East asians

>east asians
>wear a mask
>many people care much about everyones health and the stabilization of public space.
>actually dont have so many deaths
>economy is still working
>even the Wuhan Chinese are starting to come back thanks to masks

>dont wear a mask
>NOOOOOOOO. HECKIN CORONARINOS NOOOOOOO. Lock everything down! Dont go outside! Stay fucking home!
>people die like pest patients from medieval ages regardless of their measures
>economy stops working
>dont have any other new option against coronavirus
>still screech like "Masks are useless! It cant be a solution! Its Chink shit!"

Seriously, where does the difference come from?

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surgical masks are useless

Masks unironically won't do anything in this situation.
Try not eating bats and other pests next time though.
That would actually help.

they are afraid of 2nd black plague and chinese arrival and nobody do nothing

In Vietnam the government had to pass a law to force tourists to wear masks. Tourists are about 60% of active cases here right now and they're spreading the virus like party favors. Still the imperialist dregs refuse, or wear their masks improperly. I myself am a westerner and I am disgusted by this behavior. Wear the mask, you fools.

No, they aren't. They're just less effective than respirator masks. If all you have is a bandana, wear that for the sake of your own life. Only an idiot would refuse to wear a seatbelt because his car doesn't have airbags.


Keep doing that, it's possibly better for Italy

I have read just now. That Covid-19 appeared after the bacteria which was created by Americans to clear the waters of Gulf of Mexico after oil spill infected the fish and killed it which was washed ashore in China and the Chinese took the dead fishand sell it on the Wuhan market.
So basically all we need to do is eradicate ammericans, so they won't create any monster-bacterias anymore and teach the chinese a proper food behaviour so the won't sell dead fish on the market. Truly the scum of the Earth.

Virgin insect mask vs Chad EVROPEAN herd immunity

oh, i thought it was because they are ugly as fuck and were self conscious about it in public

we dont live in a insectoid society where you have to ride a cramped bus to work even if you feel sick.

that shit is uncomfortable as fuck and it fogs up my glasses
no thanks, I'll just stay home and take a chance with grandma's life when I go out to buy cigarettes

We have similar news. Apparently 30-35% of our corona patients are not Japanese. I don't have the graph now but saw it in a few ours ago on a Japanese forum.

The time has come for the strongest Korean troops!
Korea will win the biological warfare first!

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Please stop eating bats, they are very bad for public health. Thank you in advance.


damn, and here i was thinking a viet was making these posts

go ahead, just die already
that's what you really want

Sorry, face masks don't work. Just decapitate chink heads, that's the easiest way to kill the chinko virus.

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Shut up fat

Where's the coronavirus?
We'll hunt them down and destroy them.

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Kill the chink virus!

Attached: unnamed.jpg (261x398, 24.34K)

Caucasians have lower IQs than Mongoloids, we can’t help it.

the mask that woman is wearing is a SURGICAL MASK intended to keep bodily fluids from being interchanged with patients that are being performed surgery on

it has 0 as in Z E R O aerosol denying properties, zero, zip, nada

pic related protects against viruses and other aerosols, your pic does nothing

stupid virtue signalling cunt

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>he is incapable of thinking anything other than what media tells him


you are just another edgy casual snowflake redditor

the media if anything are the ones pushing for memes like ''duuuuh wear a mask even if it does nothing''

stop trying to get good boy points by pointing out that you use equipment the wrong way and try to win people over over their lack of knowledge you fucking bitch

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>mfw based on the origin and the first infected people I assumed this would be just another Japanese cold to which Asians were most susceptible
>mfw Asian countries are all recovering now >while everywhere else in the world is just beginning to be ravaged by the virus
Is it possible to be more wrong?

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dont use buzzwords so much. too edgy lol
you sound new to the amerimutt culture war

I think that's even way much much worse, I (like a lot of other people) though that authorities worldwide were discouraging the use of masks because they thought people will be hoarding them to themselves, that they were "strategically" misleading people for benevolent reasons (so that healthcare workers could have the masks instead), but apparently that's not even true, it's more likely that all of those people are just idiots!


Attached: masks_macintyre.png (600x381, 42.26K)

what the fuck is a cotton blend if you're going to put 100% cotton t-shirt you might as well tell us what the other fucking half of a blend is FUCK these graph makers

Even if it doesn't protect the individual terribly much from the disease, i would assume surgical masks help prevent an infected person from spreading the virus to others, no?

n95 is good enough for general public but if you want to get technical it doesn't protect you against aerosols as much as you'd like.
you would need an N99 or FFP3 grade mask (such as M3 9300+ series) to truly feel safe.
And that tier of a mask here is at the minimum $40 each for 1 fucking disposable.

"cotton blend" just means a shirt or a fabric that is not made of 100% cotton, probably like polyester or acrylic

see , studies shows that 76% of the general public can't properly use an N95 mask.
Furthermore, 65% of medical staff, actually trained to use it, still fuck it up.

any % is better than going outside with a naked face. The west is fucked and whoever said no to masks needs to be held criminally liable.

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Or just go full retard and buy P3 filter with gasmask. Or just buy carbon pellets and make your own.

any % for the general public is certainly not ok, when there are critical shortages of masks for medical workers

Bullshit. All you need is cloth, sewing machine and rubber bands.

>All you need is cloth, sewing machine and rubber bands.

??? ???

Instead of wearing masks or not, why doesn’t China just not be a shithole.

I'm talking about cloth masks, those used by general public.

masks are placebo and asians are actually stupid

ah I see, you're just having some issues with bad reading comprehension then...


Shut up mountain dog eater.

yes cause the virus infection and spread routes arent one or always what media tells you. im not an expert ofc but for example, it can block big droplets from a corona patients snooze .
and there could be many things like this even if they are minor ones, and when everyone does this shit at the same time, the effectiveness probably becomes more than double.

Social shyness disturbing me to wear respirator

the real reason why you should wear a mask is to not infect other people if you are infected but don't show the symptoms yet, therefore stopping the spread further

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Is he okay

if masks don't work then why do doctors wear them?!?!?!

god, people are really retarded

we are simply not used to it. plus: covering your face ist forbidden by law in germany (it's called "vermummungsverbot")

it’s quite simple really you touch your face less with the mask asians are also made to wash their hands with sanitiser before they enter and leave shops this alone cuts the risk of spreading in half also they have been taking measures since the end of jan we’ve only started to get serious now

Very few Singaporeans wear masks - in fact, their government discourages people from doing so unless they are ill. Yet their score is a mere 345-0.

If we just let Japan colonize China this would never have happened.

Korea has all set to win the biological warfare!
Wear the mask! Protect your lugs form the virus.
Nobody disturb Korea.

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t. jap

>Seriously, where does the difference come from?
I'm going to guess the difference is a collective culture vs an individualistic culture. An ubiquitous attitude in the West in regards to COVID-19 is a combination of underselling it/denial ("it's just a flu, bro") and egocentrism ("I don't care, I'm young so I'm not going to catch anything serious. Much more important to go out and party").

Compare East Asia, where even during a normal outbreak of the seasonal flu those affected wear facemasks... not to protect themselves, but to protect others.

Those without a filter won't protect you, but if those infected wear masks it will contain the droplets when they cough, sneaze or even talk in close proximity. Filterless masks won't protect you from others, but it will protect others from you.

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i just saw some singa denying that on twitter. see this twatter thread. also that shit doesnt really work as a counter argument against mine.


ignore this graph. its just some piece of shit graph that doesnt prove anything.

Woah you really outdid yourself with this one, pack up we just solved the pandemic. WHO headhunters reached out to you yet?