Is Poland more similar to Germany or Russia (in terms of culture and lifestyle)?

Is Poland more similar to Germany or Russia (in terms of culture and lifestyle)?

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To USA, unironically, since it's your bitch. Or you its bitch. Doesn't matter

russia with german gibs

Doesn't Eastern Germany kinda blend into Poland?

it's on a continuum between them

Shut up Vatnik

It's neither but gibs are German :)

Пoшeл нaхyй либepoид

Don't (you) me, cuckold

They're similar to Japan in terms of culture.

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t. putinbots

Alphabet: Germany
Looks: Mostly Germany
Wages and HDI: In the Middle
EU status: Germany

we've got our own culture and lifestyle

lol no

>Basically part of USSR from '45 until '89
Until all the commies die out, Poland will remain mentally more like Russia.
As for culture and lifestyle, majority of men do this.
>Wake up
>Go to work
>Get drunk
Sometimes points 2 and 3 swap places.

Persia to be honest broski

Much closer to Russia than Germany

Is Polish food good?
When the Coronavirus clears up, I want to try out a Polish restaurant.

I dunno since I've never been to either, but driving through g*rmany it looks similar to Poland but better maintained

That's basically true for any nation between two others

Germany has a lot of commies too, though.
Have you ever been to Berlin?

Why haven't you been to Germany yet? That seems like the most obvious foreign country to visit for Poles

>Until all the commies die out, Poland will remain mentally more like Russia.
It's nothing to do with commies, we always have and always will be more similar ethnically and culturally to Russians than to Germans.

No. Almost half of Germany was also under thumb of Ruskies so no wonder, indoctrination is quite effective.

We're basically just Catholic Russians. What a dumb question.


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Right, I'm just saying that support for communism is not unique to Russia.

Despite Poland actually bordering Germany and not Russia (besides that little piece of fake Russia)?

Neither. Poles are too subhuman.

What about Czech Republic?

>Argentina different from the rest of Latin America
>South Korea grouped with China but Japan has its own group

>Пoшeл нaхyй

Both slavic and german

Yes. They have always been a much more foreign people to us because they're not Slavs.

-t. retard who has no idea about actual cultures

Russians are somewhat mentally distant to most of Europe. Were related to Russians genetically, not ethnically. We have drastically different temperaments.

However neither the world nor the region slides along some sort of German-Russian spectrum so OP's question is retarded. If anything Germans are way more similar to Russians than anyone else in the West, with their affinity to authoritarianism and belief in the state. Were not similar to Krauts either.

are Poles independant free spirits?

why wrong?

They are from different planet

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In different times of history it was changing for sure, but since we have better records of recent history than for example XV century our view on that matter might be skewed.

But isn't the concept of Slav arbitrary? Poland uses a Latin alphabet anyway

We don't trust the state.

>But isn't the concept of Slav arbitrary?
The similarities between Slavic languages are obvious to anyone.

Nah, mind hive like anywhere else, but people pretend it's not the case.

>Russians are somewhat mentally distant to most of Europe.
They don't. I've met plenty and they're pretty much exactly the same as Poles.
>Were related to Russians genetically, not ethnically.
Lol wtf are you talking about?
>with their affinity to authoritarianism and belief in the state
Poles have as much of an affinity to authoritarianism as Russians (ie not much, most people dont care about political bullshit)

why correct?

What alphabet country used had more to do with religion and schism of christanity than anything else.

In the typical Russian soul there is much simplicity, directness and a lack of cunning, foreign to it is every affectation, every overwrought pathos, every aristocratic ambition, all the gesturing. This soul -- readily falls and sins, yet repenting even to the point of morbidity it remains conscious of its own insignificance before the face of God. Within it there is some sort of an especial, altogether non-Western democratism upon religious grounds, a thirst for the salvation of all the people. Everything remains in the depths for the Russian people, and it is not wont to express itself in a plastically facile manner. In Russian man there is so little a sense of discipline, an orderly soul, a tempering of person, he is not extended out upwards, in the stuff of his soul there is nothing of the Gothic. Russian man expects, that God Himself will set order to his soul and arrange his life. In its utmost manifestations the Russian soul -- is a wanderer, seeking for the City not here present and awaiting its descent from Heaven. The Russian people in its lower aspects is immersed in the chaotic, still pagan earthly element. But at its summits it lives in apocalyptic expectations, it thirsts for the absolute and is not ready to settle for anything relative. Altogether different is the Polish soul.

Aren't religion and language important parts of culture?

>But isn't the concept of Slav arbitrary?
Not really no
>Latin alphabet

. The Polish soul -- is aristocratic and individualistic to the point of morbidity, in it so powerful is not only the sense of honour, connected with the knight-chivalrant culture unknown to Russia, but also an obdurate ambition. This is the most refined and elegant soul within Slavdom, drowning in its own suffering fate. Pathetic to the point of affectation. The mannerisms of the Polish soul always strike Russians as artificially elegant and sweet, lacking in simplicity and directness, and repelling in its sense of superiourity and suspiciousness, of which the Polish are not free. The Polish have always seemed lacking in a sense of the equality of human souls before God, of brotherhood in Christ, as connected with the acknowledging of the infinite value of each human soul. The unique spiritual aspect of the Polish nobility has poisoned Polish life and played a fateful role in its state destiny. Russian man is little capable of such scorn, he does not love to give another man the feeling, that he is lower than him. Russian man is proud in his humility. The Polish soul however draws upward. This -- is the Catholic spiritual type. The Russian soul prostrates itself stretched down before God. This -- is the Orthodox spiritual type.

Fuck you we have nothing in common with disgusting insects

t. Berdiaev

>lol no
What was wrong in his post you inbred Anglo?

