, colonial languages, Spanish, or Amerindian languages. In fact I don't really know [or care] if you should/shouldn't learn another language at all.

You are still patting your own back saying "I'M PROUD FOR BEING IGNORANT AND LIVE IN A BUBBLE". Frankly you can't get dumber than that.

Still not learning Brazilian, imagine being proud of knowing some archaic tribal languages

retard this website is basically all in English. Who the fuck are you complaining to?

How does it feel to know that the entire world could shittalk you and you wouldn't know it, but you don't get to enjoy that privilege because everyone knows the only language you speak?

>Still not learning Brazilian
You might be slightly impaired, and unable to read and understand sentences in your own native language, so here, lemme help you a bit:
I don't give a flying fuck. You're missing the point.

>imagine being proud of knowing some archaic tribal languages
Imagine being proud of knowing A SINGLE archaic tribal language.

Don't see why I should give a fuck what anybody says if they're too craven to say it to my face. Scared if you say it in English that Anglophones will take their money away from gypsy country?
Get it through your macaco skull soup: don't care to hear anymore about Brazilian, it's an irrelevant language that'll be dead in at least a century.

posting in a based thread

Kek, americans are so retarted and easily baited.

>Get it through your macaco skull soup
It's funny how the thing uses an ad hoc borrowing in able to insult someone else... while its discourse boils down to "I proudly wallow in my own linguistic ignorance".

>don't[SIC] care to hear anymore about Brazilian
"I" don't care... remember, your archaic tribal language isn't a pro-drop language.
And I'm not talking about languages in Brazil. I'm talking about languages in general. How hard is this to understand?
But I guess your struggle to understand simple things even in your native language might explain the reason you're so proudly monolingual... or should I say demilingual?
Also, I don't give a flying fuck about what something like you wants or wants not to hear.

>it's an irrelevant language that'll be dead in at least a century
There's no such thing as "Brazilian language". Is this so hard to understand?
If you're talking about Portuguese: yeah... nah, I bet the language survives for some centuries or so, until it eventually splits into multiple, non mutually comprehensible varieties. Just like Spanish, French, English, Dutch. (Dutch is already in the way to do so BTW. Cue to Afrikaans.)

Here, have a peanut.

Go back to speaking your abo language if you don't like English

I wouldn't blame "Americans" in general but that specific thing.
And now it's arse-suming you don't like English in , because you said something that confronts it. Poor thing.

imagine being br and typing up a buncha shit nobody cares about

>imagine being br and typing up a buncha[SIC - bunch of] shit nobody cares about
Imagine being something retarded, that can't even read and write properly in its own native language (the only one it speaks), arse-suming that everyone else likes wallowing in ignorance like it does.