literally me edition
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good day, chaps
Patrick cute
How can we get this lad laid?
He doesnt seem that jolly
he died not long ago unfortunately
Thread theme
Not really?
our tax money paid for this btw
nyet make fun of russians blyat
here in Poland it is like that, people think the pre-war era was a paradise and love watching movies and videos from that time
Not really. People often point out some things that where better in Soviet times, but immediately after that they say that those things don't mater in the ''bigger picture''
Some Russian Communist are extra nostalgic, but it's only because they where in charge and now they are literally bottom of the barel
Something butifel about this
GILF here back from being banned, you'll never believe what I did kek
I wasn't talking about communism, but about the era before WW2, when Baltic countries were independent
OH. YEEE. They are mega nostalgic.
same here
>day 1 - feel weird, tired, muscles ache feell ike i have a fever, measure my temp, no fever
>Day 2 - feel totally fine
>Day 3 - start coughing, wheezing in my lungs
>Day 4 - cough gets a lot better
>Day 5 - totally fine
>Day 6 - lungs start aching randomly
>Day 7 - totally fine
What the fuck do I have some type of delayed corona?
do you have any sisters i could take care of if you die? i promise to take care of them
pic related is me
>mfw I get to see all the Soviet boomers die
wow, is this guy was allowed to get a passport and didn't have to give it back to KGB after coming back from abroad he must have been an agent
>you will never be a boomer
do Australians romanticize the 1960s?
>watching all the cutscenes in games my computer can't run
Why isn't Belarus included anymore?
not really. most people in this country know very little about Australia's past other than colonisation and the stolen generation and WW1
0 Nigg Noggs
what's ironic is that the description of the video says it is meant to increase immigration by making Australia look great
ehh, when I look at videos made by rich Polish boomers who could travel around the world in the 1980s I can see they didon't differ from white westerners at all if they had the same clothes and cosmetics, you don't even recognize the typical Polish face in them
we would be also white westerners if not communism...
>frying some eggs
>pull my balls out of my pants and hold them through a hole between thumb and index finger
>gf is cutting up some vegetables behind me
>"wow these sure are some nice eggs, take a look at them"
>thrust my balls towards her when she turns around to look
>soviet boomers got their commie flats for fucking F R E E
>subhuman imbecile parasites are selling them for like 50k€ per flat, regardless of its condition
>all going to end up in a massgraves now
>cheap flats inbound
>>soviet boomers got their commie flats for fucking F R E E
that's not how it worked
>got their commie flats for fucking F R E E
this, both my father and mother got apartments for basically free and expect me to go rent lmao, yeah no, ill rather wait till you die
would you really want to live in an old commieblock?
I hope they will be demolished one day and replaced with detached houses without fences
Informing everyone in this thread as well.
In hesīts, having chicken tortilla again
ok boom boom
Why Balts don't paint their commieblocks
we do, not all tho
>not really. most people in this country know very little about Australia's past other than colonisation and the stolen generation and WW1
But I think complaining about the boomers who had an easy life in a paradise the western countries were before 1990 is a common thing among the westerners.
>players from this country are highly respected and valued
Latvia has more players in NBA than Lithuania.
>would you really want to live in an old commieblock?
why yes I would love to have a place of my own instead of being a rentcuck or living with parents
We outsource it to young people with spray cans.
Me and frens going out for a stroll
it is but i'm sure most of those complaining could only tell you about the economic prosperity like cheap housing and good wages and not much about the culture or society itself
some do, others have a few reasons main one being that privatized flats means there's no single entity responsible for maintenance, and you need to get 50% percent of people to agree for any repairs
considering that these flats house pensioners, random poor people, drunk bydlo it's nigh impossible to get the to agree to anything
/balt/ stands for Belarus lithuaniA Latvia esTonia
I think painting changes a lot.
How to avoid commercials on YouTube on phone?
>get a job
>apply for free housing
>union collapses
>get a free house
missing some steps there, son?
Dont forget that majority of commieblocks were supposed to be temporary
isnt there ublock for phone?
that actually looks better. if all the soviets had to do to make the place look less depressing was use paint then why didn't they?
blacklist ad domains on your router
If Baltic countries have been depopulating so fast since 1991 shouldn't your housing become more affordable year by year?
t. born in 1995
Jews buy them up and then rent them out.
>if all the soviets had to do to make the place look less depressing was use paint then why didn't they?
It was considered an unnecessary whim to paint blocks. No one cared if they looked well or not as grey monstrosities, it's not like people had any choice.
It was about breaking your spirit by gray color
oh sweetie
>about the economic prosperity like cheap housing and good wages
did the White Australia policy play a role in that?
Just checked Poland's demographics over the years. Wtf, how comes your population didn't shirk?
>It was considered an unnecessary whim to paint blocks
lmao the reality was probably that they just couldn't produce enough paint
everyone wants to live in a real city, the villages are depopulating
NOOOOOOOOO soviet boomers had to work for their flats with blood sweat and tears
>the state of New South Wales has 7.5 million people
>the capital Sydney has 5.2 million people
you're in the minority for not living in Sydney, no wonder housing is fucked there
Explanation for basketball. Didn't see thread was KO'd (doh)
Nostalgia of interwar? Kind of.
>We had our own architecture (lot of new style of buildings springing up in Kaunas such as the post office, the state bank, opera/ballet theaters, other buildings and cool churches:
>We were massively exporting, a lot to UK.
We had an aeronautics industry led by a genius engineer Antanas Gustaitis which built high-end planes, including military. His last designed and created plane, before being taken to Moscow and shot:
>The country went from 4% to 20% industrialization in such a short period, all big cities were electrified, buses started running, the wealthy could buy cars, a great many choices in stores, including various fruits. Many industries were started and Lithuanian products created.
>More nostalgia points I guess, a company here makes a Kvass called "Smetoniška" referring to the period when Smetona ruled the country.
>Even though Smetona is not seen as some perfect and lovable figure. Monuments for him are not sprouting up or anything. So... guess it's just an attempt by a company to make some money.
>The populace was being educated and so on.
Is it seen as a perfect period and people just love it? No. But it's predominantly seen as a better one than the one that came after it.
You know, I feel like people would be a bit more lenient towards the USSR if they didn't destroy those national industries people took so much pride in, if they hadn't ripped apart historic/memorable/religious and new national buildings to make them into warehouses and so on. But I guess national identity had to go.
It did, just not as much as in Baltic countries.
Also it depends on how emigrants are counted I guess. A lot of people who left Poland for western Europe didn't report it in Polish state institutions, they're still registered in their Polish house so they're treated like they still lived in Poland even if they've been in the UK for the last 10 years.
We'll have the last laugh, old man
the white Australia policy meant that getting literally hundreds of thousand of chinks/indians each year wouldn't be possible so technically yes
that's just modernism m8, everyone had the same architecture in the 1930s
>didn't destroy those national industries people took so much pride in
But did they? The Soviets usually didn't destroy industry, they only nationalized and developed it. It wasn't always done in the most efficient way but still.