No, some people are just butthurt and pretend they're special.

T. Pietrus Ivanov



With the Polish there is a love for affectation. With the Russians however there is altogether no affectation. In the Polish soul there is an experiencing of the path of Christ, the sufferings of Christ, and the sacrifice on Golgotha. At the summits of the Polish spiritual life the fate of the Polish people is experienced, as the fate of the Lamb, offered in sacrifice for the sins of the world. Suchlike is Polish messianism, first of all sacrificial, not connected with state power, nor with success and dominance in the world... Hence there is born in the Polish soul the pathos of suffering and sacrifice. Everything is different in the Russian soul. The Russian soul is connected moreso with the intercession of the Mother of God, than with the path of Christ's sufferings, with the experience of the Golgotha sacrifice. In the Russian soul there is a genuine humility, but little of the sacrificial victim. The Russian soul devotes itself to a churchly collectivism, always connected for it with the Russian earth. In the Polish soul there is sensed a cramped oppositeness in the person, a capacity for suffering and an incapacity for humility. In the Polish soul there is always the venom of sufferings. The Dionysianism of the Russian soul is altogether different, not so bloody. In the Polish soul there is a terrible jealousy over women, a jealousy, often assuming repulsive a form, spasmodic and convulsive. This power of women, the slavishness of sex is sensed very powerfully in the contemporary Polish writers. In the Russian soul there is no such sort a slavery over women. Love plays less a role in Russian life and Russian literature than with the Polish. And Russian sensuality, with genius expressed by Dostoevsky, is altogether different, than with the Polish. The problem of women for the Polish is posited altogether differently than it is with the French -- this is a problem of suffering, and not of delight.

Russians on average rate totalitarian episodes in their past positively. They have very little problem with expansionism or curtailing democratic representation. Imperial political culture is alive there. You want to see it otherwise because you talked to some fellow soyboy zapadniks and wanked each other over your visions of muh progressive world w/o border or some other nonsense.

Russian societies continuously generate and back authoritarian regimes. Morons like to pretend this is coincidence. What can one do besides shrugging and smiling at that level of willful ignorance?

You look much more similar to Russians.
Alphabet is irrelevant when your language is much closer to Russian than to German.
Political union status is also completely irrelevant.

No Russian, not even any Ukrainians I've ever met were mentally similar to Polish people. Completely different behaviours, values

Religion in middle ages was essential for counties to even exist and not get wiped out. Foundation of Poland was bound to adoption of christianity. To this day Polacks have huge number of zealots. And there is little left of early slavic culture.

T. Jan Iwanow Russian repatriant in Poland

Why would Poles look more similar to Russians? They blend in physically in Germany

Poles are inferior to both sides anyway

Poles have a higher material culture


>Poland thread
>ruskis immedietaly start SEETHING
Totally not obsessed, right putinbros?

T. Szymon Mueller

>Lithuanian argumentation

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>Russians on average rate totalitarian episodes in their past positively.
>They have very little problem with expansionism or curtailing democratic representation.
So do Poles. If we had more of those that were successful we'd be exactly the same.
>talked to some fellow soyboy zapadniks
Nah just regular people. Not everyone's lives are warped by the prism of political ideology and historical butthurt that you use as a substitute for a personality. 90% of their population doesnt care about politics one way or another, just regular people just like here and everywhere else. You have a very warped and butthurt view of reality.

> Russian soul
> awaiting Heaven
I can provide that

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If Putin dies, who would I be, Russia-bro or Stalinbro?

Not really.

>Why would Poles look more similar to Russians?
Because we're both Slavs?

Ukrainians, Russians, Poles and Belarussians are basically the same people genetically.

T. Pietrus Smirnov

Oтcoceшь y мeня, тapтap?:)

T. Ivan Scheisseneger Ashkenazi Jewish "refugee" from Russia dying from corona in New York

We're as similar with Russians as you Anglos are with Irish

Does that also apply to Churka Russians or those Mongoloid looking ones with the epicanthic folds?
I knew this adopted Russian kid and he was pale white/ginger but had epicanthic folds, I've never seen features like that on a Pole.

pseud babble

Anglos are almost the same as germans
Wales is the same as the irish or Scots
Portugese as Spain

Should I continue?

Behave, urus dog

I actually do live in New York but I am definitely not Jewish, nor am I Slav.
I am part Hungarian, though.

Пoгaвкaй, cкoтинa тapтapcкaя

east is like that, but westrern germany are unironically bigger shithole than Podlasie desu. I don't know the reason though.

White people are arr rook same.
I know Italians who could pass for Irish and vice versa.

>I've never seen features like that on a Pole.
There are Tatar Poles as well. You're conflating nationality and ethnicity. Ethnic Russians look very similar to Poles.

We are quite formal and hierarchical in our everyday conduct (addressing each other as "Pan[Sir]/Pani[Madame]" etc.), so there is a tiny truth in that.

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He's right though.
kys mutt

I know, but ethnically Russian people seem to deviate further from the "regular white people" look than Poles.
Like Nina Kraviz, for instance

stop bitching around, we're insectoids as well and don't even try to deny it

Nah he is retarded, he does not even realize how many people got moved by force from Ukraine, Lithuana and Belarus to Poland between WW1 and now.

I was talking to a Polish grill who moved to the US and she said that she likes that she can go to the store in Pajama bottoms here, as people don't really do that in Poland


> insectoids
*Sarmatian BVLLS. Don't fall for wh*tey racism

>but ethnically Russian people seem to deviate further from the "regular white people"
You're unironically retarded if you believe that. Not to mention that there's no such thing as regular "white people".
Sounds like a German last name.

Portuguese are nothing like Spanish you twat

No. They are not Russian.

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